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  • Reminds me a bit of Booga from Tank Girl.
  • Reminds me a bit of Booga from Tank Girl.
    Apparently it's called Killeroo, and has a series of comic books.
  • I want it.

  • Was watching some older Penny Arcade TV episodes, and out of nowhere, noticed this little gem at 4:20...

    Secret Rym sighting?
  • Secret Rym sighting?
    Yes. It was right before the Mike & Jerry media Q&A.; Our panel was immediately after it, so we were in there chilling. I asked them where they ate dinner and about the PA books (the ones that just print the comics).
  • I want it.

    Wait did they just kick off of each other?
  • Okay, that high five thing needs to be done in co-op multiplayer. Will the highfive script work mid-air?
  • Okay, that high five thing needs to be done in co-op multiplayer. Will the highfive script work mid-air?
    I don't think so, if you're in the air, it either makes you gesture when you hit the ground, or it does an air gesture if you're in the air long enough/moving fast enough/high enough(haven't figured out which).
  • Drinking the Mocha Coconut Frappuccino with caramel from Starbucks is like drinking a liquid Samoa Girl Scout Cookie.
  • Drinking the Mocha Coconut Frappuccino with caramel from Starbucks is like drinking a liquid Samoa Girl Scout Cookie.
    I'm going to get one of those after my final tomorrow.
  • I was really surprised when I found out that Arabic and Spanish share a lot of words...until I remembered that whole thing with the Moors being all up in Spain for nigh on a thousand years.
  • until I remembered that whole thing with the Moops being all up in Spain for nigh on a thousand years.
  • Wikipedia, four Saudis and a Spaniard agreed on variations on Moor/Moro.
  • The card says "Moops"!
  • The card says "Moops"!
  • Moops <---

    My head <---
  • edited May 2011
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • No wonder. Only episode of Seinfeld I've ever seen is the one what has Soup Nazi.
  • One of the greatest phrases ever spoken in a court of law - "I think you were born gayer than a sweet-smelling jockstrap."
  • image
    Just got passed by this kind of car on the highway. Fucker almost tailended me.
  • One of the greatest phrases ever spoken in a court of law - "I think you were born gayer than a sweet-smelling jockstrap."
    Really? Seeing that made me really sad, because 1) gay should not be an insult and 2) that's massive profiling, and means that the judge is probably a homophobe.
  • edited May 2011
    Really? Seeing that made me really sad, because 1) gay should not be an insult and 2) that's massive profiling, and means that the judge is probably a homophobe.
    Not quite - I've read more about the case and seen the speech in question, and it seems that this guy tried to strongly identify as a heterosexual man. It seems insulting out of context, but it's part of a larger speech expressing sympathy for the defendant, Also noting how hard it was about (for the times the defendant grew up) “No one knew there was a closet to come out of in those days. You know you had to be very careful, because you could have found your penis floating in the Wolf as walleye bait. It was a terrible life to have to live” and that “I think you’re one of the victims here as well. I think you’re a victim of society.”

    He also doesn't conflate the ideas of Homosexuality and liking young boys, and notes them as separate things, though admittedly in passing, and that he's making such a observation based on the man's past behaviors, not just as an insult. He goes on to note that the sentence - which is shorter than what would be normal for someone who has sexually assaulted a child, IIRC - is in no way a punishment for his sexual orientation, but simply for a breach of the law. He seems to express great sympathy for the defendant while giving the speech, also, there is no malice in what he says, if anything, a slight sadness.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Denny's is for winners.
  • edited May 2011
    Denny's is for winners.
    Losers always whine about their best. Winners go to Denny's and have breakfast for dinner.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • As a kid I was always told not to put my glass too close to the edge of the table, or else I might accidentally nudge it off the table and make a mess. As an adult, I am starting to think that I might want to have a glass closer to the edge of a table than not, because if it does get spilt I'd rather have the liquid on the floor, rather than on the stuff that's on the table (papers, PC, phone, notebook etc).
  • Arnold Palmer! Arnold Palmer! (read in the same voice as Cat Planet! Cat Planet!)

    Also, it's really weird that with everything at Disney World being as price-gougey as it is that they have the cheapest gas in the area.
  • I installed the College Humor app on my phone. Good god my abs are sore from laughter.
  • 6.0 tremor, or is it an earthquake at that point? thing is we just had one, not fun...
  • Hard FUCKING core

  • Hard FUCKING core
    Someone needs to give that guy a TV show.
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