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Oculus Rift



  • edited April 2016
    Ikatono said:
    Enjoy? It's like 70% of the reason I still bother to use reddit.

    Even better, people posting on reddit criticizing Gizmodo for posting "Manufactured controversy", which was manufactured by reddit in the first place. People are shitting all over Gizmodo for "Garbage journalisim" for not getting the facts right, for something sourced from the same place they're bitching about it, this is fucking brilliant.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • I got more this vibe from it:
  • Churba said:

    Ikatono said:
    Enjoy? It's like 70% of the reason I still bother to use reddit.

    Even better, people posting on reddit criticizing Gizmodo for posting "Manufactured controversy", which was manufactured by reddit in the first place. People are shitting all over Gizmodo for "Garbage journalisim" for not getting the facts right, for something sourced from the same place they're bitching about it, this is fucking brilliant.

    I dunno, I can't really make the connection since Gizmodo has a hired team of writers and reddit is whatever bullshit people feel like posting. I think it would be more applicable if you made the connection between reddit and Gizmodo's comments (which are also hilarious).
  • Starfox said:

    I got more this vibe from it:

    I meant Sonic's case, not the reddit thing. And now I can't edit the post. Thanks, Scott
  • edited April 2016
    I was more thinking along these lines.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Ikatono said:

    I dunno, I can't really make the connection since Gizmodo has a hired team of writers and reddit is whatever bullshit people feel like posting. I think it would be more applicable if you made the connection between reddit and Gizmodo's comments (which are also hilarious).

    When you get right down to it, the Giz article is just a minor re-write of the UploadVR article, which in turn is a broad re-write of the reddit post they sourced from originally. Writing staff or not - speaking of, said staff should have done due diligence and actually checked with someone who knew anything about the applicable part of the law - it's still just a reddit comment, but with spit, polish, and a lick of paint.
  • edited April 2016
    I had started to lean more towards the Vive, but the more I look at the coverage the more I'm starting to lean back towards the Rift. It seems a little less imposing from the headset standpoint. And while I'm interested in the novelty of doing a full room experience I don't have any spot where I could reliably set anything like that up. I'm mostly interested in the headset experience. Either way I'm probably gonna wait until my birthday before I consider one or the other. By that time things will have had a little time to flesh out some more and they should both be a little more readily available at that point.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • I'm obviously biased, but Touch is gonna be super legit ;)
  • Vive mic quality (or rather the lack thereof)

    Compare to the Rift's
  • After reading Ben Kuchera's Vive review I've put to rest any dark urges to switch from Oculus to Vive. It seems like a solid product in its own right, but Oculus will win on polish (once touch eventually arrives). Only thing it lacks is that pass-through camera.
  • Which Jeff Gerstmann was most like "Well, it's there". But I have heard at least a couple people say that they really want that, which seems strange.
  • It just seems like something that would be useful in a room-scale setting. The ability to have the camera input fade in as you exit the boundaries of the defined room-scale space sounds like a great feature (although substituting this for some sort of wireframe holodeck wall would probably be almost as effective).

    I did see some very interesting usage of the camera in tilt brush, where people turned on the camera with a low opacity, allowing them to trace 3D objects that were in front of them.
  • Daikun said:

    So, have any Rifters experienced any Facebook ads or Like buttons yet?

    And there it is.
  • How does your movement change advertising? Maybe you're more active or something so send you advertising for workouts.
  • Will Smith's FooVr looks really innovative and fun. Hopefully it really goes somewhere!
  • I downloaded Oculus Home and created an account yesterday, just so it's done already when the Rift comes in. Saw a $1 pending charge from Oculus on my Amex today and got excited, then I realized what I'd done (put same credit card on as my payment method for games via Home).
  • Oculus emails going out issuing a further 2 month delay to all existing pre-orders. I didn't think a company could fail this hard, but you've got to understand at least some basic level of psychology here. Give people a reason!
  • Andrew said:

    When I want to comment but legally cannot

  • Seems to fit lol.
  • Delays just happen and addressing them is usually a no-win situation. When it comes to it people want explanation but in aggregate they don't have the empathy or time to handle one.

    If everyone has been following along with every detail, it's one thing. But as soon as the headline outpaces the.context then it's not a good time.
  • I think we can all agree here that Andrew stayed late at work one day, and as he went to turn the lights when leaving, he fumbled around and accidentally flipped the "cancel order with parts supplier" switch, even though there was clearly scotch tape over it.

    I do have some basic level of empathy here. I am sure nobody wants to make this whole thing work more than the people trying to get orders out on time. There's either some misguided decision from the top holding back a proper PR strategy, or some legal reason. After all, while I'll always say it is better to give people a reason when delaying, you don't want to become Wil Wheaton and start throwing people under the bus. If it's a sticky issue, and there's no explanation sort of "it's all that guy's fault," then it really is unfortunate.

    My excitement for VR hasn't subsided, but my eyes have been on the launch of Touch since that was pushed into the fall, so not getting the headset for a while isn't a huge disappointment. I feel like Touch is when shit is going to be *real* and I'm going to have everyone and their brother try this thing out.

    My two worries are that this would somehow delay the Touch (hopefully completely unrelated problem, and one that doesn't pull too many resources to resolve), and that this will somehow sour the market. This stuff is too good to fail! My stance was always that the angry internet would turn into a puppy the moment they got the product in their hands and nobody would remember this silliness. Hopefully further delays don't jeopardize that.
  • Andrew said:

    Andrew said:

    When I want to comment but legally cannot

    And please do not take my postulating here as trying to coax you into saying something you're not supposed to. This is just my place on the internet to ramble long-form. I know you're smarter than that. You're living the dream!
  • edited April 2016
    Social VR is going to be yuge

    Post edited by Andrew on
  • For real. The feeling of intimacy produced by the natural movement of other "players" in VR spaces today is unnervingly real.
  • So Oculus Rift exclusives are already ported to the Vive, not sure how this will effect choice.

    It's weird reading journalist opinion pieces who observe VR as gaming only and being super overpriced (considering the price of the Plastation 3 and other Bluray players on release. I doubt the Sony VR is what revolutionises everything (just because of the number of Playstation owners and the projected lower entry cost).
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