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Pax East 2013



  • So if there isn't enough space in the Tabletop Theatre to record video of the GeekNights panels, have you thought about just recording the audio and then posting it as episodes?

  • Tomorrow is packing and reboxing Netrunner.

    Thursday, I put on a chicken mask.
  • So, I just saw something great in the schedule.

    Saturday. 7 PM. Console Tourney. J. S. Joust.
    I sooooo wish I wasn't on shift for that.
  • So, I just saw something great in the schedule.

    Saturday. 7 PM. Console Tourney. J. S. Joust.
    I sooooo wish I wasn't on shift for that.
    Explain to me why I would want to go to this?

    I haven't looked at the schedule much yet, so much work to do before I leave. I'm not gonna get to it before the train ride up.
  • So, I just saw something great in the schedule.

    Saturday. 7 PM. Console Tourney. J. S. Joust.
    I sooooo wish I wasn't on shift for that.
    Explain to me why I would want to go to this?

    I haven't looked at the schedule much yet, so much work to do before I leave. I'm not gonna get to it before the train ride up.
    Getting the opportunity to play JS Joust is rare as it is. When do you see 16 Move controllers linked up in one place? If you're not familiar with the game, it's pretty simple: you carefully walk around the room and try to jostle other player's motion controllers to knock them out of the game. Last man standing wins. It's pretty damn cool and a very creative use of the hardware.

  • So, I just saw something great in the schedule.

    Saturday. 7 PM. Console Tourney. J. S. Joust.
    I sooooo wish I wasn't on shift for that.
    Explain to me why I would want to go to this?

    I haven't looked at the schedule much yet, so much work to do before I leave. I'm not gonna get to it before the train ride up.
    Because it may be one of your few chances ever to play J.S. Joust, which is awesome.
  • So, I just saw something great in the schedule.

    Saturday. 7 PM. Console Tourney. J. S. Joust.
    I sooooo wish I wasn't on shift for that.
    Explain to me why I would want to go to this?

    I haven't looked at the schedule much yet, so much work to do before I leave. I'm not gonna get to it before the train ride up.
    Because it may be one of your few chances ever to play J.S. Joust, which is awesome.
    There is a JS Joust club in Philadelphia now, it is not as rare as you might think.
  • I'm just about finished packing! We will be there on Thursday doing some gaming at the Westin before the Pokecrawl - I'm bringing Castles of Burgundy since I've been craving it lately, but that's all I can easily fit. 24 hours until I leave!
  • Want to try to play this at PAX. Highly doubt they'll have it in library, but maybe I'll just wind up buying a copy.
  • Want to try to play this at PAX. Highly doubt they'll have it in library, but maybe I'll just wind up buying a copy.
    My local game stores have like 3 copies of those.

  • Omegathon finals, and lots of other things, will be on for all you non-PAXers.
  • It will be HARD to beat the Prime Omegathon finals. That was some intense shit.
  • Rarg. 20 minutes. Then I don't fly out till ~2 PM tomorrow. See you guys at the Westin Lobby possibly for games ~10 PM tomorrow.
  • Cash gotten, I'm ready for PAX. :P
  • 30 minutes until I am done with this work! ^_^
  • 30 minutes until I am done with this work! ^_^

  • I am done with my work, but I have to sit here for the rest of the day and some of the day tomorrow not doing much.
  • I still have work to do. But get to pick up my special shiny panelist badge tomorrow which I hope will give me an early look at the swag bag.
  • I still have work to do. But get to pick up my special shiny panelist badge tomorrow which I hope will give me an early look at the swag bag.
    I wonder how late badge pickup runs on Thursday.
  • I still have work to do. But get to pick up my special shiny panelist badge tomorrow which I hope will give me an early look at the swag bag.
    Let me give you a sneak peek at the swag bag.

    A small M:TG tutorial deck of a single color. A LoL code for some skin that LoL people want very badly, but nobody else cares about. A whole bunch of flyers for shit you don't want. The program. Maybe a demo disc or two, most likely for some F2P games.

    Keep in mind I haven't actually seen the PAX East 2013 swag bag. But I am willing to bet moneys that I am accurately guessing the contents based on every PAX I have been to.
  • Actually, given the current block of M:TG cards, I'd be very surprised if the tutorial decks were two-colors.

    So, there's that, you know....
  • Soon the forum will be slightly dead. As one of many who cannot join you all at PAX, we'll keep the light on for you.
  • I still have work to do. But get to pick up my special shiny panelist badge tomorrow which I hope will give me an early look at the swag bag.
    I wonder how late badge pickup runs on Thursday.
    Officially, it's 1-5PM. Unofficially, there should be people there from 8AM-8PM to give you your badge.

  • edited March 2013
    Actually, given the current block of M:TG cards, I'd be very surprised if the tutorial decks were two-colors.

    So, there's that, you know....
    Based on the fact that they've been handing out the same decks for 4 years, I'm going to assume there is a cave filled with them, and that they won't be printing new ones anytime soon. Expect the same.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • I'm hoping there's a custom die, but I think it's unlikely.
  • Let me give you a sneak peek at the swag bag.

    A small M:TG tutorial deck of a single color. A LoL code for some skin that LoL people want very badly, but nobody else cares about. A whole bunch of flyers for shit you don't want. The program. Maybe a demo disc or two, most likely for some F2P games.

    Keep in mind I haven't actually seen the PAX East 2013 swag bag. But I am willing to bet moneys that I am accurately guessing the contents based on every PAX I have been to.
    I would not bet moneys against you on this.

  • I'm hoping there's a custom die, but I think it's unlikely.
    Nope. They're fairly picky about making you pay for semi-expensive Fatpacks or Premium Sets to get Spindowns.
  • Everyone make sure you pack your badges first. ^_^
  • Also pack your custom lanyards that you always forget.
  • Boston folks: A coworker said his friend in Boston said it snowed 16 inches. Is that true?? I thought it was only getting a couple and it'd melt by PAX.
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