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  • Your mom is using Second Life to have e-sex with strangers.
  • Your mom is using Second Life to have e-sex with strangers.
  • Your mom is using Second Life to have strange e-sex.
  • edited May 2011
    Your mom is using Second Life to have strange equine e-sex using an centaur avatar with impossibly huge tits and two auxiliary forms of genitalia.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited May 2011
    Your mom is using Second Life to have strange equine e-sex using an centaur BDSM donkey avatar with impossibly cosmically huge tits shitting dicknipples, two twenty-seven auxiliary forms of genitalia, and a fez made from steak with a six-foot carbon-fiber dildo on top.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Hotttttt.
  • edited May 2011
    ProfPangloss, another non-forumite friend, and I are going to NYC this Wednesday. Suggestions on what to do? We're not doing the Empire State Building or Statue of Liberty. So far we're planning on going to Schnipper's, which Luke gave 5 stars in his "8 Bacon Cheeseburgers in 8 Days" experiment, as well as the Nintendo World Store. Oh, and Pangloss insists we visit the Museum of Sex.
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • If you're going to try any burger place, go to Peter Luger's instead. Also see the "I'm coming to New York" thread.

    ProfPangloss, another non-forumite friend, and I are going to NYC this Wednesday.
    Eats, shoots and leaves. Your lack of comma-fu will one day cause trouble.
  • edited May 2011
    The Oxford Comma is superior for coordinating conjunctions. This is one area where the AP and I clash.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • The Oxford Comma is superior for coordinating conjunctions.
  • Oh, and Pangloss insists we visit the Museum of Sex.
    What a prick
  • @David: Every time that song comes on the iPod in the car, I make a point of adding (I do) to the chorus. It drives Lisa batty.
  • edited May 2011
    @David: Every time that song comes on the iPod in the car, I make a point of adding (I do) to the chorus. It drives Lisa batty.
    Hehehehe. Personally, I really do give a fuck about the Oxford Comma, as well. So much neater.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Lisa and I watched the Indians destroy the Reds 12-4 today in Cleveland. The ballpark was hot, and we both got burned despite wearing sunscreen and sitting in the shade.

    It was a great game, though. The Reds scored on a homer in the top of the first, but Asdrubal Cabrera answered back in the bottom of the inning with a two-run HR that started a rally. Bottom line: Cinci got spanked. I take full credit. It was my cheering that gave Cabrera the strength to hit another home run in the sixth.

    Peanuts are fun to eat. Stadium hot dogs should be disgusting but are instead delicious-ified by the power of cultural romance. Beer was $7.75 per six-ounce cup. Kids in ball jerseys are 10 percent cuter.
  • Beer was $7.75 per six-ounce cup.
    It's 10 bucks in Fenway. :/ And even the worst seats (Standing room on top of the left field wall, aka the Green Monster) are still like a hundred bucks and sold out from now until the tenth rapture.
  • edited May 2011
    Lisa and I watched the Indians destroy the Reds 12-4 today in Cleveland. The ballpark was hot, and we both got burned despite wearing sunscreen and sitting in the shade.
    Get Some Australian Sunscreen - Blue Lizard(IIRC) is one to look for - Our standards are really, really strict, and compared to ours, American sunscreen might as well be water.

    Also, I'm disappointed the pope didn't take the chance to ask astronauts, while he had them on the line, if while weightless they still had mass.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I wonder if the Egyptians really worshiped cats or if they just put cats in all their media like we do.
  • edited May 2011
    Also, I'm disappointed the pope didn't take the chance to ask astronauts, while he had them on the line, if while weightless they still had mass.
    Umm, why?
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • Because it's a very funny joke. Or at least mildly funny.
  • Umm, why?

    You know, mass as in what you do in a church as well as mass as in the physical property.
  • Umm, why?

    You know, mass as in what you do in a church as well as mass as in the physical property.
    Oooooh, duh. Sorry... didn't sleep too well last night and my brain apparently still isn't fully awake.
  • Oooooh, duh. Sorry... didn't sleep too well last night and my brain apparently still isn't fully awake.
    It happens. I can't count the times I've made a complete fool of myself thanks to sleep deprivation.
  • Recently tweeted:


    Anyone else notice the similarity...?

  • Weird, I'm used to seeing those two in the fluorescent light of a convention center. Scott's not a bad lookin' dude.
  • It's like an Evil Ex 2 and Evil Ex 7 party.
  • So over the last few weeks our cat, Rorschach, has had the the urge to want to do things between 3AM-4AM that makes loud noises and wakes us up. He would use the tower fan as a scratching post or jump up on the TV in the bedroom and knock things over and constantly repeat these things after we get up and discipline him.

    So last night, I jokingly told my cat that it will be totally cool if he did that this morning so I could wake up early enough to work some overtime this morning.

    And what happens? The little bastard decides to just do his normal thing and sleep with us in the bed. No disturbances. He was his cute normal kitty self of sleeping at our legs.
  • edited May 2011
    You can't discipline a cat. Those egotistical little assholes just make a note of it and get back at you later.

    Damn, cats are awesome.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • You can't discipline a cat. Those egotistical little assholes just make a note of it and get back at you later.
    Damn, cats are awesome.
    It's a good thing I love that little monster to death. He's too cute that I can't be mad at him for a long time.

    He knows that he's not supposed to be up there. Everytime we get up from bed to get him off the TV he immediately jumps down and runs out of the room.

    The other two cats are well behaved and know when I tell them to get off or down from somewhere they comply. I feel like he's seriously messing with us on purpose. It's a crazy cat conspiracy!
  • Did you know that New York City was built on top of Old York City?
  • Even old New York was once New Amsterdam.
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