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Video Game News and Discussion



  • Microsoft Ends Work on Microsoft Flight. This isn't their classic Flight Simulator, but a new one they developed after laying off the original Flight Simulator team. Apparently this one bombed -- not surprising as hard core flight simmers thought it was too "gamey" and probably the gamers thought it was to "simmy."
  • Steam on Ubuntu. I think I need to go change my pants now.
  • Microsoft Ends Work on Microsoft Flight. This isn't their classic Flight Simulator, but a new one they developed after laying off the original Flight Simulator team. Apparently this one bombed -- not surprising as hard core flight simmers thought it was too "gamey" and probably the gamers thought it was to "simmy."
    It's a shame because I thought it was pretty cool. I got all the DLC during the Steam sale.
  • Europa Universalis IV has been announced, is planned for late next year.

    I barely played 3, so I'm going to sit out on this one.
  • Europa Universalis IV has been announced, is planned for late next year.
    wooooooo I wonder if they'll be able to get the interface more accessible.

  • Hopefully they worked on the netcode.
  • Based on how many people bought the last game, played for 20 minutes, and gave up, I'm going to predict a more approachable game that will appeal to a lot of people, but that hardcore fans of the series will hate.
  • God, I hope that game is more approachable, I wanted soooo badly to like that game.
  • I'd settle with something more like Crusader Kings II, but with less arraigning the marriages of every man and woman in the kingdom.
  • New TF2 update incoming! Seems to be adding at least a 5 player co-op mode.
    My thought process - "Oh shit, onlive is still arou...oh. Nevermind."
    My thought process - "Oh shit, onlive is still arou...oh. Nevermind."
    I'm SHOCKED.
  • I'm surprised they couldn't find a buyer. Gaikai sort of appeared out of nowhere, and managed to sell itself off to Sony, so I would have thought someone would have been interested in OnLive.
  • Shit, do you think it's too late to sell the Onlive console I got for free last year and make a quick buck?
  • Shit, do you think it's too late to sell the Onlive console I got for free last year and make a quick buck?
    You know. All the OnLive did was send your inputs over the network to a computer and stream back the video. If you could figure out the API, there's no reason it couldn't turn your TV into an awesome remote desktop for your PC or whatever.
  • Shit, do you think it's too late to sell the Onlive console I got for free last year and make a quick buck?
    You know. All the OnLive did was send your inputs over the network to a computer and stream back the video. If you could figure out the API, there's no reason it couldn't turn your TV into an awesome remote desktop for your PC or whatever.
    Hey now, there's an idea. It even has USB inputs.
  • That's something I often wondered about Onlive. Some easy way to get from graphics card to network card then back out to TV at the other end would be really handy.
  • NPR article about EA: Game Giant Forced To Play Catch Up. Interesting listen. It has a few points that several people have pointed out before.

    Overall, I just find it funny that they are finally realizing it. I never really played many EA games. I am interested in what they are doing since they purchased Pop Cap games. Why hasn't Pop Cap released more titles? I play the ever living fuck out of Plants vs. Zombies whenever I just want to wind down in bed.
    I would buy Plants vs Zombies 2 the second it is released if they ever make it.
    Yeah, I guess I would as well.
    Coming next year. "Late Spring 2012"

  • edited August 2012
    This amused me... bad form from all parties involved possibly.

    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • edited August 2012
    This amused me... bad form from all parties involved possibly.
    The interview that triggered this

    The interviewer is worse than David Brevik IMHO, basically begging him to shit on D3.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • This amused me... bad form from all parties involved possibly.
    The interview that triggered this

    The interviewer is worse than David Brevik IMHO, basically begging him to shit on D3.
    Yeah. All parties involved.
  • The interview didn't have much content, but it was good to know that the creator of Diablo didn't approve of Diablo III's changes. Chalk it up on the long list of games where development changed hands and shit changed for better/worse.
  • edited August 2012
    also, the exchange in the facebook thread isn't that uncommon an attitude in games in my experience; lots of thin skin and "what have you done lately" attitude. The big difference is that this kind of thing usually happens in a bar and not in a public forum.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • also, the exchange in the facebook thread isn't that uncommon an attitude in games in my experience; lots of thin skin and "what have you done lately" attitude. The big difference is that this kind of thing usually happens in a bar and not in a public forum.
    Yep, people have this idea that shitty forum flamewars/attitudes/trolling is something that comes from the community. It comes from the top as well people.
  • 40 Flights of Loving, the sequel to Gravity Bone is up on Steam. It's £4 but is only ~13 mins long.
  • 40 Flights of Loving, the sequel to Gravity Bone is up on Steam. It's £4 but is only ~13 mins long.
    :/ Gravity Bone was only worth it cuz it was free.
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