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  • I think I had the most fun with Dual Strike, but I also think that is one one we played the most multiplayer....
  • Alright, I am determined to get an Advance Wars game for the DS this Christmas. Which Advance Wars game I should get? I have a friend who said that Advance Wars: Dual Strike is the best one. Is this true? ~(0_0)~
    I personally preferred the newer one, Days of ruin. None of that crazy swingy dual C/O crap. And it has online play. Both are good tho.

    Of course, the real answer is the original GBA game.
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    Now THIS is how you play Steel Battalion.
  • What makes it even better is the fact that I don't have any sort of manual, so I'm just going at it blind.
  • Just beat the pirate ship in Skyward Sword. YARRR!

    After I'm done I'm going to (re)play every Mega Man 1-10, then every Mega Man X. Then maybe I'll even play all the Mega Man Zeroes and ZXes for GBA/DS. I think I can skip the Mega Man World series for original GB. Any other ones I'm missing?
  • They're completely different, but the first three Battle Network games were good (or at least were when I played them).
  • They're completely different, but the first three Battle Network games were good (or at least were when I played them).
    They aren't regular platforming Mega Man games, so I don't care.
  • Any other ones I'm missing?
    Mega Man Soccer???
  • Any other ones I'm missing?
    Mega Man Soccer???
    Not a regular platforming game.
  • I say give Megaman [World] V a play through at least, since it's the only title in the Gameboy line that has original bosses ("Why is Pluto a boss? That's not a planet!" "Sigh, time for a history lesson."). If you're going for narrative, maybe Megaman Xtreme 2 as well, since it suppose to take place before X4 (and I think after X3).
  • I say give Megaman [World] V a play through at least, since it's the only title in the Gameboy line that has original bosses ("Why is Pluto a boss? That's not a planet!" "Sigh, time for a history lesson."). If you're going for narrative, maybe Megaman Xtreme 2 as well, since it suppose to take place before X4 (and I think after X3).
    I didn't even know megaman Xtreme existed. I bought a GBC the day it came out. Why didn't I own that shit?
  • edited December 2011
    Mega Man Xtreme is pretty okay. The 2nd one lets you play as Zero, so that's pretty boss.
    Edit: Also, if you want to play the Mega Man Zero's (I think they're really good), there's a compilation of all four released on the DS. Good for travelling and whatnot. Or you can just emulate them.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • edited December 2011
    (Ignore double post)
    Post edited by Axel on
  • Now that I have fixed my audio over HDMI problem I am moving more into Steam gaming.
  • Steam's sale today has me nabbing Limbo, and possibly Sky Drift (but more likely not).
  • I finished Amnesia and it was...kinda meh. It wasn't scary at all, and the story was a bit pants, but I suppose the storytelling method was interesting, and the worldbuilding was pretty cool. I kinda liked the puzzles.
    Pants are...bad?

    (This is one of the few times your idioms absolutely confuse me)
  • He's used it before, though not for a while.
  • edited December 2011
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • It means that indeed, a but rubbish, generic lovecraftian fare. Not the worst, sure, but not great.
  • I am gunning for coal for the Steam contest, with EVERY game on the line I think it is worth my time. Up to 9 coal, would be 10 if Toki Tori would not be so F#$%ing cheap with theirs.

    I also 100% costume quest, a 8 hour experience well worth the price on the double fine pack, also Psychonauts is still awesome.
  • On this Christmas the "hero" sent by "the goddess" will save the people.

    Also, WTF WIND FISH?
  • I officially have Skyrim now. Also Saints Row The Third, Katamari Forever, and the God of War Origins Collection. Good thing I had no plans for the break!
  • edited December 2011
    Also, WTF WIND FISH?

    I got Assassin's Creed Revelations, Uncharted 3, and Deus Ex: Human Revolution for Christmas. I'm not going to have a life for a few weeks.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • I got a Kinect for Christmas from the fiance, we had to rearrange the living room to give it enough space to see us... but I think it will work out nicely. It's a pretty fun toy.

    In other news, Living Legends just had a big update and added about 6 mechs to the lineup... great fun!
  • I got a shitton of games including Skyward Sword, MW3, and Battlefield 3. I'm set for months.
  • edited December 2011
    I'm debating whether I should buy MW3. I have Battlefield 3, and I'm enjoying it a lot more than I did MW2 (though I played that game to death). Thoughts?

    EDIT: Also, recently bought both Batman games, Company of Heroes, Saints Row: The Third, Stalker (all three), and tried to re-buy Terraria accidentally. I think I'm good on games for the next year or so.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • Only game I got this Christmas was Mario Kart DS (yes, DS) from my girlfriend, mostly so that when we go to visit her folks, we will all have our own copy to do multiplayer with. And I do mean all, including her parents.
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    I tried playing that at PAX last year. Good god, it made me with MechWarrior 3 would run in Windows 7 properly.

  • I've actually started getting the hang of that massive controller... It's pretty fun, and is quite immersive.

    Also, if you want to get a mech fix and have a Windows 7 computer, I HIGHLY recommend getting a hold of a copy of Crysis Wars (available on Steam via the Warhead pack) and checking out Mechwarrior: Living Legends.

    It's everything MW3 or MW4 wanted to be.

    Also, MW4 is now free to download and play, and I believe it runs on Win7.
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