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Video Game Hype Thread



  • A Smart TV is sort solution.
  • Wyatt said:

    A Chromecast would have solved most of the "OMG YOU NEED TO SEE THIS" at FRC parties by allowing multiple devices to stream directly to the TV. Instead we keep fighting over the keyboard.

    I like the Roku interface over any web browser. I also enjoy browsing with just a remote.

    I'm not holding my breath. I would like to see more console to PC crossover. I don't like the idea of having to spend money on a game I already own on a different media and I won't.

    If you had just never bought the console in the first place you wouldn't have hat issue. Your mistake was already made. Now it's too late.

    Also it's pretty silly to use a very limiting chrome cast just to solve a problem that happens once a year at best. There are many other solutions if anyone bothered. Even if there weren't, why limit yourself every single day just to avoid the hassle of passing around a keyboard a few times per year?

    There are also plenty of apps you can install on your PC to get a better hi and control it with a remote. It's a PC. It can do literally anything those boxes can do and more. Ever hear of XBMC? popcorn time? There are others. There are plenty of Bluetooth and rf remotes you can buy cheaply. Even if there weren't, PC would still win. Why would you sacrifice and have access to only a small percentage of the content just to improve the user interface?
  • The crossover will be when all game consoles are just HTPCs.
  • Rym said:

    The crossover will be when all game consoles are just HTPCs.

    I foresee it being more likely that PCs will die, which is why it is important to build one while you still have the chance.
  • PC's on their own do not have access to any sort of media. They have access to the internet.
    The internet has access to all sorts of media. The internet gives PCs access to all media.
    My fridge has access to the internet.
    My fridge has as much access to media as a PC.
    My fridge keeps my beverages nice and cool. The PC does not.
    Victory: My fridge.

    (My fridge does not have access to the internet. I ain't that fancy)

    I thing a chrome cast really shines at parties and portability. Way better than a PC.

    Why would I go looking for apps when I have a cheap easy to use option right in front of me? I do't know what those things are because I've never needed to waste time looking for them.

    What content am I sacrificing? What can I not view on other devices that is PC exclusive?
  • Wyatt said:

    What content am I sacrificing? What can I not view on other devices that is PC exclusive?

    Lots of youtube videos aren't watchable (or don't show up in searches) on devices that aren't regular PCs with regular web browsers. Most streaming sites in general pay attention to what the device is and restrict content.

    I tested this way back with the Xbox. Sure, it had a Youtube "app." The same search there and on a PC returned wildly different results, and in all cases, the Xbox was just missing things.

    Good luck watching something on a weird streaming site (like hockey streams).

    Good luck playing just about any indie game or self-published game. Most Steam games can not be played on anything other than a PC, and even then, it usually has to be a Windows PC.
  • Consoles (and for the most part, phones/tablets) can't block ads either... Nor can their playback of media generally be customized.
  • edited June 2015
    "As of today, the Internet Movie Database records 268,246 features (that’s counting from 1888 to 2017"

    "There are currently 9,796 movies on Netflix."

    Using these rough and conservative estimates, a PC has access to 258,450 movies that a console with the Netflix app does not.

    If you want to start counting video games, TV shows, web videos, and any other kind of media, it's only looking worse for anything that isn't a PC.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • I think this counts for this thread.
    Nintendo World Championship 2015 is starting.
  • Probably non-shitty free to play Fallout mobile game!
  • While Doom seems to be targeted at console players, I'll still get it because of the pretty easy map / mode maker.
    Rym said:

    The crossover will be when all game consoles are just HTPCs.

    They already are HTPCs, the boxes are hamstrung on purpose due to the OS because companies want proprietary and closed nature to get contracts with media distribution companies.
    Also obviously the hardware is restricted.

    A console or proprietary box is just as hamstrung as a fridge while a PC is unrestricted. Also Roku Web browser better than a desktop browser ? LOLWUT
  • edited June 2015
    The Last Guardian is actually coming out it looks like and Final Fantasy VII remake. Also to a lesser extent Shenmue 3 is also happening.

    And new South Park RPG.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Abzu, No Man's Sky, and Horizon Zero Dawn all look great. The Last Guardian still looks awesome. I'm actually surprised Square finally pulled the trigger on the FF7 remake. Maybe now everyone will shut up about it and realize that the game is overrated and just seems amazing in hindsight. Where's my Vagrant Story 2 and Final Fantasy Tactics 2 Square? Why don't you remake Xenogears (yeah, I know it's a different company now) instead of remaking the nonsensical mess that is FF7?

    Also, new Anno game... in SPACE!
  • edited June 2015
    Yeah I'm fairly positive it's not going to feel the same as the original, which is already widely available for cheap. A remake probably isn't going to be good, but I still sort of want to see it happen. I don't really have faith in them remaking anything ever. The only thing they're doing pretty well on is FF XIV, and I'm not fully sure how they managed to turn that around.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Dat Nintendo news?
  • edited June 2015
    New Mario and Luigi game that is a crossover with Paper Mario?


    Also a new (probably not good) Mario Tennis game.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Paper Mario sucks now.
    Mario Tennis sucks now.
    Mario Party sucks now (we are getting an Animal Crossing party game.... maaaaybe it won't suck? Nah).

    New Fire Emblem is good.
    New Zelda Four Swords is good.

    Kids will eat the shit out of Skylanders and Yokai Watch and Animal Crossing house game. I won't, but good for them for hitting their target audience.

    We knew about Starfox. It looks great!
    We knew about Mario Maker. It looks FUCKING GREAT.
    Metroid sportsball game? Sure, what the heck. I ask for something different and you deliver. I'll give it a shot.

    Xenoblade X finally has a date. Looks promising but not sure if it'll be my jam.
    Yarn Yoshi looks gorgeous but once again that also likely falls in the "only fun for kids" bucket.

    So really, Nintendo started losing money for the first time in a few decades, blew their load over the past 12 months (they really have been on a tear), and this is the hangover. They pretty much refused to talk about anything beyond early 2016. Something is brewing on that dark horizon.
  • I dunno, after the last Fire Emblem game I sorta realized I'm not super interested in Fire Emblem. I'm not really interested in another four swords thing even if it had online.
  • Matt said:

    Paper Mario sucks now.
    Mario Tennis sucks now.
    Mario Party sucks now (we are getting an Animal Crossing party game.... maaaaybe it won't suck? Nah).

    Mario Party has always sucked.
    Matt said:

    Yarn Yoshi looks gorgeous but once again that also likely falls in the "only fun for kids" bucket.

    Yoshi Yarn looks amazing and if it plays as well as pretty much every Nintendo platformer, it's going to be fun, not just for kids, but for anyone with taste for platformers.
    Matt said:

    So really, Nintendo started losing money for the first time in a few decades, blew their load over the past 12 months (they really have been on a tear), and this is the hangover. They pretty much refused to talk about anything beyond early 2016. Something is brewing on that dark horizon.

    That's what more game companies should do. E3 announcements should be relevant before the next year's E3.

  • Apsup said:

    Matt said:

    Paper Mario sucks now.
    Mario Tennis sucks now.
    Mario Party sucks now (we are getting an Animal Crossing party game.... maaaaybe it won't suck? Nah).

    Mario Party has always sucked.
    Matt said:

    Yarn Yoshi looks gorgeous but once again that also likely falls in the "only fun for kids" bucket.

    Yoshi Yarn looks amazing and if it plays as well as pretty much every Nintendo platformer, it's going to be fun, not just for kids, but for anyone with taste for platformers.
    Matt said:

    So really, Nintendo started losing money for the first time in a few decades, blew their load over the past 12 months (they really have been on a tear), and this is the hangover. They pretty much refused to talk about anything beyond early 2016. Something is brewing on that dark horizon.

    That's what more game companies should do. E3 announcements should be relevant before the next year's E3.

    I have a lot of people come through my house, and on the light end of the spectrum, we've always enjoyed Mario Party. We got a lot of mileage out or Mario Party 8. Then 9 was a letdown, and 10 was absolute crap. Given that Nintendo has also ruined the Wario Ware franchise, I don't expect them to pull a rabbit out of their hat and make something great out of Animal Crossing party games.

    I'm willing to say Yoshi's Wooly World is the wildcard. Kirby was definitely a kids-only game, but then again that is literally the definition of the Kirby franchise. It's the latecomer that is released when the console has been handed down to your younger sibling. Yoshi is second in the chain of kid command, though, and Yoshi's Island on 3DS was boring. The video they've shown so far of Yoshi looks promising, but I'm trying to keep my expectations low, here.

    I agree that games should only be hyped within a year of release. But it's not what people have come to expect. That statement was more to explain why people seem to be giving a general shrug and a "meh" this year.

  • The co-op Zelda. Does it have the potential, or should we just go back and play the GameCube 4 Swords again?
  • edited June 2015
    I am fairly confident Wooly World won't be that fantastic. But then again I don't really like the Yoshi games that much despite liking Yoshi. I have fond memories of Yoshi's Story, but I think it was just because I was younger.

    Although after looking at the newest video, it actually might be promising. There appears to be some semblance of challenging platforming. And I'll probably get it purely based on the coop.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • I give it the benefit of the doubt. I played through most of the GameCube one back in October during Extra Life, so I'd be down for playing a new adventures.

    I never did play the original GBA one, though, which they've given away as a 3DS port multiple times.
  • Some more details about the Backwards compatability on the Xbone - it should potentially work with almost all 360 games, right off the bat. They're not converting - they're just straight emulating the 360 hardware layer. The big exceptions right now are multi-disk games, of which there weren't many, and kinect games, which nobody gives a tuppenny fuck about.

    According to microsoft reps from that team, the entire process is basically having the developer/publisher sign off on it, running a QA pass, and it's good to go.
  • Mad props to the dude who pre-ordered Fallout 4 with caps.
  • Mario PC?
  • Soo battleborn equals tf2 or overwatch with smite thrown in? Just found out the game existed and seems like they are jumping after blizzard?
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