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  • Yosho, I read your blog. You are officially a Brooklyn hipster, I think. (-_-)

    Also, Barcade is cool. I still need to go to baby castles, though.
  • I went to a party last night, got very drunk, crashed on a couch and spat game at every girl that passed. Apparently, some girls were interested. I wouldn't know as I blacked out and can't remember most of last night.
  • I went to a party last night, got very drunk, crashed on a couch and spat at every girl that passed.
    This is how I read this sentence the first time.
  • I went to a party last night, got very drunk, crashed on a couch and spat game at every girl that passed. Apparently, some girls were interested. I wouldn't know as I blacked out and can't remember most of last night.
    That's a shame. Remember: pacing.
  • You are officially a Brooklyn hipster, I think.
  • You are officially a Brooklyn hipster, I think. (-_-)
    You think???
  • Eh, at least I'm classy about it. Can't say the same for the trucker-hatted folks in Williamsburg.
  • Ha, and that's why we love you dude. :P
  • What is it about Williamsburg that makes it a Hipster haven?
  • What is it about Williamsburg that makes it a Hipster haven?
    Cheap living, easy access to Manhattan, proximity to the population center of the megalopolis, other hipsters have already gentrified the area for you.
  • edited January 2011
    Date with girl that I've known for a while and apparently we've been giving off serious tension and all of our friends were counting down the days until we got together GET
    Post edited by progSHELL on
  • Girlfriend: loss!

    Long distance relationships suck, folks. At least, trying to start a relationship as a long distance one didn't work for me.
  • Girlfriend: loss!

    Long distance relationships suck, folks. At least, trying to start a relationship as a long distance one didn't work for me.
    Yea, I guess that's the hazard of a world traveling adventure..... Hey wait a minute why are you even trying to get a girlfriend at this stage :-p
  • Girlfriend: loss!

    Long distance relationships suck, folks. At least, trying to start a relationship as a long distance one didn't work for me.
    Yea, I guess that's the hazard of a world traveling adventure..... Hey wait a minute why are you even trying to get a girlfriend at this stage :-p
    It's not the traveling, it's that when I get home after traveling, my girlfriend would still be in a different country.
  • Girlfriend: loss!

    Long distance relationships suck, folks. At least, trying to start a relationship as a long distance one didn't work for me.
    One year anniversary for me and my boyfriend, and we've been long distance the whole time (except for one weekend). It's tough and not for everyone.
  • edited January 2011
    I want to say a lot right now...But a gentleman never kisses and tells. ;)
    No, I didn't lose my virginity.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • Still single... But becoming increasingly complacent with that fact.

    'Course, the rapidly increasing number of proximal-friends-in-relationships isn't helping. <_<</font>
  • Congrats to Axel for losing his virginity.
  • Congrats to Axel for losing his virginity.
  • I want to say a lot right now...But a gentleman never kisses and tells. ;)
    No, I didn't lose my virginity.
    Nope. I'm thinking blow job. Regardless, good for him. Whatever it is.
  • I want to say a lot right now...But a gentleman never kisses and tells. ;)
    No, I didn't lose my virginity.
    Nope. I'm thinking blow job. Regardless, good for him. Whatever it is.
  • edited January 2011
    All kudos to Axel! May this be indicative of further success.

    I think my hormones just kicked in. Everyone looks a lot prettier.
    Post edited by Admiral Hotcakes on
  • Still single... But becoming increasingly complacent with that fact.

    'Course, the rapidly increasing number of proximal-friends-in-relationships isn't helping. <_<</font>
    Hey, it worked for George Costanza.
    Also, beware of portuguese women!
  • It's funny because it's true. ~_^
  • edited January 2011
    No, I didn't lose my virginity.
    The Dalai Lama says that oral sex constitutes a loss of virginity. You're a man now, son!
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited January 2011
    You're a man now, Dog!
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited January 2011
    So, basically, I met a girl in California (over Christmas). She's really geeky and cool. When I met her (while watching Star Trek), this image popped into my mind):

    P.S. She's coming to visit me in March.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • edited January 2011
    I love marriage; it is like one big long date until you have to do chores. At least when you are doing chores when you are married there is someone else to help. ^_^
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Don't be this person. Well, either of these people.
    Ha HA HAAAA, it's funny I never quite thought about it that way. "I can't date you because it would ruin our friendship" in a lot of cases is "Why would I give up all this attention from you when I can get it without sleeping with you". Obviously this doesn't always apply but I can see this angle.
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