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2016 Presidential Election



  • Ikatono said:
    It's new to Trumpweb so its new to me.
  • did it first, Trump is automatically President. According to Relatives on facebook :-p
  • edited December 2015
    Cremlian said:

    I like Bernie Sanders as a senator

    Y'know, I'm not sure if I do or not. The man sticks to his guns, yes, and his voting record is good - but he also has this habit of introducing hopeless non-starter legislation for the sake of making a point.

    I would prefer a senator who stuck to his guns, but also tried to introduce legislation that took a smaller step towards a larger goal.

    I'm also not confident in his leadership given the debate performance I've seen.

    He does, however, appear to be entirely what he says he is, and that counts for a lot.

    RE: Respecting people for condemning Trump: I'm not sure that going against Trump is at all brave at this point. It's just the truth - he's an assgoblin. Literally everybody capable of breathing knows this. A portion of his voter base is aware of his assgoblin tendencies and are voting for him out of some desire to see everything burn.

    They're just being pragmatic - "Look, we know he's an assgoblin, but we can work with assgoblins."

    I hate this so much.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • I note that Cruz is pointedly not going against Trump. He said Trump has a place in his cabinet if he's elected.
  • Cruz is also an assgoblin.

    I guess Trump is an assbugbear, then, or perhaps an asshobgoblin.

    Hey, what do we all think about France electing literal Nazis? Good shit, right? It almost makes us seem sane by comparison.

    This is how I know there is no God - because any Old Testament deity would've looked at this and said "OH SHIT IT'S FLOOD TIME AGAIN."

    Maybe an asteroid will find us. I can only hope.
  • Trumps polling numbers are hovering around how much vote the far right (Nazis and skinheads) generally pulls in most of Europe anyway...
  • This is how I know there is no God - because any Old Testament deity would've looked at this and said "OH SHIT IT'S FLOOD TIME AGAIN."

    That's the one way he said he wouldn't kill us all. He'd have to get more creative this time :P
  • Junior Stopka just shared this Facebook post and I love it.
    The following is an open letter to Donald Trump regarding his recent verbal attack of a physically handicapped New York Post reporter...

    Mr. Trump,

    As a disabled American and stand-up comic I feel as though I must comment on your recent actions directed at those in my community. The lackluster impression of a person with a physical disability was quite possibly the hackiest material I've witnessed on a comedy stage in quite some time, maybe since the last Farrelly brothers movie. You obviously have no idea what it is to have to endure such a burden or to properly mock those who do. Your lack of commitment to the joke was appalling, good sir! Everyone knows, even young children, when mocking the hook hand you have to hold it, HOOKED, from the beginning of the joke until the end of the punchline and through all subsequent tags. HOLD IT. Also, distort the fingers, never leave them straight. You were bouncing around like a fucking thalidomide baby riding a tractor!(please pardon the French... and the Mexicans too) Once I saw a picture of the reporter I wasn't even sure you had met him either! Next, we should address your voice. You have to slow it down, not to mention dumb it down. I know your old friend is not MR(clinical), but that doesn't mean you can't make him sound MR(clinical). It isn't lying. It's simply overexaggerating something that doesn't exist to acquire a desired response, much like your threat of violence from every Muslim on the planet. If you were to make these three minor alterations I think the character would be much more effective though still extremely offensive due to the lack of creativity, but since you're in the early stages of trying to create a Fascist police state I can't imagine you're worried about offending anyone. I hope you find this critique useful and good luck at your next show!


    Sean Rouse
  • lol now Trump says he's going to ask Bill Gates to maybe "close up the internet in some way" because of ISIS and that those with free speech concerns are foolish people.
  • Not that Clinton is much better on that particular issue.
    Clinton said:

    We’re going to have to have more support from our friends in the technology world to deny online space. Just as we have to destroy [ISIS’s] would-be caliphate, we have to deny them online space, and this is complicated. You’re going to hear all of the usual complaints, you know, freedom of speech, et cetera. But if we truly are in a war against terrorism and we are truly looking for ways to shut off their funding, shut off the flow of foreign fighters, then we’ve got to shut off their means of communicating.

    Because it's time our 18th century policies got updated for the 21st.
  • Because obviously hurting our internet will stop them over there. And for actual attacks here they don't really need any communication with anyone over there since it can just be some random people who decide they agree with ISIS and want to hurt people.
  • edited December 2015


    Motion to enter assgoblin officially into dictonary.
    Greg said:

    This is how I know there is no God - because any Old Testament deity would've looked at this and said "OH SHIT IT'S FLOOD TIME AGAIN."

    That's the one way he said he wouldn't kill us all. He'd have to get more creative this time :P
    I blame the gay agenda & all their rainbows making god stick to his promises this time. Then again, humans are doing a good job of flooding the world, on their own.
    Post edited by no fun girl on
  • edited December 2015
    Greg said:

    Not that Clinton is much better on that particular issue.

    I'm pretty sure there's a small great big yawning gulf of difference between wanting to shut down the entire internet, and attempting to shut down specifically ISIS's online presence where possible, which the government and many US corporations are already doing.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Yeah but
    Clinton said:

    all of the usual complaints, you know, freedom of speech, et cetera.

    That's not good.
  • If Trump becomes president, he’d inevitably fill the 3,000 or so appointed positions in the executive branch almost entirely from the Republican government-in-waiting currently camped out in think tanks and advocacy organizations; those people will then proceed to advance conservative goals in every agency of government. He’ll appoint conservative judges who want to overturn Roe v. Wade, undermine laws protecting worker and minority rights, and so on. He’ll carry out a pleasingly belligerent foreign policy. And perhaps most of all, he’ll sign most everything the Republican Congress delivers to his desk, which could be quite a lot; repealing the Affordable Care Act would be only the beginning.
    Let’s get real. Most Republicans would be fine with President Trump
  • edited December 2015
    Trump has about the same size following as the moon landing conspiracy. Hopefully this means Buzz Aldrin will punch Trump in the face at some point soon.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • You gotta figure someone is getting fired right now? OR getting a sweet job elsewhere.
  • image

    Might be giving him too much credit though.
  • Yeah I was thinking about that Idea earlier as a sort of Ronald Reagan Alien Threat analogy but if that's his plan it sure doesn't seem to be working because we have too many stupid racist people in this country.
  • So... Trump is trying to be Ozymandias from Watchmen?
  • Trump runs for publicity.
    Starts winning, panics.
    Goes super racist and crazy to get knocked out.
    Becomes sole frontrunner...
    Panics, doubles down.
    Wins presidency
  • Why didn't his lead stick in 2012? He was laughed off stage in a matter of weeks. Now he's been on top for months.
  • edited December 2015
    Greg said:

    Why didn't his lead stick in 2012? He was laughed off stage in a matter of weeks. Now he's been on top for months.

    Because he had no policy, no stances, nothing to say other than a slightly obsessive focus on Obama's birth certificate, and wasn't nearly as openly crazy, racist, etc to keep himself in the public eye.
    Post edited by Churba on
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