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So, what does everyone here look like???



  • I'm too much of a pussy to drink any liquor straight/neat.
    Hendrick's is quite smooth, actually. But yeah, generally, you have to be having a really bad day for straight liquor to seem like a good idea.
  • I would much rather smoke a bowl than weigh down my stomach with a bunch of liquor anyway. I only drink socially.
  • Good cognac is always a good idea.
  • I support recreational drug use far more than I do alcohol consumption.
  • I would much rather smoke a bowl than weigh down my stomach with a bunch of liquor anyway. I only drink socially.
    I support recreational drug use far more than I do alcohol consumption.
    I like you new guy. Though it depends on the drugs.
  • edited January 2011
    I support recreational drug use far more than I do alcohol consumption.
    Unless you are taking it for medicinal use, alcohol consumption is an example of recreational drug use.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • It's clear that he's referring to drugs other than alcohol, Kate. Semantics are irrelevant.
  • edited January 2011
    It's clear that he's referring to drugs other than alcohol, Kate. Semantics are irrelevant.
    What drugs specifically, though? Antacids? His statement was poorly worded and I made a sideways attempt for him to restate it in more precise language.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • edited January 2011
    It's clear that he's referring to drugs other than alcohol, Kate. Semantics are irrelevant.
    It's still not a very sensical statement though. Does it mean that he thinks all other drugs are superior to alcohol?
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • That's me.
    Are you some sort of colonial Weird Al?
  • Are you some sort of colonial Weird Al?
    Close, I'm an actor (not professionally).
  • That's me.
    Are you some sort of colonial Weird Al?
    My thoughts exactly.
  • edited January 2011
    I support recreational drug use far more than I do alcohol consumption.
    I second this. I feel way more out of it and strange when I drink alcohol as opposed to marijuana or honestly even LSD. I always get a terribly weird vibe when I consume alcohol now.

    It may be because I drank pretty heavily for around a year when I was in High School. (Drinking at least 3-4 times a week, most of those times passing out on Screwdrivers at two in the morning.)
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • I've never thrown up violently and had my memory erased after a night of rolling hard on E.
  • I just went through this thread looking for a picture and there's a lot of the pictures missing. Until I invent the magnet link embedding technology, I'm going to be scraping pictures from here on. If you don't want something scraped, put a note before it.
  • If you don't want something scraped, screw you.
    It's the Internet, after all. ^_~
  • Describing the internet as the Wild West really isn't that accurate, given how the drama of the old west most people think of is largely bull honky.
  • image
    I've been slimming down a lot recently, it makes me happy. I need to get pretty in shape if I'm going to do my Cobra cosplay this summer! Tight red shirts will not be very flattering if I'm not thinner!
  • You are lookin' pretty good, man. Be Proud of your hard work.
  • I also enjoy Crown Royal and Ice Water too.
  • image
    heres one i took a while back...brace yourself for the most attractive man on earth.
  • I do not have any fresh pictures of myself so I guess an older one will have to do.

    This was taken when I was working at a construction site last year. I do not have a long hair anymore.
  • Here's myself, and my missus at a theme party... no points for guessing what theme...


  • Realized I have a laptop with a built-in webcam and should take an actual picture to use as my Twitter profile pic. Figured might as well post it here as well.
  • image

    80's themed birthday party? Time to go shopping. I found the red bodywarmer/vest and knew what I had to do!

    This pose was from memory (and while drunk), so excuse the mirror imagery.
  • New Haircut!
    New Haircut!

    I haven't had it this short in at least five years.
  • Looking sharp, bro.
  • edited March 2011
    Sorry for double post, and apologies to Ro for not posting earlier but...

    I look like a drunk hipster, I don't think I am either in that pic.
    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
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