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Video Game Hype Thread



  • I so can't wait for this to come out on PC in a few years.

  • Dubyaz said:

    Soo battleborn equals tf2 or overwatch with smite thrown in? Just found out the game existed and seems like they are jumping after blizzard?

    Open Beta was released in Australia last year. Bethesda were / are chasing the competitive gaming market.

  • I wonder how many competitive games with players who are paid to play/win the market can support.
  • Dubyaz said:

    I wonder how many competitive games with players who are paid to play/win the market can support.

    How many sports can the market support?
  • Hrmm good question... Quite a few when I think about it, so in retrospective a bit silly to ask that question. I also suppose with graphics beginning to reach a plateau that also alleviates the need for graphical overhauls that may or may not necessitate a new game which covers my second thought.
  • Dubyaz said:

    Hrmm good question... Quite a few when I think about it, so in retrospective a bit silly to ask that question. I also suppose with graphics beginning to reach a plateau that also alleviates the need for graphical overhauls that may or may not necessitate a new game which covers my second thought.

    Not sure what games you've been playing but graphics aren't plateauing. Graphical overhauls still occur in these games. League of Legends did an entire map, character, texture overhaul and is continuously updating older models and textures.
  • More my thought that once we reach 8k which is in the near future there wont be much left beyond framerate improvement which also has diminishing returns. More of a plateau in what the human eyes/brain are capable of perceiving once that is reached which probably won't be long from now graphics will have plateaued.
  • Dubyaz said:

    More my thought that once we reach 8k which is in the near future there wont be much left beyond framerate improvement which also has diminishing returns. More of a plateau in what the human eyes/brain are capable of perceiving once that is reached which probably won't be long from now graphics will have plateaued.

    Seems relevant to previous book club selection, WOOL.
  • I don't mind spoilers.

    The fighting game for me. Here is the best quote:

    “I don’t know if Counter-Strike would be better if, you know, to throw a grenade you had to do a 360 motion with the mouse,” Killian told PC Gamer in a preview. “You could make that game, and it would change the game, and that would have impact on gameplay, but does it make it a better game? Not that I can tell.”
  • Agreed, however I'm not sure whether I have time for the beta signup.
  • Yes, that will actually be pretty awesome!
  • Apreche said:

    Europa Universalis in space is coming.

    I am EXCITE

  • Apreche said:

    Europa Universalis in space is coming.

    I'm throwing money at my screen and nothing is happening
  • Oh awesome, another game where you move one slider one spot and your whole freaking empire implodes and 5 neighbors invade.
  • I actually had this happen recently. I"m still plotting my revenge on Lithuania and Austria, on yes, they will feel the might of the Ottomans.
  • There were plenty of exciting games to see at PAX, but I had seen many of them before. Like for instance.

    However, there was one new (to me) game that really stood out.

    Descent + Roguelike = Sublevel Zero

  • Super Mario Maker is easily one of the most anticipated games that I saw at PAX. The Omegathon easily increased the hype as well.

    For myself, it's all about the Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer and Yoshi's Wooly World that I'm all about. I also pre-ordered the Animal Crossing 3DS bundle, because crack.
  • I can't wait for the successor to the Wii U, so I can get Mario Maker.
  • Super Mario Maker is one of those games that would have been so easy to fuck up. Pitfalls everywhere. And Nintendo seems to have avoided them all.
  • edited September 2015
    There's a pretty solid case for Wii U ownership at this point. In terms of exclusive content available now through the end of the year, you're looking at:

    Good exclusive Wii U games:
    - Smash
    - Mario Kart 8
    - Splatoon
    - Runbow
    - Pikmin 3
    - Bayonetta 2
    - Mario 3D Land
    - New Super Mario Bros U
    - Captain Toad
    - Pushmo World
    - Wonderful 101
    - ZombiU
    - Hyrule Warriors
    - Nintendoland
    - NES Remix 1&2
    - Dr Luigi
    - Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

    Still coming out this year, TBD whether they are good:
    - Mario Maker
    - Rodea the Sky Solder
    - Yoshi Wooly World
    - New Starfox
    - Xenoblade Chronicles X
    - Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water

    Bad exclusive Wii U games:
    - Mario Party 10
    - Game & Wario
    - Wii Party
    - Mario & Sonic
    Post edited by Matt on
  • You can knock ZombiU off that list now that there's a port to other systems, but the WiiU has an incredibly solid list of games to play. I've finally started playing Splatoon and it is very fun. It's probably not for Rym and Scott though, knowing what they like in shooters.
  • I've definitely been on and off with playing my Wii U. But I've sort of been like that with every console. I need to go back and play Bayonetta and play some more Splatoon but the server issues REALLY turned me off from that game. Smash and Mario Kart I want to go back to some. There were a handful of games I was really into for a bit but then just stopped playing because they didn't hold my interest. Among those being things like Hyrule Warriors, Wonderful 101 (there is some bullshit in that game), Captain Toad, and Dankey Kang.

    Mario 3D World is the most fun I've had playing a 3D Mario game in a long time. I thought those Galaxy games were pretty decent, but they just didn't click for me the way they seemed to with other people. 3D Land I didn't much care for but I beat it. I think part of why I liked it so much was it works well as a co-op game and me and my buddy spent a weird amount of time drawing Miiverse shit with the stamps.
  • This was basically hidden at PAX, but there's an F-ZERO clone coming.
  • I'd say my server issues with Splatoon were limited to <10 occurrences in 90 hours of play, and most of those were "couldn't find a match because of server issue" which immediately resolved the second time I hit the matchmaking button. I have now reached A rank though, and am retiring. I will only dip back into the pool after they add a significant amount of new content. Many others games in the sea that need to be checked out.
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