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Be Angry and Complain and Stuff!



  • I've had it with people trying to convert me. No, I'm not going to change my views. No, I've already given what you preach a chance. And NO, I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE YOUR CRAP AS IT COMES. I have my principles, beliefs and tastes, and I'm not going to to change them for ANYONE who doesn't respect me.
    Welcome to being a Christian teenager in Massachusetts.
  • As if fanatical evangelist Christians and overzealous Jehovah's Witnesses weren't bad enough.
    How bad are overzealous Jehovah's Witnesses in other parts of the US than the south? I have never had a problem with them, only the Christians down here. Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons down here tend to be really respectful of people of other faiths or no faith.
    Can't say. I'm not in the USA. I'm in freakin' Catholic Colombia. But the ones that annoy me ATM... let's just say that if I mention them, I will be lynched.
  • edited December 2011
    Can't say. I'm not in the USA. I'm in freakin' Catholic Colombia. But the ones that annoy me ATM... let's just say that if I mention them, I will be lynched.
    I cannot speak for my knowledge of your area, but I cannot tell whether you are joking or serious. Seems like I may not want to go there, with how much I do not care about what I say.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • What I would like to complain about is the simple fact that if things went to shit in the US, I could not get out and get into a decent country if I really wanted to. My fiance and I have discussed this at length, and there is no other country that would let us in. We're both fairly skilled, but the countries that would let us in (and allow her to practice, while letting her pay her student loans..) are not in the EU.

    The only way I could get out of here is basically illegally.
  • At least you have animal control. Where I live we have none. All the neighbor's dogs gather outside my window at night. It makes it really hard to sleep at night, and there's nothing I can do about it.
    Our animal control only is open on weekdays, and even in emergencies take forever to respond on weekends. The cops shot two pit bulls last weekend that were loose in a neighboring community because animal control decided them attacking kids wasn't worth their time.

  • What I would like to complain about is the simple fact that if things went to shit in the US, I could not get out and get into a decent country if I really wanted to. My fiance and I have discussed this at length, and there is no other country that would let us in. We're both fairly skilled, but the countries that would let us in (and allow her to practice, while letting her pay her student loans..) are not in the EU.
    So don't go to the EU. Go to South America or Asia or something. It should only take a year of immersion, at most, before you can speak the language with enough proficiency to do your jobs.

  • What I would like to complain about is the simple fact that if things went to shit in the US, I could not get out and get into a decent country if I really wanted to. My fiance and I have discussed this at length, and there is no other country that would let us in. We're both fairly skilled, but the countries that would let us in (and allow her to practice, while letting her pay her student loans..) are not in the EU.
    So don't go to the EU. Go to South America or Asia or something. It should only take a year of immersion, at most, before you can speak the language with enough proficiency to do your jobs.

    QFT. Turkey's looking mighty fine this time of year. If you want to stick within the limits of Indo-European languages, Argentina's alright (as long as you stay away from the Nazis).
  • Aside from the licensing requirements for a veterinarian, it may be unlikely she could make enough to pay student loans, which equal around 2500 a month.
  • Aside from the licensing requirements for a veterinarian, it may be unlikely she could make enough to pay student loans, which equal around 2500 a month.
    A vet? Down here, that's a pretty well paid profession, even if you're not doing a specialty.

  • Asian veterinarian? Is that like a sous chef? :D
  • Can't say. I'm not in the USA. I'm in freakin' Catholic Colombia. But the ones that annoy me ATM... let's just say that if I mention them, I will be lynched.
    I cannot speak for my knowledge of your area, but I cannot tell whether you are joking or serious. Seems like I may not want to go there, with how much I do not care about what I say.
    I'm dead serious. Colombia's usually awesome, but religion here's something that can really annoy you. For a country where "freedom of cult" is part of the legal rights of a person, people are surprisingly intolerant.
  • Aside from the licensing requirements for a veterinarian, it may be unlikely she could make enough to pay student loans, which equal around 2500 a month.
    I bet you could in Taiwan, Japan, or Korea! Also, remember that the cost of living in some places, like Chile or Argentina, might be lower, so more of your (lower) income goes to paying off the loan.
  • Good point. These countries are worth looking into.
  • Maybe we (all US FRCF users) should co-ordinate where we'll go when SOPA/NDAA pass, and all move to the same area of the world.
  • Maybe we (all US FRCF users) should co-ordinate where we'll go when SOPA/NDAA pass, and all move to the same area of the world.
    I can't find a place that is the best. The places with good Internets, like the Netherlands, are too cold. The tropical places have shit Internets.
  • Maybe we (all US FRCF users) should co-ordinate where we'll go when SOPA/NDAA pass, and all move to the same area of the world.
    I can't find a place that is the best. The places with good Internets, like the Netherlands, are too cold. The tropical places have shit Internets.
    Or just grow a pair of balls and endure the cold. Also clothes are invented.

  • edited December 2011
    Maybe we (all US FRCF users) should co-ordinate where we'll go when SOPA/NDAA pass, and all move to the same area of the world.
    I can't find a place that is the best. The places with good Internets, like the Netherlands, are too cold. The tropical places have shit Internets.
    Scott, Sweden is too cold. I could bite the bullet and go there, but I understand that the rest of the forum wouldn't. The Netherlands is plenty warm.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • Maybe we (all US FRCF users) should co-ordinate where we'll go when SOPA/NDAA pass, and all move to the same area of the world.
    I can't find a place that is the best. The places with good Internets, like the Netherlands, are too cold. The tropical places have shit Internets.
    Scott, Sweden is too cold. I could bite the bullet and go there, but I understand that the rest of the forum wouldn't. The Netherlands is plenty warm.
    Does it have palm trees? Palm trees is the level of warmness I am looking for.

    Also, I've already served my time in the cold of Rochester.
  • I don't know, I think I could deal with Sweden/Norway/Finland weather. I told Rym that if we moved to Finland his ski season would be longer, so that's a thought.
    Benefits to living up North:
    1. The bugs are fewer and smaller
    2. you get extra time to cuddle in the longer winter night time
    3. Birch trees are pretty
    4. No tropical diseases
    5. Snow toughens you up and makes you a bad ass!
    6. You can stay up really late in the summer and have natural light
    7. Your shoes and stuff do not get mildewed from tropical humidity
    8. In Finland, you can go in the Sauna!
  • Everyone is depressed, lacking vitamin D, and drinking the alcohol because it is cold and dark.
  • That's why they make the metal.
  • I will never understand how namby pamby people's emotions are so easily swayed because it's not sunny. It has been fairly nice this fall/winter here with bright sunny days. The sun hurts my eyes in the winter and I prefer overcast more than anything.
  • I will never understand how namby pamby people's emotions are so easily swayed because it's not sunny. It has been fairly nice this fall/winter here with bright sunny days. The sun hurts my eyes in the winter and I prefer overcast more than anything.
    It's chemical. It can't be helped.

  • Seriously, I will say that while I like all seasons, it is not namby-pamby to experience depression when deprived of sunlight. There are scientific studies that prove its effect. Suicide rates among all groups go way higher in Russia when there are winters with little snow. (Presumably because the snow makes everything lighter.)
  • I must not suffer from these chemicals, so I take the Scott Rubin approach towards it. I just get really annoyed when people in my state get all depressed because they say it's so dreary here.

    I can understand that prolonged exposure to those sorts of conditions, but for people in the US, it sounds more like #firstworldproblems sort of thing.
  • I must not suffer from these chemicals, so I take the Scott Rubin approach towards it. I just get really annoyed when people in my state get all depressed because they say it's so dreary here.

    I can understand that prolonged exposure to those sorts of conditions, but for people in the US, it sounds more like #firstworldproblems sort of thing.
    No, it's for real.

  • Whoa! Eating a lot of fish might help!
    Maybe that's why I don't get sad in the winter. Fish!
  • Okay, guys, let's all head to Sweden and form Not Scott Rubin-ville. It will have all the freedoms, social rubber banding problems, an entry exam to keep all the stupid people out, but be so cold that Scott can't move there.
  • How about Scott moves to the tropics and we come visit him in the darkest, dreariest part of the winter?
  • Let's buy Sealand.
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