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Video Game Hype Thread



  • edited June 2015
    I did all the ridiculously easy ones in just a few minutes. Next time I play I'll start on the ones that actually take some thinking. The real maddening thing about this game is that the nodes only have one usable register. Yeah, you can use the BAK register sometimes, but it's only sometimes helpful. Also, you can only write enough code in one node to fill the box. Even a comment eats up space!

    The result is that you really have to do a lot of parallel processing. My brain doesn't work that way. Most of my solutions I had one node doing most of the real work, and the others just moving data around. It might be impossible to solve these other problems that way given the constraints.

    What's really frustrating is that it would take me about 10 seconds to solve even the hardest problems if I could just write in Python or C.

    Now THAT would be a pro level solution. Write a compiler that takes Python or C and outputs TIS-100 ASM. MWAHAHAHAHA!
    Post edited by Apreche on
    Inxile seems to be a pretty great company, Wasteland 2 of what I played so far is a great game (just waiting for it's free upgrade to Game of the Year edition to play it in full), waiting to see how Torment turns out but it should be good as well. Now they are starting Bard's Tale IV and it's 20 dollars for the first so many backers plus you get a free game (Wasteland 2 or Witcher 1 or 2) if you pledge in the first 24 hours. Looks like a good deal from a company that keeps delivering quality product.
  • If you like hacking things in assembly, is a similar "game", and you actually learn stuff too!
  • Bethesda just put up a countdown with an image straight out of the Fallout series. So, it's either fallout for, or Batty have reached new, unexplored heights of trolling.
  • edited June 2015
    They HAVE to say something about fallout 4 at E3.

    Wasteland 2 was really fun but they ruined parts of it with bullshit. You almost need to respec unless you know what you're going to do pre game. Fallout (and other such CRPGs) have this issue but wasteland 2 was pretty rough about it. Luckily all their saves were just xml files so pretty easy to edit.

    They also unfortunately padded the game with some stupid fetch quests that were a bit too hard for their own good. The game has some balance issues with things randomly ramping up in difficulty too often. This is where the newest obsidian game shines. No build will truly fuck you over and they balanced it very well.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Whoa. That's awful nice of them, but they've been not doing it so long I kind of expected them to not do it forever.
  • Starfox said:

    Whoa. That's awful nice of them, but they've been not doing it so long I kind of expected them to not do it forever.

    I think they had to make sure their account security was at a reliable point.

  • I heard they made these changes in order to comply with EU laws.
  • Fallout 4 - Don't buy it! Wait like 2 years and get the bundle with all the DLCs and such. Fallout 3 was the game that taught me this lesson.
  • Apreche said:

    Fallout 4 - Don't buy it! Wait like 2 years and get the bundle with all the DLCs and such. Fallout 3 was the game that taught me this lesson.

    Yea Fallout 3 and New Vegas were way cool a year or two later, Game of the year editions for like 10 dollars in a steam sale :-p If we all wait we won't cause each other to be jealous really :-p
  • Even if you buy it right away, it's not like you'll have time to play it before the deluxe editions come out on sale.
  • Fallout 3 will forever be known at the game that killed my "play my entire Steam library in alphabetical order" quest. A through E was a pretty good run, chaps.
  • It probably won't be out until next year. Honestly even though I bought the goty version of new Vegas I basically didn't touch any of the dlc. There was a summer where I played the shit out of fallout 3 and played some of the dlc and it kinda sucked and not worth it. So I dunno, if you're gonna wait for a sale anyway might as well wait for the goty version but I'll probably. Buy the base game and Just play that like every other game.

    There's usually a reason some of that content was cut in the first place :P

    Unless it's like stuff the started working on separately. That can be good. Like the bioshock content. But even then I never played that stuff.

    This isn't going to sell very well. Can't upgrade graphics card and it can only play games compatible with Steam OS (linux) and it cost as much as current gen consoles.
  • The controller looks cool though.

    This isn't going to sell very well. Can't upgrade graphics card and it can only play games compatible with Steam OS (linux) and it cost as much as current gen consoles.

    That is only one company's take on the Steam machine.
    "Steam Machine" is just a logo or brand to stamp on your device. Many other manufacturers have recently released ITX systems that run discrete graphics cards and are displayed at CES running nVidia Titan and Broadwell combos.
    These machines obviously will be at a much higher price point but if you want something that competes with console level hardware and can also be your box that streams your primary computer (and you don't have an HTPC or any other streaming box for games) then the i3 version of this sounds sort of fine, I don't actually know what people who spend $450 on a piece of hardware expect.
  • Pegu said:

    The controller looks cool though.

    More buttons on the back, finally!
  • Dazzle369 said:

    Pegu said:

    The controller looks cool though.

    More buttons on the back, finally!
    Yeah It will probably be the first game pad I buy since the extra Nintendo GameCube controllers I got when that was a thing.
  • I preordered one. Still skeptical I'll dig it but hey, I'm giving Valve the benefit of the doubt.
  • Seeing as I have no PC controller at all, Steam Controller looks like a contender… when Bloodstained comes out in 2017.
  • I'd rather they take their time and get it right than rush it and botch the heck out of it.
  • What would it take for Sony to allow Steam on the PS4?

    Or could someone mod the console enough to make it work?
  • Wyatt said:

    What would it take for Sony to allow Steam on the PS4?

    Or could someone mod the console enough to make it work?


  • I don't care to get a PC for my TV, and I have a few games on Steam that I'd like to play on a TV.
  • Wyatt said:

    I don't care to get a PC for my TV, and I have a few games on Steam that I'd like to play on a TV.

    Well, if you don't care to get an HTPC, you're SOL. We told everyone so, many many many times. An HTPC is the only box you ever need under your TV. It does everything. Throw all the other boxes away.
  • And that is you opinion.
  • Wyatt said:

    What would it take for Sony to allow Steam on the PS4?

    Or could someone mod the console enough to make it work?

    I doubt it will ever happen. Some games are "released" on both, but games not specifically blessed for PS4? I wouldn't hold my breath, and mods likely will open a can of worms you don't want to open.
  • Wyatt said:

    And that is you opinion.

    Fact: An HTPC can play any video game ever created, except for the very very few which are exclusive to very new consoles or arcades which can not yet be emulated. No existing video game console can play even a fraction of the games available on PC.

    Fact: An HTPC connected to the Internet can access and play almost any visual media content ever recorded by humanity. All stand-alone proprietary boxes such as Roku, cable boxes, video game consoles, etc. have access to libraries of media that are miniscule by comparison.

    Fact: If you have an HTPC connected to your television, there is little reason to have any other boxes whatsoever. Your media center will be neat and tidy with just one box. If you do not have an HTPC, but want to enjoy a wide variety of video content, you will need many more boxes and have a much more cluttered media center.
  • A Chromecast would have solved most of the "OMG YOU NEED TO SEE THIS" at FRC parties by allowing multiple devices to stream directly to the TV. Instead we keep fighting over the keyboard.

    I like the Roku interface over any web browser. I also enjoy browsing with just a remote.

    I'm not holding my breath. I would like to see more console to PC crossover. I don't like the idea of having to spend money on a game I already own on a different media and I won't.
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