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  • edited November 2012
    The Wiimotes relied on waggle because they were shit. Not accurate enough to allow for a competitive test of skill. We got waggle instead. Still one of my big sore spots with Nintendo. We'll only get a waggle scenario if the gamepad turns out to be a shit device as well.

    DS microphone, you got me there.
    Wasn't the DS microphone used in one of the Mario Kart games? Also in Phoenix Wright? I dunno because I only play 3 games on the DS.

    Also, Rym. At least let it spike when the Christmas sales figures are in. So many uninformed parents are gonna buy this for their kids, those numbers will probably look good, and Nintendo has a good story to tell potential investors (who don't know much about the industry). The stock will inflate at least a little bit temporarily, before sales steady out surprisingly quickly at a surprisingly low level.
    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • edited November 2012
    Is there really a difference?
    Yes, there is absolutely a difference between "Can not" and "Can, but pointless to do so in the near future." Especially when you're making statements about what something can and can not do.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • They're adding Unity support with Wii U.
    HAHAHAHA you say that like it means anything.

    Unity already had support for the original Wii. It was in no way made available with the normal version of the engine, requiring a separate (and not publicly priced) license, as well as a normal Nintendo development kit. I see announcements relating to Nintendo shipping Unity with Wii U devkits, but nothing more.

    The problem small developers have getting on consoles has always been, and remains, that access to devkits is tightly controlled by the console makers. A large part of that process is convincing the manufacturer that you, the developer, have resources enough to both finish your game and guarantee the security of their precious devkit.

  • edited November 2012
    @Rym: I wouldn't hold on to any Nintendo stock either

    @Churba: I still don't see a difference. If I had a DVD player but DVDs wouldn't be sold until next year, what would I have? My dick in my hands.

    @Alex: Fair enough. As you've pointed out, if the real challenge is actually getting a dev kit, it'll take more than just improving the dev kit to foster more indie development. I only brought it up to argue a (silly) point that there would be at least one single innovative game, even if it had to come from the indie community instead of Nintendo's vaulted 1st party library.

    Was trying to show evidence that Nintendo is starting to lower its walls, therefore Wii U wouldn't be some wasteland of game development, where everyone has ditched out to make money on PC and iOS.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • I don't think Nintendo will lower its walls to any meaningful degree.
  • edited November 2012
    @Churba: I still don't see a difference. If I had a DVD player but DVDs wouldn't be sold until next year, what would I have? My dick in my hands.
    Okay, let me put it this way - Someone makes the statement "Niels Bohr had a pipline that ran from the Carlsberg Brewery, into his mother's house." In fact, Niels Bohr had a beer pipeline running into his own house from the Carlsberg brewery, thus meaning that person's assertion is incorrect.

    What you're doing is pointing out the fact that Niels Bohr hasn't sat down with a pint since about 1962 on account of having a chronic case of being dead, which is indeed true.

    But it doesn't magically change the incorrect statement into a correct statement, nor does it nullify the fact that he did indeed have a beer pipeline directly from the Carlsberg brewery into his house, despite that it is now rather pointless, considering his change in lifestyle, so to speak. Both points are correct, but the issue at hand is not the pointlessness of the pipeline to Mr Bohr, the issue at hand is if it exists and where.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Oh ok, now I see. You are seeking the truth (whether a second Wii U Gamepad will connect to the Wii U at launch, or not), whereas my issue actually is the (for now) pointlessness of the second pad. I'm playing fast and loose with my statements about the pad because I don't actually care about what you care about : )
  • edited November 2012
    Yes! Precisely - I agree with you that it's pointless, but I'm correcting Scott's statement about the number of pointless gamepads you can have.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited December 2012
    This is a good way to find out who's British. One question test.

    1. Do you care about Space Hulk?
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • edited December 2012
    Post edited by Xefas on
  • This is a good way to find out who's British. One question test.

    1. Do you care about Space Hulk?
    Do i care about Space Hulk? I once built my own terminator armour so that I could hunt 'stealers when left home alone.

  • Do i care about Space Hulk? I once built my own terminator armour so that I could hunt 'stealers when left home alone.
    That doesn't count, that's just being practical.

  • Do i care about Space Hulk? I once built my own terminator armour so that I could hunt 'stealers when left home alone.
    That doesn't count, that's just being practical.

    It became inpractical when the flamer started to melt the gauntlets.
  • I care for nothing but purging the xenos threat from floating assortments of ice, asteroids, and long-lost gothic spacecraft of forgotten ages in my tiny walking tank armour.
  • But we are defeated by slight ledges, the mighty astarties can not lift their legs high.
  • The Might of the Adeptus Astartes is not lessened by small ledges. Small ledges are simply heretical for standing in the way of the fulfillment of the god emperor's will by the god emperor's chosen warriors.
  • Purge all small ledges! They shall burn, along with steps that are to high, those silly doors that hopen half way up and the demonic shelfs that are just out of reach even on tippy toes. Purge them!
  • edited December 2012
    So yeah, was anyone actually expecting Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed to be any good? It's overperforming if the critics are to be trusted. Polygon just gave it an 8.5 and made it sound like a gem.

    Hmm $40 MSRP. I look forward to this one dropping quite low after a while.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • So there was a Nintendo Direct announcement at 6AM this morning. Details still fuzzy but it looks like Pokémon X and Y for 3DS will allow players to "connect globally." It's time to start dreaming so that you can be utterly disappointed when you see the eventual Nintendo online solution.
  • No! Shut up, Matt! Just...ok? Let me dream! Let a man believe!!

    Alternate response: It's about damn time, and I look forward to seeing future details about this game. The trailer looks great and has me pumped. It looks to be exactly what I want from a 3D Pokémon game so far!
  • No, the Piston is not THE Steam box. It is A box, and it will run Steam, but it is not Valve's Steam box. The actual news about the Steam box is that it's officially announced, it will be running Linux, and it's internally referred to as Bigfoot, and has a mobile counterpart (I'm thinking similar to the Shield) named Littlefoot.

    Source: Gaben himself
  • The Steam Box will also be a server. Any PC can serve multiple monitors, so over time, the next-generation (post-Kepler) you can have one GPU that’s serving up eight simulateneous game calls. So you could have one PC and eight televisions and eight controllers and everybody getting great performance out of it. We’re used to having one monitor, or two monitors -- now we’re saying lets expand that a little bit.
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