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Fail of Your Day



  • Shit got really bad in Norway. 80+ dead on the island alone from the gunman. Probably more...
    This is truly devastating... on a youth camp to boot... so sad.
  • Shit got really bad in Norway. 80+ dead on the island alone from the gunman. Probably more...
    I just read some more about what went down at the camp... Utterly horrifying.
  • edited July 2011
    I just ran into a snag while editing that set me back two hours. I am now taking a bit of a break so I don't explode.
    Post edited by P_TOG on
  • So a Texas LAN party event is has a problem with immature, misogynistic dickheads harassing female participants. Their solution: Ban Women from Attending.

    If I were a gamer in Texas, I would call to boycott those assholes.
  • edited July 2011
    How can you have a gentlemen's retreat without ladies around to be gentlemanly to?

    FRCon LAN party: Men in frilly wigs, floppy hats and leggings throwing their coats down as women walk to their computer desks.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Finally getting around to watch Trespass, a film I wanted to watch because of The greatest movie EVER Podcast, only to find that the video I have is the polish "dub" which I accidentally downloaded and had been sitting on my hard drive for about half a year :(

    The polish production quality is hilarious however. Rather than having voice actors, or at least subtitles with the original audio, they have a single dude reading a translated script over the original english audio.
  • So a Texas LAN party event is has a problem with immature, misogynistic dickheads harassing female participants. Their solution: Ban Women from Attending.
    I somehow think they did not think their cunning plan all the way through.
  • I found out that redirects to I was really looking forward to either seeing what kind of awesome site it would be, or making an awesome site if it were unclaimed. Ah well.
  • edited July 2011
    Fuck that video and its cut off subtitles.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Fuck that video and it's cut off subtitles.
    If you open it up on the Youtube page, they aren't cut off.
  • edited July 2011
    Fuck that video and it's cut off subtitles.
    If you open it up on the Youtube page, they aren't cut off.
    Yeah, that sums up my first reaction followed by my second.

    My third reaction: this reminds me of how the Japanese treated the people who lived in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Radiation is communicable in the sense that, if I am irradiated and approach you, you will become irradiated; so many Japanese treated people from these areas as if they were diseased. I recall hearing a derogatory name was used for people from these areas. Even a long time later, that fear persisted. I guess because radiation can deform children, the Japanese continued to feel that people from these areas were still marked and soiled. They were treated like lepers. Societal radiation anxiety. The response in this video sounds like this same kind of reaction.

    I did a quick search and cannot find anything to back this up. But lately everyone is giving me [citation needed], so I'd appreciate if anyone could help me out on this one.

    EDIT: might have come from this documentary, but then that's not a real citation.
    Post edited by Byron on
  • I can see the outline of my bottom rib while breathing out and clearly see my bottom three ribs when I breath in.
  • Via Reddit, this didn't happen to me:
  • fagget, ey?
  • Go home morans.
  • I hope the guy picked it up with a glove or something and submitted it to the police as evidence and is pressing charges for property theft and vandalism.
  • People are approving of the Norway murderer's ideologies.
    Incomprehensible Video
    I'm really confused by this video. Clicking over to YouTube (and going past the "this is offensive" warning), I read the 3 page long description of the video and was further confused. Is this filled with all kinds of crazy, and that's why I can't follow any of it?
  • I can see my life about to have a lot of turns, turns for the worst...
  • People are approving of the Norway murderer's ideologies.
    Incomprehensible Video
    I'm really confused by this video. Clicking over to YouTube (and going past the "this is offensive" warning), I read the 3 page long description of the video and was further confused. Is this filled with all kinds of crazy, and that's why I can't follow any of it?
  • No jobs for the jobless. Companies are actually putting 'must be employed' on their classified ads. I've never seen something so disgraceful.
  • edited July 2011
    Big mood swings, I haven't wanted to die so badly in a long time. Feels like everything I do is one long mistake.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Bad bout with food poisoning after a trip to Chipotle and haven't slept all night. One other guy at work is sick also. Looks like a call to the health department is in order :/
  • My mom did not have the heart to take her father to a nursing home, despite so many problems. The money is going to dry up anyway, her pothead, broke brother is leeching off them and has trouble supporting himself, and the stress is becoming overwhelming to my family. My grandfather is a heavy stroke victim, requiring a wheelchair and has intense problems speaking. (Usually he goes, Amen men men men when trying to form a sentence) And it's sad, because it' something that has to be done even with the delay. Today was the day we were going to take him to the dentist, and then announce that we would like him to stay at a nursing home. (Note, this wasn't forced, it was us asking if he would cut us a break.)

    So when we explained it to him and how his son was making it so that nurses couldn't take care of him, he had a complete tantrum. He was pissed off, crying, swearing, and telling us to go away. It really felt like at that moment, he genuinely hated us and believed we didn't care for him. And I love my grandfather, but this is just a hard fact of life and his condition. My mother's whole family is selfish, with the lone exception being herself. She's just guilted into not taking him to the home, despite the fact that she has all the power and the stress is really hurting them.

    My brother and I were there with support, though we are both angry that she caved and my grandfather is being selfish. It's just depressing that I know all my family wants him to do, is be in a stable environment where people can actually take care of him. My uncle can hardly take care of him at all, and if he gets a job anyway, there will be no one to take care of him. In the lone months my uncle has been there, my grandfather has been having more medical issues like his teeth rotting and blisters busting around his stomach. Him moving into a home is inevitable, but he wants to fight back and my mom is just to nice to say no.

    It just angers us that nothing good is coming from this, but we can't express our true, angry, serious feelings about it either. I don't want to be cynical or raged as I am right now, but it's just a hard, sick-to-your-stomach situation that is hurting the family as a whole.
  • edited July 2011
    but we can't express our true, angry, serious feelings about it either
    Yes you can. Your mother is being selfish as well, because she's putting her guilty feelings before everyone else's hurt and stressed feelings, in order to assuage her guilt. It's a destructive cycle - she feels guilty for putting stress on everyone, so she tries to please everyone to assuage her guilt, which just makes everyone more stressed, causing her more guilt. Believe me, I'm very familiar with the guilt-tripped mom who does everything for everyone else and guilts you into going along with it. It's every bit as selfish as your grandfather - it just manifests differently.

    Be blunt with her - "Mom, grandpa needs to go into a home." And if she asks you to help out, stonewall - "I will help you get him into a home." Is it going to suck? Yes. But you need to sack up and do it.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • edited July 2011
    Well shit. My first job working for this temp agency and already there's been a costly error: The start and end times I've been given were hours off. I worked a grand total of two hours, today.
    Post edited by Yuyuke on
  • I should have said, we can't express our feelings to the grandpa. Because I found that we were being very diplomatic and understanding with him about the issue. We provide the money to pay the nurses, take care of the house he's living in, she has Power of Attorney. Because I almost wanted to say to him. "You know we are giving you options over this, and you know we'll still visit you, cook with you, bring you to the house on weekends." It almost like he took us saying "We love you" as if it was a farce. My brother and I wanted to scream how his son is ruining the whole entire situation and we have all the control, if you don't like it or not."

    At this point, the three of us (Me, brother, mom) are all aware of the situation and know what needs to happen. We're sick of it at this point. But I think Grandpa's crying and yelling and assumed statements just weakened her defenses. He kept saying "street" which made me assume, he'd rather live on the streets than go to a home, which nearly wanted me to say "Yeah, imagine how things would be IF WE DIDN'T CARE."
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