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Booh yah!



  • Oh, cool! I'm hoping she has generally good things to say about it? I'm gonna be living on campus, yeah.
    I don't remember her saying anything specifically bad about it. I can ask her when she gets home. :) I also have a couple other friends who went there, including one who lived on campus, but I never really asked her about the situation.
    Thanks, I'm just curious. I honestly don't know much about the school itself other than the fact that a) the buildings are really pretty b) they have an operating farm on campus c) The Glass House is a short drive away and d) they have a music industry program. Though I'm sure, no matter what the situation, I'll enjoy it more than CC.
  • I just got writing credits in the most popular daily comic strip in Finland!
    Pane 1: Is this 911?
    Yes, give me your name and tell me what happened.
    Pane 2: Elias got fucked by a bear.
    Pane 3: OK, and your name is?
    I actually know this strip. It was really popular on the Something Awful Forums for a while. A guy translated a bunch, and they were all fairly funny.
  • I actually know this strip. It was really popular on the Something Awful Forums for a while. A guy translated a bunch, and they were all fairly funny.
    My hat is off to that guy, translating this strip is mostly impossible or borderline insane.
  • edited June 2011
    Panel 2: Elias got fucked by a bear.
    I laughed out loud.

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I actually know this strip. It was really popular on the Something Awful Forums for a while. A guy translated a bunch, and they were all fairly funny.
    My hat is off to that guy, translating this strip is mostly impossible or borderline insane.
    He mostly did the ones where the joke didn't rely on a pun or super high knowledge of the pop culture.
  • I just made more in three days than I used to in a week, and I'm doing it while translating Spanish as well. New job = awesome job.
  • Graduated from college today with a BA in History; now it's time to go do something with it.
  • Graduated from college today with a BA in History; now it's time to go do something with it.
    Going to go bus some tables?
  • edited June 2011
    Probably, at least for the time being while I finish up some grad school apps and figure out if I do want to join the military.

    Also, your font color is painful to read.
    Post edited by Banta on
  • edited June 2011
    Probably, at least for the time being while I finish up some grad school apps and figure out if I do want to join the military.

    Also, your font color is painful to read.
    It's the standard sarcasm font color.
    Post edited by GreyHuge on
  • Get a different one then.
  • Or don't use sarcasmgreen because sarcasm actually does come across in plaintext.

    How novel this idea is! I nominate myself for User of the Week.
  • Or don't use sarcasmgreen because sarcasm actually does come across in plaintext.

    How novel this idea is! I nominate myself for User of the Week.
    You have my vote!
  • Whenever I have tried being sarcastic without the green font, no one catches it.
  • Clearly you're a shitty person.
  • I c wut u did thar
  • I see what you have done there.
    Remember, this forum thrives on strict spelling and grammar!
  • I see what you have done there.
    Remember, this forum thrives on strict spelling and grammar!
    It doesn't really matter, Scrym's going to ban me someday no matter what I do! Hurray!
  • It doesn't really matter, Scrym's going to ban me someday no matter what I do! Hurray!
    This is what's called a "self-fulfilling prophecy".
  • It doesn't really matter, Scrym's going to ban me someday no matter what I do! Hurray!
    This is what's called a "self-fulfilling prophecy".
    I was being sarcastic man, jeez. Get with the times and my "non-green" sarcasm.
    I'm sorry, I'm a bad person.
  • I squeaked by in my Communications class to get a nice grade. So thankful, especially since I thought the group's presentation (Including Me) did rather shitty. Starting my online class, has a high participation grade, have a really nice feeling about it.

    Oh, and I invented a cookie/brownie/cake...thing. Just need to tweak the recipe to make it sweeter or give it some creamy topping.
  • sold me Ouran vol. 16 for $6. It recently just came out and it was cheaper than Amazon. I didn't have to pay for shipping either. I'm impressed.
  • Saw a Waldenbooks in a shopping mall not local to my house. Instantly cracked a joke that it must be a Waldenbooks museum becauase surely, there are no more book stores in malls. Upon further inspection, it was actually in the process of going out of business! Walked in and found a copy of Asimov's Foundation for just a few dollars, so looks like I will finally be participating in a book club reading.
  • My friend and I are going to have a hacker day. We're gonna make a virtual network and try to hack it.
  • edited June 2011
    I remember reading a study a while ago that said a certain amount of "bad" drivers (specifically aggrestsive drivers) actually improved the flow of traffic by breaking up blocks of drivers that tended to form. I was thinking something similar might apply to forum trolls.

    *edit* whoops, wrong thread. That's what I get for posting on my phone
    Post edited by WaterInThere on
  • I just heard that Boogie Nights has a naked Heather Graham in it. Also, I guess Paul Thomas Anderson directed it. But I think we all know the real reason I need to see it.
  • I just heard that Boogie Nights has a naked Heather Graham in it. Also, I guess Paul Thomas Anderson directed it. But I think we all know the real reason I need to see it.
    And that would be for the final scene. "You're a star."
  • I just heard that Boogie Nights has a naked Heather Graham in it. Also, I guess Paul Thomas Anderson directed it. But I think we all know the real reason I need to see it.
    If you want to see a depressing flight, just skip to the second half of Boogie Nights and watch it from there.
  • Just got back from my Uncle's service/wake. The service was fairly cookie-cutter, but the wake afterwards was a great time. I know Ed was a character and had a great time getting to know his friends.
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