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WTF of Your Day



  • Lennon/Newell
    The world suddenly makes less sense now.
  • image

    Suddenly, you never want another handjob.
  • Pagan. Atheism. Wat.
  • Pagan. Atheism. Wat.
    Forget that, what are kids that age doing listening to "My Humps" by BEP? Shouldn't they be listening to radio disney or some shit like that?
  • Shouldn't they be listening to radio disney or some shit like that?
    Radio Disney? HERESY! They don't spread the message of Jesus NEARLY often enough.
  • Needs more Christian side hug.
  • I listened to it as a kid, and it wasn't all jesusy. Not that I can remember anyways. It was just music and stupid game shows. Anyway, I just think those kids are too young to listening to songs that are primarily about T&A.
  • T&A.;
    Thomas and Abel?
  • edited March 2011
    I listened to it as a kid, and it wasn't all jesusy. Not that I can remember anyways. It was just music and stupid game shows. Anyway, I just think those kids are too young to listening to songs that are primarily about T&A.;
    The bible is predominantly about T&A;, son. David sent his best friend to die just so he could get all up in said friend's wife's guts.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • The bible is predominantly about T&A;, son. David sent his best friend to die just so he could get all up in said friend's wife's guts.
    Not to mention that lot's daughters got him smashed, and then incested the shit outta him.

    But who needs Disney when you have such holy entertainment as this?
  • T&A.;
    Thomas and Abel?
    Troy and Abed.
  • Needs more Christian side hug.
    And, what the hell, might as well throw in some more brushie brushie as well.
  • The bible is predominantly about T&A;, son. David sent his best friend to die just so he could get all up in said friend's wife's guts.
    Not to mention that lot's daughters got him smashed, and then incested the shit outta him.

    But who needs Disney when you have such holy entertainment as this?
    Can anybody explain to me why this show is not the best show?

  • Burnout? Pissweak. Double Burnout? Old news. Triple burnout? Nearly there, try harder.
    Triple Decker triple burnout? Oh yeah.
  • edited March 2011
    Needs more flat-bed lorry.

    .. on top of a jet plane on top of a cargo ship.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • .. on top of a jet plane on top of a cargo ship.
    Better: Inside a taxiing Osprey on the deck of an aircraft carrier.
  • In case you guys haven't seen this terrible piece of shit art:

    And of course:
  • I can't wait for 4chan to get a hold of that.
  • image
    There's no way that was accidental.
  • edited March 2011
    LOL. Weird! I'm sorry, though, I don't think pole dancing is all that empowering. Sure, it's a workout, but so is karate, and karate does not make you wear uncomfortable stripper shoes.
    I think that women take these classes less for the exercise and more because it makes them feel like they are sexy in the fakey societal vision of what sexy is. In our culture, strippers/mainstream porn is "sexy" so emulating them must be what it takes to make you sexy too.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • I think that women take these classes less for the exercise and more because it makes them feel like they are sexy in the fakey societal vision of what sexy is.
    There is plenty of value in feeling sexy. All perceptions of sexy are subjective. Who are you to say these women don't agree with society's assessment of what is sexy? If that's what they want to do to tone their muscles and learn how to move seductively, then they should go for it.
  • Sure, it's a workout, but so is karate, and karate does not make you wear uncomfortable stripper shoes.
    Sure, you're hitting people in your pyjamas, but at least they're comfy.
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