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Fail of Your Day



  • I lost my drivers license, Now I've gotta go get another one. But that's not the fail. The fail is that I need it now, but my birthday is in october, so it's still going to have the red outline around my picture saying I'm not 21 yet.
  • edited September 2010
    Cat hurt his left front leg yesterday and had sleeping on my bed until the afternoon today. I get him off my bed (It's a high bed.) and he goes over to the cushion I keep for the animals and, to cut a long story short, I got him off there before the worst of the piss had come out.

    I've cleaned the worst of it (I will never complain again about how cold laminate flooring is.) but my room still stinks pretty bad.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • User keeps emailing me saying they can't login when clearly they just keep fubaring their password.
  • I lost my drivers license, Now I've gotta go get another one. But that's not the fail. The fail is that I need it now, but my birthday is in october, so it's still going to have the red outline around my picture saying I'm not 21 yet.
    You can pay to get a new one in October when you turn 21. :P
  • I lost my drivers license, Now I've gotta go get another one. But that's not the fail. The fail is that I need it now, but my birthday is in october, so it's still going to have the red outline around my picture saying I'm not 21 yet.
    What is requiring a drivers license now? If it doesn't actually involve driving, you can get a state ID and then wait for the drivers license until your BDay next month.
  • My own fails....

    Fail, the first - Windows updating, while turned on, hasn't updated shit in about 9 months so now I have to apply all those updates and get DirectX11 installed to be ready for Civ 5.

    Fail, the second - An out of town friend, whom I was going to try and hook up with, brought her ex bf down on the trip without tell me.

    Fail, the third - I made a horrible mistake in MineCraft and lost my beloved diamond pick.

    Fai, the final - I'm really depressed in general atm.
  • Body that is prone to acid reflux + empty stomach + irish coffee + beer not long after = wicked heart burn.
  • image

    This was going to be my first book that I would read on the Kindle when I got it.
  • I was just driving home from work, and something very bizarre just happened to me. I saw a small airplane flying about 20ft above me, and then suddenly crashed on to the interstate right next to me! I stopped and called 911 and people were getting out of their cars to help the people in the plane (there were only 2 in there I think). Everyone was okay, but it was so freaky. I actually wasn't so freaked out until the 911 operator asked if the plane had exploded, and I realized what could have happened. O_O
  • Oh wow! I realize this was a very scary event, but, Pictures?
  • Oh wow! I realize this was a very scary event, but, Pictures?
    There is a live video feed on CNN of the event as of 5:30pm EST.
  • Oh wow! I realize this was a very scary event, but, Pictures?
    I didn't even think to get pictures... the first thing I did was pull over and call 911. I was on hold for about 3 minutes, in which time I already started driving away bc everyone was ok and traffic was starting to back up real bad. The whole thing happened in like 5 seconds, too fast for me to record anything :/
  • edited September 2010
    Oh wow! I realize this was a very scary event, but, Pictures?
    There is a live video feed on CNN of the event as of 5:30pm EST.
    Feed! Seems to be on a loop of a quote from the pilot.

    I'm glad you were okay, by the by.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited September 2010
    During my school assembly this morning, a teacher announced that we were having a fundraiser and the class that brought in the most money would get to have cake. I kinda half-shouted, "The cake is a lie!" and all I got was a weird look from the guy sitting next to me. I realized that there are probably 5 people in my school who would get that joke (only one that I know of for sure, maybe some others) and I didn't shout loud enough for them to hear me. My school sucks.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • I was just driving home from work, and something very bizarre just happened to me.
    I was driving down 50, minding my own business when I saw an SUV next to me with a guy gesturing wildly out the window. He spent the next mile trying to sell me these speakers he'd "gotten for free" through my closed window. I was kinda scared they were gonna escalate from hustling to gun pointing/driving me off the road.
  • edited September 2010
    Fail of the Day: Dear god, I didn't know that my roommates were into drugs so fucking much. Seriously, one of them has started to take some kind of nitrous oxide in the living room and is going off like a dying and laughing hyena. Considering how one is crazy and how the other one is really obsessed with drugs, I really, REALLY want to get out of this apartment now.

    Edit: It was not oxide, it was fucking PROPANE FUEL.
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • During my school assembly this morning, a teacher announced that we were having a fundraiser and the class that brought in the most money would get to have cake. I kinda half-shouted, "The cake is a lie!" and all I got was a weird look from the guy sitting next to me. I realized that there are probably 5 people in my school who would get that joke (only one that I know of for sure, maybe some others) and I didn't shout loud enough for them to hear me. My school sucks.
    On the subway yesterday I spotted a guy wearing a shirt that had a slice of cake. The cake had a speech bubble saying "I'm very healthy for you" and the caption underneath read "The cake is a liar." I must admit I grinned at that. Later I saw another tshirt that read SkyNet. That made me giggle.
  • FAIL: I was told today that my triple display setup at work was making faculty jealous, so I have to lose a monitor.
  • FAIL: I was told today that my triple display setup at work was making faculty jealous, so I have to lose a monitor.
    Use it as an excuse to decrease productivity.
  • FAIL: I was told today that my triple display setup at work was making faculty jealous, so I have to lose a monitor.
    Use it as an excuse to decrease productivity.
    Sorry, but my work ethic will not allow that.
  • FAIL: I was told today that my triple display setup at work was making faculty jealous, so I have to lose a monitor.
    but this is 'merica!
  • FAIL: I was told today that my triple display setup at work was making faculty jealous, so I have to lose a monitor.
    Use it as an excuse to decrease productivity.
    Sorry, but my work ethic will not allow that.
    Not even to try and force their hand?

    Also, that's an absolutely bullshit reason to take away your monitor.
  • FAIL: I was told today that my triple display setup at work was making faculty jealous, so I have to lose a monitor.
    Use it as an excuse to decrease productivity.
    Sorry, but my work ethic will not allow that.
    Not even to try and force their hand?
    Force their hand how? If I stop being useful, they can very easily fire me come next semester.
    Also, that's an absolutely bullshit reason to take away your monitor.
    Welcome to Academia.
  • edited September 2010
    I could really use some advice here guys. My roommates are STILL huffing on propane, to the point where the smell has come into my room. Not as horrible as the living room, but still really bad. I'm really considering calling the police now, but I'm just thinking about what could happen if I were to call them. But seriously, this is just ridiculous. Considering how one of them huffed it, and then he completely lost his memory and lost control of his body for the hour...AND IS STILL doing it, I really don't know.
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • I could really use some advice here guys. My roommates are STILL huffing on propane, to the point where the smell has come into my room. Not as horrible as the living room, but still really bad. I'm really considering calling the police now, but I'm just thinking about what could happen if I were to call them. But seriously, this is just ridiculous. Considering how one of them huffed it, and then he completely lost his memory and lost control of his body for the hour...AND IS STILL doing it, I really don't know.
    I'd say make the call. But make sure the police know you have absolutely nothing to do with that shit.
  • edited September 2010
    Go wake up your RA. If you're not in a dorm, police it is.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Go wake up your RA.
    This first.
  • edited September 2010
    Force their hand how? If I stop being useful, they can very easily fire me come next semester.
    I was under the impression that you were so useful already that they simply gave you the third monitor. ~_^
    Also, that's an absolutely bullshit reason to take away your monitor.
    Welcome to Academia.
    Hey, man, you don't have to tell me. Our school is best known for science programs, but when budget cuts came they slashed science and engineering budgets first. Now, all my orgo stuff is online.
    I could really use some advice here guys. My roommates are STILL huffing on propane, to the point where the smell has come into my room. Not as horrible as the living room, but still really bad. I'm really considering calling the police now, but I'm just thinking about what could happen if I were to call them. But seriously, this is just ridiculous. Considering how one of them huffed it, and then he completely lost his memory and lost control of his body for the hour...AND IS STILL doing it, I really don't know.
    Make the call. That's ridiculously dangerous. Not only are they actively stripping their lungs and minds, but it isn't like pot smoke at a concert; whatever is getting exhaled could be doing long-lasting damage to you, and worse still, propane and organic vapors fucking explode, usually with little to no provocation. We're talking invisible-to-the-eye static sparks; the chem lab on our campus had every window in it and in a connected building blown out by just such an explosion.

    I would get out of the apartment (don't touch anything electrical, just grab phone, keys, wallet, laptop, throw in a duffel with some clothes and leave), and fucking phone it in once you're a few blocks away. Then, I would call a good friend, explain the situation, and crash on their couch for the time being. Make sure the police know where you're going.

    EDIT: "Don't touch anything electrical" means don't flip switches or unplug shit. Step gingerly on carpets and GTFO. And don't mess with fleece. Super-staticky.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Force their hand how? If I stop being useful, they can very easily fire me come next semester.
    I was under the impression that you were so useful already that they simply gave you the third monitor. ~_^
    Nah, I just grabbed one from our parts room. ^_~
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