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  • I use my PSP for the gba games.
  • I use my PSP for the gba games.
    Me too, it works pretty much flawlessly.

    I'm up for some L4D sometime, if I can ever get my damn mic working.
  • Just started Okamiden. So cute.

    Didn't know you could play GBA/GB games on DS card, thought there was some kind of hardware issue - like it HAD to go through slot 2 or they dont work. Must have another look at that. LameBOY you say?
    Lameboy, yeah, but only GB/GBC games. You need an EZ 5-in-1 in slot 2 to for your flashcard to send GBA ROMs to in order to play those.
    That's right aye. Knew there was a hardware thing. OK, still, GB and GBC... still good. wonder why PSP can do it. Uses additional power to do full emulation? DS might not be powerful enough to emulate GBA? Needs the games to run from Slot2 and use the dedicated GBA hardware right?
  • If someone gives me a spare L4D2 code for PC, I'll play witch'all.
  • That's right aye. Knew there was a hardware thing. OK, still, GB and GBC... still good. wonder why PSP can do it. Uses additional power to do full emulation? DS might not be powerful enough to emulate GBA? Needs the games to run from Slot2 and use the dedicated GBA hardware right?
    Its not so much that its not powerful enough as it is that they just work differently. I can't remember how exactly but I think it has to do with the speed of the media or how its put into the memory.
  • "Most Inevitably" is only 6 syllables. I thought it was 5-7-5?
    Also, "Is very mutual" is 6 syllables as well.
    Modern English language Haiku doesn't have to follow the 5-7-5 pattern, it just needs to be three lines and 17 syllables or less. It also contain a nature word and a comparison of some kind, but those requirements have become less important over time.
  • Shining force 2, Mirror's Edge and Fire Emblem (DS).
  • Shining force 2
    I really like the Shinning Force games, so much better when I was playing on an emulator and had the speed jacked. Not having to wait for the computer or your guys to wander around the screen made it immensely more enjoyable.
  • Dark Void
    Asscreed 2
    Metro 2033
    Persona 4 (on hiatus but whatever)
    Super Meat Boy
    Just Cause 2
    About a bazillion steam indie and mainstream games that i covetously accumulated over the holidays
    Running a D&D campaign
    Thinking about restarting a S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Priyat play-through with some of the addon packs, like Stalker complete. When i played the vanilla I never really got in many faction fights so there was a lot of empty travel and observation of Freedom or Duty getting torn to pieces by bandits or each other.

    Oh, and of course the premier hat collection simulator, Team Fortress 2.
  • Finally finished Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. Fuck that goddamn sad ending. Fuck it all to hell.
  • Picked up Blood Bowl on sale from Steam and I've played a couple of games and it gotta say it is a lot of fun. The key is:

    1. Only play against people you know
    2. Only play in the classic turn based mode
    3. Understand that it is basically a 1:1 translation of a table top game so HELL OF random bullshit happens. Deal with it (sunglasses dog).

    this isn't a game to be super serial about.
  • I'm playing "hollow out a mountain for your floating underground fortress" in Minecraft.
  • Finally finished Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. Fuck that goddamn sad ending. Fuck it all to hell.
    OH MY GOD YES. I want to say I cried manly tears but no, they were just sad tears.
  • Finally finished Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. Fuck that goddamn sad ending. Fuck it all to hell.
    OH MY GOD YES. I want to say I cried manly tears but no, they were just sad tears.

    It also angers me that it's taking forever to release the other games in the US as well as the movie. Sure I got it through other digital means, but it's already been released in the UK. I want to give these people my money, but they are taking forever to give me the product I want! T_____T
  • I just got Ghostbusters, Borderlands and Oblivion. Which should I play first?
  • I just got Ghostbusters, Borderlands and Oblivion. Which should I play first?
    Ghostbusters, it is the shortest and enjoyable.

    Super Meat World is too good, my platforming inner child is disappointed that I fail so much at these custom levels.
  • World of Goo is not fun when you're tired.
  • Ghostbusters, it is the shortest and enjoyable.
    I would recommend the same. The other two are massive time vacuums, or so I hear.

    I just wrapped up Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions. It ditches the open-world gameplay of the past few Spider-Man games in favor of more linear stages, which on one hand is kind of a bummer, since one of things I enjoyed the most out of these games was swinging around the city; on the other it's nice to explore environments that are not Manhattan for a change. The game is divided into 4 different Spider-Men, each supposedly has a different gameplay style, but really only Spider-Man Noir really feels different (even if it does feel like a poor man's Arkham Asylum.)

    The controls leave a lot to be desired, as the B button seems to do everything which results in it doing nothing. Pressing B allows you to Web Zip, grab a bad guy, grab an object, interact with the scene etc. Now, imagine having to fight off wave after wave of sand creatures while trying to turn on a water valve to make them vulnerable, instead you end up web zipping everywhere, and grabbing random objects. This happens all the time. Wall crawling is a chore due to the constantly shifting camera, which inverts your controls every five seconds. The game also tends to bug out a lot (pun unintentional) forcing you to restart every so often. The missions are insanely long, especially if going for the game's various challenges, can take about an hour and a half to hours to complete each one, making it impossible to just pick up and play for a few minutes (at least for me.) The game is however very generous about check points and is generally kind of easy.

    The good points of this game are definitely its voice acting, art directions, and story; though the actual plot itself is nothing spectacular, the amount of thought and care put into the details and dialogue is quite surprising. The four Spider-Men are voiced by actors from the various animated series throughout the years, which is a very nice touch. I'd recommend this for anyone looking for a Spider-Man 2099 fix, or wants to hear the Spider-Man of their youth voice act in a game.
  • The games I am currently playing are:

    Persona 3 - I'm grind'in my way to beat the boss.

    Vampire: The Masquerade-Bloodlines - My friend told me that this game was "a new form of RPG that never took off because of all the bugs in it". The game does have interesting dialogue and can be immersive at times, but it's nothing revolutionary.

    Warcraft 2 - I've got it to work off of DOSBox, and now I'm doing what I couldn't manage to beat as a child.

    Pokemon Firered and Ruby- I'm playing these games at 5x the normal speed on an emulator, so they are somewhat bearable to play.

    Natural Selection 2 Beta - Right now, NS2 Beta is my anti-drug!

  • Persona 3 - I'm grind'in my way to beat the boss.
    Hate to break it to you but...
  • edited April 2011
    "I crack the whip, you play the game...
    I'm sure as hell going to get the final boss tamed."
    Post edited by Clockian on
  • Vampire: The Masquerade-Bloodlines - My friend told me that this game was "a new form of RPG that never took off because of all the bugs in it". The game does have interesting dialogue and can be immersive at times, but it's nothing revolutionary
    I think for this to apply you would have had to play it when it was released in 2004. You know, before there was a Halflife 2.

    Its really difficult to say that a game is revolutionary when you're playing it 6 years after it was first released.

    note: I really like Bloodlines (when it was released, up until I hit the bug starting the last third of the game that completely broke the game) however, while it showed a glimmer of greatness it failed in many places and any application of such adjectives like revolutionary is a terrible case of nostalgia rose-tinting your(well, your friend's) memories.
  • Bioshock 2 sure is Bioshock.
  • edited April 2011
    Its really difficult to say that a game is revolutionary when you're playing it 6 years after it was first released.
    This is true, but the impact that Vampire had on following RPGs is pretty obvious. Aside from Deus Ex there weren't games that looked anything like it and now we can think of tons. Mass Effect and Dragon Age owe at least some small debt to Bloodlines.
    Post edited by Dave on
  • Bioshock 2 sure is Bioshock.
    Except the Bee Plasmid is actually useful. In fact, it is the MOST useful.
  • Its really difficult to say that a game is revolutionary when you're playing it 6 years after it was first released.
    This is true, but the impact that Vampire had on following RPGs is pretty obvious. Aside from Deus Ex there weren't games that looked anything like it and now we can think of tons. Mass Effect and Dragon Age owe at least some small debt to Bloodlines.
    Oh shit, how sweet would it be if you could play Shepard Malkavian style, crazy as a shithouse rat.

    Eclipse Trooper: "I've got nothing more to say to you."
  • Its really difficult to say that a game is revolutionary when you're playing it 6 years after it was first released.
    This is true, but the impact that Vampire had on following RPGs is pretty obvious. Aside from Deus Ex there weren't games that looked anything like it and now we can think of tons. Mass Effect and Dragon Age owe at least some small debt to Bloodlines.
    Oh shit, how sweet would it be if you could play Shepard Malkavian style, crazy as a shithouse rat.

    Eclipse Trooper: "I've got nothing more to say to you."
    To be clear for those who don't know, it'd be Shepard throwing himself out the window.
  • Its really difficult to say that a game is revolutionary when you're playing it 6 years after it was first released.
    This is true, but the impact that Vampire had on following RPGs is pretty obvious. Aside from Deus Ex there weren't games that looked anything like it and now we can think of tons. Mass Effect and Dragon Age owe at least some small debt to Bloodlines.
    Oh shit, how sweet would it be if you could play Shepard Malkavian style, crazy as a shithouse rat.

    Eclipse Trooper: "I've got nothing more to say to you."
    To be clear for those who don't know, it'd be Shepard throwing himself out the window.
    Best. Game. Ever.
  • Bioshock 2 is funnish though complicated. In the same way my Arkham Asylum schtick was saying "I'm the batman." during inverted take-down, my new thing is shouting "DO-RIRU!!" while using the drill.
  • In the same way my Arkham Asylum schtick was saying "I'm the batman."
    For me it was "I AM THE NIGHT" and "I AM THE LAW" in the Batman voice.
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