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Pax East 2013



  • This time tomorrow I'll already be home packing and doing last minute shenanigans.
  • This time tomorrow, still be at work. Leaving Thursday afternoon. Will pack tomorrow night.
  • I am way more nervous about going this time around than usual. I wonder what that's about.
  • I am way more nervous about going this time around than usual. I wonder what that's about.
    Me too. I have this feeling like I'm forgetting something or something is going to happen that will prevent me from going or getting delayed.
  • Emily and I mostly packed on Sunday. All I have to do is print pocket ponies and review slides a few more times.
  • I am way more nervous about going this time around than usual. I wonder what that's about.
    Me too. I have this feeling like I'm forgetting something or something is going to happen that will prevent me from going or getting delayed.
    You know, I never would have mentioned this had you both not, but I've had a vague sense of unease about this PAX for the last week or so.

    I have no logical reason for it, so I've dismissed it out of hand, but nonetheless I have felt it.

  • I'd do the "you are all worried due to ZENKAIKON" joke here but I already did that twice. Have a good time while PA is enjoying the nice sunny weather.
  • I think it might be the weather, but it seems to have cleared up somewhat.
  • I have an uneasy feeling about the hotel. I really need to call and verify that I actually have a room.
  • You didn't get the confirmation email on Monday from
  • I think it might be the weather, but it seems to have cleared up somewhat.
    The weather, or the mood? Although now that you mention it I look out my window and the freezing rain seems to have stopped.
  • I'm doing a new (and pretty legendarily tough) department this time, so I'm attributing jitters to that.

    On another note: A school friend of mine is coming along who's going to be moving to Redmond in two months. Ro, would you mind if I introduced him to you, and let you crush him in a few board games?
  • It's because I'm not going to be there.. Thus you may be attacked by giant robots while one of the vital parts of your super robot is missing.
  • edited March 2013
    On another note: A school friend of mine is coming along who's going to be moving to Redmond in two months. Ro, would you mind if I introduced him to you, and let you crush him in a few board games?
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • On another note: A school friend of mine is coming along who's going to be moving to Redmond in two months. Ro, would you mind if I introduced him to you, and let you crush him in a few board games?
  • I am only mentioning this once more: Best cheap sea food in Boston is at The No Name Restaurant 15 Fish Pier St W South Boston, MA 02210

  • You didn't get the confirmation email on Monday from
    I did, but my reading of all the emails seemed to indicate they would charge my card long before now. No charge has appeared. Hence I worried. But it seems fine, I called and everything is all set. I feel no more unease, bring on the PAX.
  • I have an uneasy feeling about the hotel. I really need to call and verify that I actually have a room.
    Hahaha, good luck with that.

  • edited March 2013
    I have an uneasy feeling about the hotel. I really need to call and verify that I actually have a room.
    Hahaha, good luck with that. went well...
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Just sayin. We actually HAD a reservation and still didn't have a room. This whole hotel policy of "we don't guarantee you two beds even if that's what you reserve" is bullshit. You cannot put 4 people in a room with a King bed without serious difficulty.
  • GeoGeo
    edited March 2013
    This time tomorrow, still be at school. Leaving Thursday morning. Will pack tomorrow night.

    Post edited by Geo on
  • edited March 2013
    The weather is shaping up nice. Not too wet, not too windy. All I can really ask of Boston.
    Just sayin. We actually HAD a reservation and still didn't have a room. This whole hotel policy of "we don't guarantee you two beds even if that's what you reserve" is bullshit. You cannot put 4 people in a room with a King bed without serious difficulty.
    You don't have to tell me, I got the floor all last year as a result of that boondoggle.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • I love how they expect you to pay $180 a night for the privilege of not having enough beds for the people you booked the room for. Somebody gets to pay $45 a night to sleep on the floor!
  • That boondoggle cost me Friday. I'm still mad about that. Right now? I could choke a bitch at that hotel.
  • I'm confident your weekend will be better than mine.

    Unless they fuck up the rooms again.
  • One of the legendary PAX stories among my friends is when the Sheraton wouldn't give us the two double beds we reserved at PAX East 2010, and after a very stern talk with some managers, I got us a suite.
  • I threw a very controlled fit at Shibaricon when I had a reservation that guaranteed two double bed and they tried to fuck me over for the weekend. I had already stayed in a King room with a cot for the first night because they said they could transfer us to the 2-bed room when one cleared out the next day. Then the next day, they tried to say they couldn't do that. I'm pretty sure the manager decided it would be easier to deal with a different irritated customer than to continue having me in at the front desk making a scene.
  • Neito/Yuyuke, if you didn't get a room yet, make sure you check the E forum. Someone just posted about having room at the Westin to take a few people.
  • So if there isn't enough space in the Tabletop Theatre to record video of the GeekNights panels, have you thought about just recording the audio and then posting it as episodes?
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