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Video Game News and Discussion



  • Borderlands 2 drives area game reviewer insane, or maybe it's a joke or a statement or something (#2deep5you)

  • I have confirmed. X-COM is X-COM.
  • L4D2 with surround sound.. what is this game.

    Source engine games are the place to really show off mice and now sound cards.
  • Christ playing L4D2 with surround sound headphones is terrifying.
  • It's not a scary game but the fact that each special zombie telegraphs itself with big sounds makes things way easier.
  • I've always used surround sound for my fps gaming until I moved to the city. It really sucks not being able to tell when the terrorists are behind you. If I wasn't saving for PAX Down Under, I would replace my PC speakers and average headset with one of those surround sound gaming headsets.
  • L4D2 with surround sound.. what is this game.

    Source engine games are the place to really show off mice and now sound cards.
    Christ playing L4D2 with surround sound headphones is terrifying.
    You guys should play The Hidden. That will scare the shit out of you.
  • The Hidden is awesome.
  • edited September 2012

    Post edited by Churba on
  • So I just saw that Black Ops got a Mac version on Steam, which is distinct from the Windows version. Is this the first time on Steam that they've released a game for Mac and you don't get the Windows version as well?

  • Xcom. On classic difficulty with ironman mode on. Best thing evar.
  • Other than prettified interface and better graphics, is there a significant difference between XCom: Enemy Unknown (2012), and XCom: UFO Defense (1994)? Like, am I really missing something by buying the old game rather than the new?
  • This was posted on Reddit with the caption "Why isn't this a launch title?"

  • What game is it?
  • edited October 2012
    Advance Wars! Coolest handheld strategy franchise out.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • I should have known.
  • Advance wars just distilled a lot of prior, often better games into a very streamlined and easy to consume package. Very successfully.
  • This was posted on Reddit with the caption "Why isn't this a launch title?"

    [Picture of Advance Wars on WiiU.]
    Maybe because I see no real use for the TV in that.

  • This was posted on Reddit with the caption "Why isn't this a launch title?"

    [Picture of Advance Wars on WiiU.]
    Maybe because I see no real use for the TV in that.

  • This was posted on Reddit with the caption "Why isn't this a launch title?"

    [Picture of Advance Wars on WiiU.]
    Maybe because I see no real use for the TV in that.

    If the players were good, I'd watch.

    But I think AW is more of a portable title. I hope to see at least ONE on the 3DS at some point. Since the original DS got 2 AW titles, I actually have a lot of hope.

  • Steam poses remote exploit security risk.
    Just don't click/trust any steam:// urls.
  • Steam poses remote exploit security risk.
    Just don't click/trust any steam:// urls.
  • Just reading several Tweets, it seems Zynga has laid off/fired many of their employees during the big Apple news event.

    There is speculation that they did it on purpose, so the internet won't focus on them when the internet is all a buzz about the Mini-Maxi-Pad-touch-n-go.

    If that's true, that's messed up. However, at the same time why would you be working for them? Hasn't it been known that their company hasn't been doing so well for a while now?
  • For the same reason that I'm still at Best Buy, the job market kinda sucks right now. It's much better for some one who can program, but but people settle into a place to work with a company and it can be hard to move on if you don't have to.
  • One big reason for the start-up vibe is to retain employees through the good times and the bad. Yeah, your company may not be doing as well as you'd like, and maybe you could make more going somewhere else, but where else are you going to find a place with a masseuse, dog nursery, and on-campus barber? It all becomes especially important when you're spending 12 hours a day writing the actionscript for SpendMoneyVille and no longer know how to function outside of your fancy office building.
  • One big reason for the start-up vibe is to retain employees through the good times and the bad. Yeah, your company may not be doing as well as you'd like, and maybe you could make more going somewhere else, but where else are you going to find a place with a masseuse, dog nursery, and on-campus barber? It all becomes especially important when you're spending 12 hours a day writing the actionscript for SpendMoneyVille and no longer know how to function outside of your fancy office building.
    It is a good idea to retain employees, but Zynga is public, so they can't. They are obligated by law to make the (short-term) interest of shareholders their top priority.
  • It is a good idea to retain employees, but Zynga is public, so they can't. They are obligated by law to make the (short-term) interest of shareholders their top priority.
    Actually, are they required by law to make the short-term interests and not the long-term interests their top priority? As a public company, they of course have to make the interests of their share holders top priority, but I don't think the law dictates exactly how to do so, so long as they can justify it to the shareholders. Granted, most shareholders these days have the attention spans of gnats, so they kind of railroad you down the short-term road. However, there are some public companies (Berkshire Hathaway, Ford, and Toyota come to mind) that do take a long-term tack.
  • It is a good idea to retain employees, but Zynga is public, so they can't. They are obligated by law to make the (short-term) interest of shareholders their top priority.
    Actually, are they required by law to make the short-term interests and not the long-term interests their top priority? As a public company, they of course have to make the interests of their share holders top priority, but I don't think the law dictates exactly how to do so, so long as they can justify it to the shareholders. Granted, most shareholders these days have the attention spans of gnats, so they kind of railroad you down the short-term road. However, there are some public companies (Berkshire Hathaway, Ford, and Toyota come to mind) that do take a long-term tack.
    I don't know the answer, but I do know that Zynga is fail.
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