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  • I picked it up at launch (and haven't played it much since,) but there are some nice things about it (mainly running and then hitting crotch to go into a slide as you slip behind cover, feels really awesome.)
    Been playing a bit of it, and while it has it's problems, it's not nearly as bad as people make it out to be.
    I'm sure it's improved a bit since launch. It never felt terrible, more like a rough diamond. There was something good in there, but it was under a lot of dirt and rock.
  • I'm sure it's improved a bit since launch. It never felt terrible, more like a rough diamond. There was something good in there, but it was under a lot of dirt and rock.
    True, but everyone has been saying pretty much the entire time that it's the worst game ever made. while I'm sure much of that is hyperbole, even taking those opinions with a grain of salt, it's better than expected.

    See, I think part of the problem is that people were expecting Mirror's edge, but with combat. It was less than perfectly what they expected, therefore it's the worst thing ever.
  • Strictly speaking, didn't Mirror's Edge HAVE combat.

    Now, being serious, the combat in Mirrors Edge was dicey.
  • Now, being serious, the combat in Mirrors Edge was dicey.
    I think Dicey is rather understating it. It didn't help that there were sections where you were all but forced to start shooting people, rather than using your agility and running.
  • All of my team members are finally level 99 in FFVII. And I am soooo close to getting a second KotR. I already have 2 w-2, and 3-mime.
    I remember doing this back in the high school days. I played it again last year and came to realize that if you set up your materia right, you really don't need to waste that much time.
  • All of my team members are finally level 99 in FFVII. And I am soooo close to getting a second KotR. I already have 2 w-2, and 3-mime.
    It might be time to dig out the old PS1 disc and play this again.
    Don't. It's not very good.
  • I wouldn't say it's bad, it just doesn't stand up to memories. Parts of it do, others don't.
  • What are you talking about? It is a GREAT game! How old are you Li_Akahi? And the only reason I leveled up to 99 was for fun. Just trying to as much as I can in the game.
  • edited August 2011
    I'm almost 22 and I'm much more partial to the pre-VII games than the games VII and on (that being said, I love IX and XII).

    I used to love VII, but the game has soured to me greatly over the years.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • Aww you so wittle. I can understand how you like the ones before FFVII but to say it is a bad game? That is a little much.
  • Aww you so wittle. I can understand how you like the ones before FFVII but to say it is a bad game? That is a little much.
    I don't like Cloud or Sephiroth at all, so that messes with my enjoyment of the story in a major way. I just don't care about the main character and the main villian, and that is a problem. I do like the Materia system and there are some great moments, but if I don't feel any sort of emotional attachment to the two biggest characters, that's a serious problem.

    That being said, when Aerith dies, I always cry like a freaking baby.
  • edited August 2011
    Played a round of Brink because it's the free weekend. I think I literally got shot only once. Are people who play Brink really this bad?
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited August 2011
    Been playing God(s) Eater Burst off and on lately. As the friend of mine who coerced talked me into buying it put it, it's like a cross between Monster Hunter and Phantasy Star Online. I prefer to call it Monster Hunter, But More Actiony.

    The name change from God Eater to Gods Eater was obviously a last second thing, though, as all the voiced dialogue still says it as God Eater even though the text says Gods Eater.
    Post edited by Yuyuke on
  • Played a round of Brink because it's the free weekend. I think I literally got shot only once. Are people who play Brink really this bad?
    It's a free weekend, there are a TON of people who don't pick up these things too quick, and are too used to FPS where looking up and down isn't that important for anything but looking up a little to set your crosshairs at head height.
  • Just finished up Limbo. I'm not quite sure the $10 I spent were fully spent well, but I enjoyed it. It's a game far too in love with its physics engine, with some dodgy controls, but the atmosphere is very well-done, and the music fits it very well. The ending strikes me as a very "We're intentionally leaving this ambiguous" Inception style ending, though I don't think Inception had much effect on it (they game was originally released 5 days after Inception debuted).
  • My friend, a Platinum (soon to be Diamond) SC2 player, has taken me under his tutelage.
  • I just beat Alpha Protocol, it was a lot of fun. It felt like a spy thriller with controls and game play of Mass Effect 2. I.E. Awesome.

    It's a sin that the game won't get a sequel.

    Also playing slowly through Might and Magic IV and a bit of Team Fortress 2. Thinking of picking back up where I left off in Witcher 2.
  • Ocarina of Time. In the Fire Temple.
  • Ocarina of Time. In the Fire Temple.
    I'm so slow motion in that game. I'm trying to navigate through Hyrule Castle right now. Some stupid fat lady is looking for her dumb dog. I have no idea what I'm doing.

    I did recently purchase a Hyrulian shield. I need to find a bigger coin purse.
  • Some stupid fat lady is looking for her dumb dog. I have no idea what I'm doing.
    I ignore most small side quests like that. If you don't know what to do next, listen to Navi.

  • Ocarina of Time. At Ganon's Castle.
    Also of note, have all heart pieces and killed at Skulltulas. Not because I needed to, I just already know where they all are, and I'm kinda OCD that way.
  • Also of note, have all heart pieces and killed at Skulltulas
    I got all those at an earlier time in my life. Do I really need to get them all again?
  • I got all those at an earlier time in my life. Do I really need to get them all again?
    What are ya? Chicken?
  • I got all those at an earlier time in my life. Do I really need to get them all again?
    What are ya? Chicken?
    No, just busy.
  • Oblivion. Urban Terror (would this be what the kids consider "old sk00l"?). Counterstrike (playing very, very badly. Had it for 4 days so far and still haven't gotten a kill). Also Terraria.
  • Oh yeah, also playing Bastion. For a click-and-kill game, it's pretty decent.
  • Thought that EYE: Devine Cybermancy was a hack-slash RPG but it's actually some kind of Deus Ex clone. I am slightly interested.
  • League of Legends.
  • Tried Creavures. Charming, but glitchy to the point I stopped playing.
  • Ocarina of Time. Just finished the Water Temple.
    It wasn't that bad.
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