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Video Game Hype Thread



  • Apreche said:

    This was basically hidden at PAX, but there's an F-ZERO clone coming.

    Is that a wii u exclusive indie game? That feels weird to me for some reason.
  • Apreche said:

    This was basically hidden at PAX, but there's an F-ZERO clone coming.

    Is that a wii u exclusive indie game? That feels weird to me for some reason.
    There were easily four straight-up Smash Brothers clone "indie" games in that expo hall. One of them even had fucking percentages at the bottom for the four characters.

    Almost every indie game we talked to described their game as some other non-indie game, but then tried to sell that it "isn't just a clone."

    The Gnomoria guy was the funniest in that regard.

  • edited September 2015
    Props to Cloud Grove, though. The guy claimed it was inspired by LOLO, but it looked nothing like it.

    Reminds me more of Triple Town.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Blood Bowl 2 is almost here, but between Rocket League and Netrunner I'm all set as far as gaming. Sorry Blood Bowl.
  • Xcom is on sale, if you don't already have it, but it's cheaper to buy it in the two pack along with The Bureau, a gripping story about furniture.
  • I will wait for the DLC "The ottoman pack" is quite appealing.
  • Their Shadowrun games have been good, so I can assume they'll make this a success as well.
  • I trust them mostly because they have Jordan Weisman on board. If someone was Kickstarting the return of Mega Man and Inafune was on board, or the return of Castlevania and Koji Igarashi was on board.

    Wait a minute...
  • edited October 2015
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Looks like I can stay with Endless Space and be just fine.
  • New DOOM multiplayer looks like Quake 3.

  • id Software have been behind in the fps scene for a long time. No innovations here.
  • you mean so far ahead that they haven't had to do anything :-p
  • That is Quake Live sounds and such, I bet like they were saying they are working on backend stuff and just put a lot of reused elements from quake live in it.
  • Apreche said:

    New DOOM multiplayer looks like Quake 3.

    Which is a good thing for game play as that engine and game lasted the test of time.

    Hopefully it will be a good arena shooter, the footage looked a bit slow when Bethesda first revealed it at a game show. Problem is if ID are targeting the console market there are concessions made to reduce the skill cap.

  • Detective Pikachu is coming. I'm looking forward to solving some Pokecrimes.
  • Pokemon meets Phoenix Wright? Objection! I mean Pee-KAT-choo!

    Detective Gumshoe/ Detective Gum-chu
  • I really want Detective Pikachu to be like Detective Conan solving lots of grisly murders and shit.
  • "We've got two suspects on the Ekans murder. Death by shock. Thing is? They're twins. A Plusle and a Minun. Both claim the other's guilty."
  • This Geodude was brought in for using Rock Polish until it was exhausted on the subway this morning.
  • So we found this guy selling some illicit performance enhancing potions outside the PokeGym.
  • Headline: Detective Pikachu electrocutes black teenager, mistakes bottle for gun.
  • Wait, are there even black people in the world of Pokemon?
  • Wait, are there even black people in the world of Pokemon?

    There are now, yeah. IIRC, the first black person in a pokemon property was in 2010 or so.
  • What about Brock?
  • What about Brock?

    Brock is clearly an Orange
  • edited January 2016

    What about Brock?

    He's originally Japanese(or the Pokemon world equivalent) just like Ash and Misty are meant to be. I'm pretty sure he's some sort of stereotype of a Japanese area, but I can't remember which one off the top of my head.

    The first African black person in Pokemon was/is Lenora/Aloe.
    Post edited by Churba on
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