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Booh yah!



  • I don't know if the new on is, but mine is the first Gen and it doesn't. I often hung up by accident when it was against my face or in my pocket before I realized you can lock it.
    First gen doesn't, but 3g and iPhone 4 do.
  • Shouldn't this be in Fail of your Day? At&t; all the way. Never dropped a call never had bad service had them for over 8 years.
    Whatevs dude, I'm signed with Verizon and my phone works well as far as the service is concerned.
  • I don't know if the new on is, but mine is the first Gen and it doesn't. I often hung up by accident when it was against my face or in my pocket before I realized you can lock it.
    First gen doesn't, but 3g and iPhone 4 do.
    Yes, there's a sensor on the front of the phone that detects if your face is near it and turns off the screen. Apple had issues detecting properly but as far as I know it's working now.
  • Yes, there's a sensor on the front of the phone that detects if your face is near it and turns off the screen. Apple had issues detecting properly but as far as I know it's working now.
    I think these sensor have issues with long, girly hair.
  • long, girly hair
  • edited February 2011
    Something that should go in the Secret shames thread - I've been in a production of Hair: The Musical. Yes, That involved pretty much exactly what you're thinking.

    Also - 1:36 in that video, isn't that Ran, from Kazemakase: Tsukikage Ran?
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Something that should go in the Secret shames thread - I've been in a production of Hair: The Musical. Yes, That involved pretty much exactly what you're thinking.
    The dawning of the Age of Aquarius?
  • The dawning of the Age of Aquarius?
    Pretty much, yeah. Goddamn hippies.
  • It just occurred to me that I've never had the chance to see Hair live. I should rectify that.
  • I'm currently wearing a 60 year old tuxedo which was originally worn by my grandfather to his wedding. It has tails.
  • Yes, there's a sensor on the front of the phone that detects if your face is near it and turns off the screen. Apple had issues detecting properly but as far as I know it's working now.
    I think these sensor have issues with long, girly hair.
    More of your propaganda to have more girls with pixie cut hair for your personal agenda, me doth protest.
  • Yes, there's a sensor on the front of the phone that detects if your face is near it and turns off the screen. Apple had issues detecting properly but as far as I know it's working now.
    I think these sensor have issues with long, girly hair.
    More of your propaganda to have more girls with pixie cut hair for your personal agenda, me doth protest.
    >.> I know not of what you speak...
  • I am currently ranked #429 out of 119140 in Pac-Man CE DX. That's the top 0.40% of players. Yeah, that's a decimal point bitches.
  • Truly yours is a life rich with accomplishments, Scott.
  • I am currently ranked #429 out of 119140 in Pac-Man CE DX. That's the top 0.40% of players. Yeah, that's a decimal point bitches.
    Rank improved to 407.
  • Percentage isn't that reliable as it might include everyone who's ever submitted a high score. Getting down to triple digits is something to be proud of though.
  • edited February 2011
    Percentage isn't that reliable as it might include everyone who's ever submitted a high score.
    "Might"? What else could it be?
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Percentage isn't that reliable as it might include everyone who's ever submitted a high score. Getting down to triple digits is something to be proud of though.
    Well, it's anyone who ever even played as all scores are automatically submitted. So we actually know they've sold exactly that many copies of the game.
  • edited February 2011
    "Might"? What else could it be?
    Could be a "Within the last month." deal.

    What's the XB policy on playing XBLA games that belong to a different account on the console?
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Got this on the mail today:
    Those are the rest of the parts for my DIY Projector :D

    I'll probably have it finished by tomorrow, question is: What movie should I watch first?
  • Signed a lease for an apartment for the next school year that will end up being $1000 less than living on campus and I will still be within walking distance of campus. Fuck. Yeah.
  • Won 50 bucks at poker with my coworkers tonight
  • Finished securing letters of recommendation for my year abroad; now, I just need to do some cursory paperwork and write a 500 word essay and I'll be in like Flynn.
  • edited February 2011
    I was teaching one of the white belts in my judo class how to do groundwork last night after practice because he was having trouble moving around on the ground and not death-gripping his opponent, which does nothing but get you winded. I wanted to demonstrate how important it is to use your legs to push of your opponent on the ground and use the shrimping (video) motion to position yourself, so I decided to spar him with my hands in my belt. I managed to get him to tap with a triangle choke. Boo yah.
    Post edited by imptac on
  • Is it legal to gi choke someone in Judo?
  • Yup. Most certainly. One of my favorite gi chokes recently is to pull your gi out of your belt when you have their back and grab the bottom corner of it to use it like a rope to strangle them.
  • If you were going to grapple with someone who wasn't wearing a gi, would you opt to wear yours? It's got advantages and disadvantages. When PRIDE used to exist they'd let fighters have the option but nobody did it except fuckin' Royce Gracie because he's a hardass.
  • Yoshida also wore it when he fought and beat Gracie. A lot of the old school Japanese judo guys rocked the gi. As for your question, it depends. If they were trained; hell no. There is a reason people don't wear these kinds of clothes anymore. Japan must have shit its collective pants when they saw the t-shirt. "Holy fuck! You mean there are clothes that are hard to kill you with?" Although, if you pull the gi over your head, you effectively block almost any arm choke from getting under your neck, but the gi can be used in other ways to tie you up, and you effectively are giving your opponent handles that you don't have.
    If it were some average Joe, it probably wouldn't matter. Most gi chokes are pretty hard to get if your opponent is awake, and most people assume the gi makes you awesome at martial arts.
  • That official TKD gi they wear for the Olympics and stuff looks so stupid though.
  • You couldn't really do what they do without it though. There is a reason that olympic point fighting is so much faster than muai thai or ufc. Removing leg kicks makes kickboxing turn into slap fighting more. The TKD guys can still kick fucking hard, don't get me wrong, but they are designed to fire off tons of them to score points, and absorb the hits on the pad. A muai thai kick is designed to dig a shin as far as possible into your body, and fuck up whatever it finds in the way, be it ribs, liver, or legbone.
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