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  • Here's the key question: do you keep it in a drawer with all your other manuals? ;)
    Actually, no, I don't. I probably should.

    But then, I've also got most of it internalized anyhow. And made a few additions of my own. :P
  • Gays don't have this problem though since we talk turkey right after "Hi". Although what follows usually isn't more than "what, where and when".
    Unless we're in the closet. Or aren't into that sort of thing. ;-)

    My apologies for the rather late response.
  • My school is having a valentines day event where they are offering speed dating. I'm gonna check it out.
  • edited January 2011
    Took a six block walk with a ridiculously smart, sexy girl (pursuing an DVM/PhD!? WAT!?) who I've only seen three or four times since I had a class with her a year ago. Much discussion was had. A new tattoo on her midriff (and a bit more than that) was voluntarily shown off to me in the middle of a class?

    This looks promising.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • A new tattoo on her midriff (and a bit more than that) was voluntarily shown off to me in the middle of a class?
    Consult the Bro Code to decode the meaning of the tattoo :P
  • A new tattoo on her midriff (and a bit more than that) was voluntarily shown off to me in the middle of a class?
    Just as long as it didn't say "Fat" in Japanese. (This happened.)
  • A new tattoo on her midriff (and a bit more than that) was voluntarily shown off to me in the middle of a class?
    Just as long as it didn't say "Fat" in Japanese. (This happened.)
    No kanji. It's all good.
  • I can readily think of multiple relationships, including my own, in which very early on the members were clear about what they wanted, needed, and expected from their partners. All of those relationships are still going strong. Getting the cards out and putting them on the table saves a lot of time, heartache, and arguments. If someone isn't willing to discuss their priorities and expectations early on, then they are either: i) too immature to know what they want, or ii) too immature to be honest about what they want. Either way, that simply isn't a person I would think anyone would want to get involved with (even on a casual level for fear that they may become overly attached).
    We may be operating on different definitions of "early on".
  • Am I too late to add funny dating stories? Cause I got a bunch.

    Here's 1 - So I met this girl who was into a lot of classic rock, particularly Pink Floyd etc, so I asked her if she had ever been to (monster truck voice) LAZER FLOYD at the Plantarium. She said she was always curious about it despite it's cornyness... so we go. But we're the ONLY people who show up (I know right? :D ) so they don't run the show for us. So I say - lets walk around the little artificial lake at the back of the planetarium.

    So there's a retaining wall all around this lake, and we're walking around it, and it's quite dark. We're chatting I see a little patch of stoney ground at one part where the wall meets the water, and I'm say - Hey, lets jump down there and skip stones across the lake. In unison, we both jump down. In unison, we both discover that it was not, in fact, ground, but a big pile of floating leaves, twigs and unsavory floating material on top of said artificial lake. In unison, we are both up to our necks in water and tree bits.

    We climb out, fortunately laughing our arses off. But unfortunately the only way back to my car is through the planetarium. So the two of us squelch muddy footprints through the place and get a lot of very strange looks as we pass through.

    It's a wonder I got a second date, but actually, she thought it was hilarious. WE didn't exactly last very long because, unbeknownst to either of us, she was pregnant from her last relationship at the time. So... there that is!
  • Am I too late to add funny dating stories? Cause I got a bunch.
    It's never too late for funny dating stories.
  • Am I too late to add funny dating stories?
    Never too late! That is hysterical.
  • So...something a little bizarre happened to me today.

    My girlfriend got confessed to by a long time male friend, but she declined him by saying she was really flattered, but she was already taken. However, the guy couldn't take it very well, despite the fact that she told him how she still treasured him. So she feels crappy and kind of depressed about the situation. I radioactively feel crappy about the situation, because I confessed my love to her after knowing her for about a year and a half and we've been together for that long as well. But for this other friend, he knew her for FOUR YEARS. So we were both bummed from all the drama, but I'm going to console her through the whole situation.

    I feel a really weird since of pride about this, because of the fact that she'll stay with me, even though I've told her how I will love her no matter what. (This was about 1 year ago) But at the same time, I feel a bit of shame because now because she's sad and this other guy who's a long-time friend also confessed to her, but got shot down. So she could lose someone. I'm not sure exactly how to feel, but I wish I could do whatever was necessary to re-mend this friendshi[.
  • It really sucks that she had to hurt his feelings.

    There's nothing much you can do outside of being there for your girlfriend and help her feel better about it. She did the right thing.
  • I might have three dates with three different young ladies this coming weekend. This isn't as heady and exciting as it sounds though; one is a long time friend visiting from out of town, another probably has a boyfriend that she's not told me about yet, and the third... Well, the third is the one I know least about but am most interested in. Thankfully I'm not looking for any kind of "result" with or from any of them, I just want to have a fun weekend.
  • I went to a "Cupid's Night Out" event at my school last night (free food! and chocolate fountain! ^_^). I tried some speed dating and was called on stage for a Dating game style show as one of the bachelors. The audience seemed to love me, but I was the second one to be kicked off. Anyways, I'll find out later what happened with the speed dating thing.

    Oh, one of the questions we were asked was "Do you prefer women with long hair or short hair?" My answer was "That kind of superficial stuff doesn't really matter to me" and the audience went NUTS.
  • edited February 2011
    Oh, one of the questions we were asked was "Do you prefer women with long hair or short hair?" My answer was "That kind of superficial stuff doesn't really matter to me" and the audience went NUTS.
    It depends on the size/shape of the head.
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • While it doesn't really matter, I find girls with pixie haircuts quite sexy.
  • While it doesn't really matter, I find girls with pixie haircuts quite sexy.
    *looks it up* Oh, yes, agreed.
  • Oh, one of the questions we were asked was "Do you prefer women with long hair or short hair?" My answer was "That kind of superficial stuff doesn't really matter to me" and the audience went NUTS.
    True, but in general to me, girls with short hair are cuter than those with longer hair. Either way, the length doesn't matter so much as how the hair frames the face. As George points out, pixie is a damn good frame.
  • Three dates with three girls in one weekend... sigh. The one person I was most interested in getting to know better turned out to be not very interesting, nor a particularly pleasant person. This really surprised me! I'm just not used to meeting someone who is very rudely dismissive of other people, directly to their faces.

    Anyway, it's valentines day tomorrow, and I'm going to go out for a romantic dinner by myself.
  • I am single by choice. I haven't meet anyone awesome enough to share myself with :P
    In my mind that girl have to bring my awesome to the awesome power, instead of just multiplying it by two.
  • Technically, you're single by circumstance.
  • Technically, you're single by conceit.
  • Whatever the reason is, I live without regret :D
  • I'm single by choice, after dumping my last girlfriend. I kinda regret it now, though I don't know if I would have regretted staying in that relationship more.
  • My girlfriend is 325 miles away.
    Well, fuck.
  • edited February 2011
    My girlfriend is 325 miles away.
    Well, fuck.
    Roadtrip. Be grateful that number isn't multiplied by ten :P

    I went on a second date yesterday with a friend I've known for about a year and a half. She's probably the wittiest person I've ever met and she seems to like me a lot, but I'm very unsure about my feelings for her. She kissed me last night and I didn't stop her, but I wasn't very emotionally interested in it. I have a ton of fun hanging out with her though, so I'm willing to give it more time. I'm also sort of mentally preparing myself for the possible scenario in which I do not end up developing feelings for her and have to explain that to her while simultaneously maintaining our friendship. Ack.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Hey man, play it by ear and see how it goes. I wish you the best of luck either way, though.
  • I broke up with my girlfriend. She is older then me and has a kid and kept saying that she loved me. Im not ready for that shit..
  • The kid part does sound tough. But the love part? I feel like people blow that out of proportion. If it's what a person feels, it's what they feel. There's no definition for love, so as long as her "loving" you wasn't causing any harm to you, or pushing undesired things onto you by force, then it's nothing to fear in my opinion. I mean, if you still want some semblance of freedom, yeah, I guess I can understand that.
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