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Video Game Hype Thread



  • If you own titanfall(and even if you don't, but seriously) the season pass is currently going free.
  • Does anyone have experience with PS TV? I am looking at getting one because I have a ton of Vita games from PS+ but no Vita.

  • The short version is that it works just fine with games that have been made compatible, which most of the indy games on PSVita should be.

  • Ori and the Blind Forest is beautiful, difficult, and legit in every way.
  • edited March 2015
    EDIT: Hang on. Something's breaking...
    Post edited by Daikun on
  • Nice work Material Defender!
  • My brother and I bugged our parents to buy a joystick to play Descent on PC which lead us to Mechwarrior.
  • Splatoon. Fun, but $60 is kinda steep for me right now.

    Splat Roller. OP.
  • I almost puked the first time I played Descent. I was pretty young when I played it, it was just sensory overload, so I never went back to it.
  • Dazzle369 said:

    I almost puked the first time I played Descent. I was pretty young when I played it, it was just sensory overload, so I never went back to it.

    I also had some motion sickness the first time I played Descent. That lasted about a minute and then I never had it for any game ever again.
  • My experience of any motion sickness ever has been, spinning around really fast and Descent.

    Never experienced motion sickness with any other video game, before or after playing descent. It's specifically Descents fully 3D manoeuvring that just completely throws of your bearings.

    I'm sure if I played it today, I'd have no problem adjusting.
  • I'll get excited about doom only after I see some actual gameplay. Not before.
  • Apsup said:

    I'll get excited about doom only after I see some actual gameplay. Not before.

    Agreed, but let's play some old Doom.

  • Old doom? I'm down.
  • I'm gonna laugh so hard if it has iron sights.
  • Hype? Hype!

    (but seriously, play this game; it's amazing)
  • At first I thought it was going to be a Metal Gear Solid game, because of the TACTICAL ESPIONAGE in the upper left. Kind of looks like the old MGS tactical espionage action words.
  • I don't know how much crossover there is other than the engine between the Wolfenstein New Order games and Doom. Wolfenstein had a few weapons that could be iron sighted but you hardly had any time to use a zoom function when you were playing. I do look forward to it.

    Regarding Invisible, it seems to be XCOM + rogue like because your unlocks stay unlocked? The campaign was mentioned to be short but if the maps are randomly generated it could have lasting power. Hell I still play XCOM once in a while.
  • Dave's explanation of it on the Fast Karate forums made it sound definitely not like a game I would be interested in playing. It's sounds like its a story based roguelike thing. But the story is like 5-6 hours long or so.
  • MATATAT said:

    Dave's explanation of it on the Fast Karate forums made it sound definitely not like a game I would be interested in playing. It's sounds like its a story based roguelike thing. But the story is like 5-6 hours long or so.

    Yeah the shortness was also something brought up by the Polygon review whereas the thing I like about XCOM is the immense length (however you can accelerate the pace based on your macro worldwide actions or slow it down or if you want to deal with Exalt or rank up your mutations psi's, cyborgs, technology and so on you can. Hmm, I really want to play a new XCOM mission now. I'm only comparing Invisible to XCOM because everyone keeps saying how similar they are (however it seems like XCOM is a deep game while this one is a quick play around thing).

  • Price point would also make a difference. If a 5-6 hour rogue like is $50, no. $15-$25, now you're talking.
  • edited May 2015
    Well more so what I was trying to point out is in FTL you could get to the final boss in about an hour or so, which wasn't that bad. Part of it is that you could manage a play through with not a ton of time. Xcom I think is different because you can save and retry if you screw up. Dave didn't say but it sounded like you couldn't go back to a save if you screwed up. Maybe you can. And I think there is a similar setup in xcom but I wouldn't be interested in that.

    Having to play a piece of content that I could play through in an hour or so is fine to me. Or if I can keep my previous progress. But that game sounds like if you screw up then you'll have to play through the same 5-6 hours to get back to where you were before. Sure you might have some unlocks from before. But that just sounds like something I'm not really interested in doing. Some games if I forget to save and have to replay like two hours I'll just stop playing the game.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Dark Stars, the "anti-shmup."

    It's still in beta, and the author is asking for feedback.

  • °˖ ✧◝(○ ヮ ○)◜✧˖ °

    I know it's gimmicky, but it's so cute!
  • Just saw the comments for Invisible, Inc. The game definitely has too short of a game time, but if you play a custom game, you can tweak just about everything about that game(pro-tip: the KO extension parameter only effects the melee KOs, which makes Nika a powerhouse on beginner).

    Turned my focus to Satellite Reign for a longer burning cyberpunk game and had a blast with the early access. My only complaint is that the combat reminds me of old GTA.
  • I'm looking at the above game and it appears to be more programming work but I still want to play it (what is wrong with me?).
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