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  • Well for your "move along" post in MLP, but I do agree with Scott on some points.

    Also for your Avatar post. I forget about those sorts of comments and how they should be offensive because I normally ignore comments like that. Makes me sad that female heroines tend to be sexualized more often than naught. I'm sure people are already doing the same for the heroine in Pixar's Brave.
  • They are. It's super gross. The fact that comments like that are so pervasive that they don't stand out and can be easily ignored speaks volumes about the objectification of women and rape culture.

    Also, please don't give me points. This is minimum standards of human decency stuff. Save your points for when I actually do something above and beyond.
  • To be fair, when it comes to 90% of bronies, the minimum standards of human decency ARE above and beyond.
  • To be fair, when it comes to 90% of bronies fanboys, the minimum standards of human decency ARE above and beyond.
    Fixed that.
  • edited February 2012
    To be fair, when it comes to 90% of bronies fanboys people, the minimum standards of human decency ARE above and beyond.
    Fixed that.
    Further fixed, though I don't agree. We should judge these things absolutely, not relatively. Lets not hand out gold stars for making a shitty effort.

    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • Using caffeine significantly less over the last year has made the effect incredibly noticable.
  • To be fair, when it comes to 90% of bronies fanboys people, the minimum standards of human decency ARE above and beyond.
    Fixed that.
    Further fixed, though I don't agree. We should judge these things absolutely, not relatively. Lets not hand out gold stars for making a shitty effort.

    Do you actually think that wholly 6.3 billion human beings intentionally treat an entire gender like shit?

    I'll agree wholeheartedly that the world is largely patriarchal and that Western Culture has a lot of kinks to work out, and that it's largely inappropriate to immediately sexualize a female character (especially one in children's media). That said, I feel like this is very much similar to Freud saying that sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. I've had long and detailed conversations on rape culture and androcentric society with a female friend of mine who is a sexual neuroscientist. We have also argued about who we think would be better in bed, Zooey Deschanel or Natalie Portman, and why, in the same space of time. No motives were questioned; we were just discussing culture, and then discussing the aesthetics of two female forms we deeply admire.

    Human sexuality and the appreciation of the body is a natural part of life, and we shouldn't discourage commentary on it. It's when comments are used to demean and objectify that they become sexist and a tool of oppression. There's a difference between me saying to friends in private "Hey, so-and-so has a great ass," and yelling, "Hey, sweetheart, nice rack," "I'd tap that," or, "Dibs" at some girl at a party or on the street.
  • If you google for vidjergames on the fifth link you get Fast Karate's youtube of "We name him HANABI. He gon BROW UP!"
  • edited February 2012
    Do you actually think that wholly 6.3 billion human beings intentionally treat an entire gender like shit?
    A chunk of them do. Most of the rest do it unintentionally because it is part of culture. Women also treat women badly. Point being: Women still get treated worse than men on the whole, no question, and that goes for fictional characters, too.
    Human sexuality and the appreciation of the body is a natural part of life, and we shouldn't discourage commentary on it. It's when comments are used to demean and objectify that they become sexist and a tool of oppression. There's a difference between me saying to friends in private "Hey, so-and-so has a great ass," and yelling, "Hey, sweetheart, nice rack," "I'd tap that," or, "Dibs" at some girl at a party or on the street.
    I agree that it is bad to reject sexuality just because it is affected by patriarchal culture. I think the gripe is that just because a character is a girl, fans sexualize her creepily, and you don't see that to the same extent with male characters. However, female fans do that too. Just go on Deviant Art. I bet you could find yaoi for some REALLY random stuff.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Do you actually think that wholly 6.3 billion human beings intentionally treat an entire gender like shit?
    A chunk of them do. Most of the rest do it unintentionally because it is part of culture. Women also treat women badly. Point being: Women still get treated worse than men on the whole, no question, and that goes for fictional characters, too.
    Absolutely. I acknowledged that much in my post. I just think that saying 90% of humanity is (and I'm quoting him, here) not up to "the minimum standards of human decency" is ridiculously goddamned bleak and more than a bit hyperbolic. If we were that bad off I think I'd run a hot bath, pop a few blood thinners, and open some veins up. Christ.

    As for the rest of your post, I wasn't trying to imply that sexualization of characters is only something that occurs with female characters; I just addressed that because that was what open_sketchbook took such great issue with. By hanging out with a lot of geeky girls who are also really open about their sexuality, I can vouch for the fact that sexualization of male characters happens all the fucking time. I've got more than a few friends who have expressed a desire to see Captain Jack's Torchwood or to slide into Mal Reynolds's leather pants.

    The sexualization of characters can be sexist or inappropriate, but it isn't inherently so.
  • I didn't say you said that. I said that they were complaining about the creepy fandom, and I was like yeah, it is creepy and bleh, but it also happens a bit for male characters too, though not a widely?
  • edited February 2012
    NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻┻
    It was such a great concept! NNNNOOOOO!!!!!!! All the world's greatest men as Anime Girls in a video game! NNNNNNNOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Someone posted it up before... NOOOOOO!!!!! After some poking around on their website, it turns out its...its...!!!!NNNNNNNNOOOOOO!!!!! A hentai game!!! NNNNNOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻┻ (NOT NSFW) (NSFW!!!!!)
    Post edited by Clockian on
  • That post needs more exclamation points.
  • edited February 2012
    That post needs more exclamation points.
    Sorry, I was in a raging mood. I would random flip to that game's character section thinking "These are some cool character's" and then my mind would wander to "Man, this game has so much potential to be one of the greatest things ever to me" and I would think of what I would do with a game where all of the world's greatest men are cute anime girls. Today, I randomly did some research into the game, to see what it actually was. Anger at the lost potential was all I felt after seeing that.
    Post edited by Clockian on
  • And now for something completely different: Jungle Speed makes a mean drinking game (you drink when you get cards).
  • edited February 2012
    FYI: That first page if NSFW if you click the wrong one. Like I managed to with my very first try.

    Sexualization is usually at it's worst when it is portraying something unrealistic and or harmful as being realistic.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Okay, I know the Monkees were upset that no one thought they played their own instruments. BUT - when you make a video like the one for "Daydream Believer", and your fuckin' necktie is flopping around the front of the strings of your guitar and, at some points, actually laying flat against your guitar strings, it kinda looks like you're not actually playing that instrument.
  • Vanilla should have a feature that allows you to view every comment in a particular thread by a particular user/users. This way you can pull out a dialog, or track down a post in a huge thread without slogging through pages. I wonder if that could be made as an add-on.

  • Man, I always wanted to be Mike, when I was a kid. Nowdays, I want to play like Mike, but own the car.
  • Man, I always wanted to be Mike, when I was a kid. Nowdays, I want to play like Mike, but own the car.
    If we're talking about Michael Jordan, which car are we talking about?
  • edited February 2012
    Man, I always wanted to be Mike, when I was a kid. Nowdays, I want to play like Mike, but own the car.
    If we're talking about Michael Jordan, which car are we talking about?
    What? No, Mike Nesmith. In the only sports I've played that Michael Jordan shares - Baseball and Golf - saying I wanted to play like that Mike would likely count as being self-deprecating.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Derp. Inbuilt Chicago Bulls bias.

    Also, I totally forgot that Michael Jordan played baseball.
  • NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻┻
    It was such a great concept! NNNNOOOOO!!!!!!! All the world's greatest men as Anime Girls in a video game! NNNNNNNOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Someone posted it up before... NOOOOOO!!!!! After some poking around on their website, it turns out its...its...!!!!NNNNNNNNOOOOOO!!!!! A hentai game!!! NNNNNOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻┻ (NOT NSFW) (NSFW!!!!!)
    I was going to comment how I actually like some of those designs despite the moe bullshit. Then I realized that when you click the characters it makes their boobs bounce. Now I'm sad.
  • It's more that there is porn pictures in the album section. Boobs bouncing is one thing, but "your body does not bend like that" positions are something else.
  • edited February 2012
    Ha! I hadn't even looked at the album section before you mentioned that. They're not being too subtle, or realistic are they.
    Post edited by Shiam on
  • edited February 2012


    I'm salivating over this piece of gear. It's a desktop Geneforge. If I'm really good, will Santa bring me one for Christmas?

    When I'm older, I want a little studio, powered by solar panels and a microCHP power plant. It'll have two levels. The top level will be a huge science library and a study, with a little kitchenette and a Murphy bed so I can lock myself in and study. The lower floor will be a small, one-man lab, filled with AKTA gear, an autoclave, a fume hood, glassware, and other essential biochem equipment, so I can experiment to my heart's content.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Almost every time I meet a new fellow music major I seem to end up disappointed about not having any tastes in common. The personality of music is such a double-edged sword.
  • Almost every time I meet a new fellow music major I seem to end up disappointed about not having any tastes in common. The personality of music is such a double-edged sword.
    You'd like my flatmate. He's a CS major, but I can't count the number of times I've fallen asleep to NMH, the Smiths, Go Sailor, Tiger Trap, or any number of other bands you and I like, quietly streaming through the wall.

  • Someone said something peculiar to me today. I mentioned how I liked indie pop and she said something to the effect of "I don't equate catchiness with quality." At the time I let it slip by, but the more I think about it, the more pointed it's starting to sound. Of course catchiness doesn't automatically make something good, but I also think writing a great, memorable, tuneful melody takes as much craft as does writing a very complex piece of music, just in sort of a different way.

    Coincidentally, this was from cute Jazz History class girl.
  • Yo, you gotta balance the two. Beethoven wrote expressive beautiful masterpieces, but I don't listen to it because it doesn't stick with me. Also, there are different ways of being smart with writing music. Highway 61 Revisited doesn't have any epic all-time classic tunes, but it's mixing makes it a must-hear for anyone who says "I like the 60s."
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