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Fail of Your Day



  • Sriracha's really good on my mom's mindblowing homemade Mac and Cheese, so obviously the fail here is Kraft Dinner.
  • Sometimes allergies are to weird things. Like, Rym could not eat apples raw because he would get an allergic reaction, but he could eat cooked apples in a pie. Cider was out, but apple baked goods were okay. It turns out it wasn't the apple itself but the fact that birch pollen impregnates the skin of apples, and that's what he was allergic to.
  • How the hell were you able to narrow that down?
  • So Michael Bay is producing a new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie...

    ...where the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are not mutants, but are from an alien race. I have no words.
  • How the hell were you able to narrow that down?

    You can test for allergies these days.
  • So Michael Bay is producing a new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie...

    ...where the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are not mutants, but are from an alien race. I have no words.
    I will beat him to death with 'chucks if he does that.

  • edited March 2012
    I wonder if he can manage to make it worse than that japanese sentai show.
    The turtles being an alien race isn't that far out, considering the universe is littered with alien races, but on the other hand Michael Bay makes everything terrible and it would make the "mutant" in the name obsolete.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Shit, I totally forgot about that show. I'm pretty sure I remember me and my friend having action figures based on it when we were like 10.
  • edited March 2012
    Sometimes allergies are to weird things. Like, Rym could not eat apples raw because he would get an allergic reaction, but he could eat cooked apples in a pie. Cider was out, but apple baked goods were okay. It turns out it wasn't the apple itself but the fact that birch pollen impregnates the skin of apples, and that's what he was allergic to.
    Friend of mine is allergic to freshly cut tomatoes (also, of course, uncut tomatoes), once cut and left open to the air for several hours the thing he's allergic to evaporates/reacts with the air/idk.

    Truly hilarious situations ensue when he orders at, e.g., Subways:
    -Are those tomatoes freshly cut?
    -Of course they are, sir.
    -Uh, actually I can't have freshly cut tomatoes due to allergy.
    -I want the tomatoes but only if they have been cut more than six hours ago.
    -... Oh, ok. Uuuh, yeah I think these were cut like yesterday so you're fine.
    Post edited by Dr. Timo on
  • edited March 2012
    The group of Japanese exchange students I've been supervising for the last month left this morning. A month is the wrong amount of time. It's long enough to really get attached to them, especially when you're together every day for activities and whathaveyou, but not long enough. This is the first time I've wept since I don't know when. Now I've got to pull myself together for work in the next hour.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • "Let's make buffering a thing of the paste."
  • "Women?"
    Straight Female Hackers are apparently out of luck.
  • edited March 2012
    Straight Female Hackers are apparently out of luck.
    Bah, there's no such thing.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • I have people problems. Ah well, nothing new.
  • "Women?"
    Straight Female Hackers are apparently out of luck.
    Seriously. And people wonder why there are so few women in computing.
  • Got a hilariously bad lottery number for housing - fortunately, my group has enough priority that it shouldn't be a problem. We just have to hope that we don't get screwed over by the remaining thing that's out of our control.
  • edited March 2012

    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • Marseille is a fucking awful place, and I am so eager to split. Maybe I'm missing something here, but the city itself is really goddamned boring, and crime seems omnipresent.
  • It's France, everybody seems to hate France.
  • No, France is great. It's just Marseille that blows.
  • edited March 2012
    I was flipping through one of several shady looking manga-themed drawing books the other day, and one was giving a decent history of manga...until they identified Asuka Langley as a bishoujo character from a bishoujo series.
    There goes all that book's cred.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Adam, you realise, taken out of context, that would be right at home on Shit Otaku Say, right?
  • Adam, you realise, taken out of context, that would be right at home on Shit Otaku Say, right?
    We have to take it out of context?
  • edited March 2012
    Adam, you realise, taken out of context, that would be right at home on Shit Otaku Say, right?
    We have to take it out of context?
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • I was flipping through one of several shady looking manga-themed drawing books the other day, and one was giving a decent history of manga...until they identified Asuka Langley as a bishoujo character from a bishoujo series.
    There goes all that book's cred.
    I understood everything up to the first instance of the word manga. Then the sentence fell apart.

    Would not read again, A-----.

  • My insurance doesn't cover routine medical things, so I might have to pay $600 for bloodwork my Dr prescribed for a physical.

    Yeah, I'm seeing if I can get it coded as related to monitoring a medical condition since I have several. But they might not do it. In which case, payment plan!
  • That sucks Nuri, I thought all insurance had to provide basic routine shit... or is that something that goes into effect next year?
  • Whelp, looks like I no longer have to pretend to be a Jets fan...
  • That sucks Nuri, I thought all insurance had to provide basic routine shit... or is that something that goes into effect next year?
    Nuuupe... private insurance companies can pretty much be dicks if they want. Unless one of the new laws prevent it. (Why people are so against these laws mandating all kids to have coverage, all preexisting patients to have coverage, no co-pays for preventative care, etc. is beyond me. People Americans are evil -.-)
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