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Google Glass



  • What are the terms? Or are they under NDA?
    The main one is that you have to drive to LA or NY to get it, at your own cost, and pay $1,500 for it. So it's like Valve saying you can have a review copy of Half-Life 3 for $500 if you can get to Bellevue on your own dime. Oh, and it might not be the finished product. Congrats.

    I'm near LA. If I'd be allowed to pick it up and ship it for anyone, I'd be more than willing to do someone the solid.
  • I'm near NY and I'd definitely pick it up for you. Can't say that I'll ship it quickly, though. I might have to play around with it for a few days (or months).
  • edited March 2013
    I got in as well, and I'm happily going to pay the ridiculous price. I am gonna be that guy from T2 who has the original cyborg parts behind glass.

    It is a bit disappointing that they have picked some people seemingly at random though.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • They probably want people to pick them up for promotional reasons. Take pictures, video, maybe an interview of some kind.
  • Jason, come to LA. You and Alex can go to the event and then we can all hang out and play board games and such.
  • I'm in on that, Sonic.
  • They were quite clear about the terms when they first announced it. I guess most of you didn't actually read the announcement.
  • To be fair, I didn't read it because I didn't apply. ;-) I'd also argue it's part of modern culture to not read the terms and conditions of things. EULAs on games had a large part in that.
  • The API doesn't seem to expose information from the camera at this point. Pretty disappointing, I hope this changes.
  • The API doesn't seem to expose information from the camera at this point. Pretty disappointing, I hope this changes.
    What information do you need? Photos taken by the camera can be shared to any Glassware with the built-in menu item, so if you're writing a Twitter Glassware application, a user would select the photo they took, choose "share," then choose the name of your application, and then it would be posted to your Twitter assuming you wrote a handler for it on your end.
  • edited April 2013
    Hm, I thought they'd make the camera 1080p for sure. Well, the on-board storage is nice and the bone transducer audio is interesting for sure.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Are we calling apps for it "Glassware" now? I'm ok with this.
  • The API doesn't seem to expose information from the camera at this point. Pretty disappointing, I hope this changes.
    What information do you need? Photos taken by the camera can be shared to any Glassware with the built-in menu item, so if you're writing a Twitter Glassware application, a user would select the photo they took, choose "share," then choose the name of your application, and then it would be posted to your Twitter assuming you wrote a handler for it on your end.
    True, but suppose you want to analyze some video in real-time, now what?
  • Are we calling apps for it "Glassware" now? I'm ok with this.
    Better than "glapps".
  • Also found in the tech specs: compatible with ANY bluetooth-enabled phone. Only caveat is that GPS and SMS require Android 4.0.3.

    I was considering grabbing a Nexus 4 if I needed it to go full-compatible with Glass, and selling my Lumia 920. I probably still will but at least now I know I don't have to run out and do it immediately. Good to see the API and stuff is up. I'm going to have to set aside some serious time to sharpen my coding skills.
  • When this hits, Rym and Scott should just do a couple of vids, taken through glass explaining how all the stuff works. Hell, just do a geeknights episode with accompanying footage seen through one of their glasses. We can all pretend to be Rym while Scott makes funny faces in our general direction.
  • I'm already poking at the APIs.

    I've never been more motivated to write software than I am right now. The trouble is that I'll have to focus mostly on display ideas. The grand stuff like auto-lookups of obstacles and rules based on words said in a Burning Wheel game are beyond by abilities.
  • but you need to fail a lot to be able to advance. :-p
  • Another "if you have Google Glass you're an asshole" blog post, but it ends with "I want one anyway" so I'm not really sure what's going on.
  • The opening scenario is how only an asshole would act and they would act that way without glass.
  • He didn't even need to develop his own hack. I take it they meant that loading your own APKs on stock systems would be removed when they said Google approval only.
  • edited April 2013
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • Trogdor, you're the forum's copy editor.
  • edited April 2013
    Robert Scoble wrote a big post on Google+ about Glass. Surprising nobody, he absolutely loves it.

    "This has changed my life. I will never live a day without it on."

    He has also said on Twitter that all of the critics, such as those mentioned in previous posts in this thread, that "the critics of Glass are very wrong, very wrong indeed. This is a magical product. Life changing."
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • edited April 2013
    A $250 Glass would be a day-one purchase for me.
    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
  • image
    You stupid idiot.
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