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Fail of Your Day



  • Not sure I see the fail in the picture. Only the fail of someone's snobbery for thinking it is a fail.
  • edited December 2014

    Google is shutting down its News site in Spain - the reason being that Spain passed a law saying that Google was required to pay news sites for displaying article snippets in their news results, and that said sites weren't allowed to charge zero dollars for it.

    So European countries can also be dumb pretty frequently.

    Now they're closing their Russian office.
    Post edited by Daikun on
  • 18MP cameras with 0.3MP settings.
  • I guess some people are trying to make #metalgate a thing?

    I have no idea what anyone is going on about, and quite frankly, I can't see the metal community getting riled up. We're all about equality and shit, and we're way less likely to put up with someone drumming up drama than the fedora-clad neckbeard GomerGators.

  • edited December 2014

    I have no idea what anyone is going on about, and quite frankly, I can't see the metal community getting riled up. We're all about equality and shit, and we're way less likely to put up with someone drumming up drama than the fedora-clad neckbeard GomerGators.

    You can't see it, because they're not. Literally the only three people who care about this are 1), who appear to have invented the whole thing, and are kinda prats anyway, 2)TotalBiscuit, who definitely is a complete prat anyway, 3)Gamergaters, who uncritically gobble down anything their champion figures like Totalbiscuit say.

    Edit - Though it did give me the opportunity to link more unsuspecting people to CHRIStFUCK, so it's not all bad.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • I'm glad I'm still making waves.

    Even if those waves are mostly pressure waves ripping through the eardrums of the unexpected.
  • Yeah, after probing and talking, this is definitely not an actual thing. Seems like it was a lame attempt by twatwaffles to give the appearance of an all-out assault. I've been reading some comments like, "First blah, then games, now metal, WHAT'S NEXT? WILL SOCIAL JUSTICE EVER END?"

    I really just want to punch everyone.
  • I have no idea what anyone is going on about, and quite frankly, I can't see the metal community getting riled up. We're all about equality and shit, and we're way less likely to put up with someone drumming up drama than the fedora-clad neckbeard GomerGators.

    GamerGators are awesome. It's GamerGaters that are the problem.
  • Yeah gamers kinda by definition seek conflict, while metal heads just wanna rock.
  • Yeah gamers kinda by definition seek conflict, while metal heads just wanna rock.

  • Third shift guys tell me to keep an eye out for some unknown substance along the path we patrol. One guy speculated it was wet cement due to the viscosity of it. I go out when there's more light to take a look. It was topsoil.

    I can understand as there's not much light back there but seriously? Cement? I'd like to have a talk with the guy but I won't see him till next week.
  • I just encountered an interesting glitch in XCOM: Enemy Within. Temple Ship assault, with just one Muton elite left on the map before I could move on. He Hunkered Down in cover, so I had an Assault guy use flush on him. It hit, did its damage, but then it got stuck in the screen when it shows reactions (presumably it was waiting for the Muton to move, considering that's what I wanted it to do). I could move the camera, it would show the boxes like I could select another soldier, but I couldn't do anything as that Muton remained stubbornly behind his cover. I had to kill the game, when things were going so well.

    Anyone else encounter this?
  • Today's fail is the person who, instead of tagging broken equipment for rotation out of use, put it in a machine without thinking and as a result I tripped and fell.

    My supervisors have done nothing. Not reprimand the person who done fucked up nor document my fall so that if I wake up in three days with after effects, I've got nothing to stand on.

    My only real recourse is to tell any and everyone what happened and to show my injuries so that if it does come to that, I've got strong evidence on my side.
  • Dromaro said:

    Today's fail is the person who, instead of tagging broken equipment for rotation out of use, put it in a machine without thinking and as a result I tripped and fell.

    My supervisors have done nothing. Not reprimand the person who done fucked up nor document my fall so that if I wake up in three days with after effects, I've got nothing to stand on.

    My only real recourse is to tell any and everyone what happened and to show my injuries so that if it does come to that, I've got strong evidence on my side.

    Dude, go above their heads.
  • Dromaro said:

    Today's fail is the person who, instead of tagging broken equipment for rotation out of use, put it in a machine without thinking and as a result I tripped and fell.

    My supervisors have done nothing. Not reprimand the person who done fucked up nor document my fall so that if I wake up in three days with after effects, I've got nothing to stand on.

    My only real recourse is to tell any and everyone what happened and to show my injuries so that if it does come to that, I've got strong evidence on my side.

    File a claim yourself and do it quickly.
  • Also, call OSHA and a lawyer.

    Dead serious. Don't wait or fuck around on this.
  • Rym said:

    Also, call OSHA and a lawyer.

    Dead serious. Don't wait or fuck around on this.

  • Dropped off the chevy at a mechanic for a heater core replacement since I have not the time and it is fucking cold.
  • OSHA ain't nothing to fuck with. Do it now.

    Dropped off the chevy at a mechanic for a heater core replacement since I have not the time and it is fucking cold.

    Meanwhile, the van has a fully functioning air-conditioner that I'm pretty sure hasn't actually had gas in it since about 2000.

  • Churba said:

    Dropped off the chevy at a mechanic for a heater core replacement since I have not the time and it is fucking cold.

    Meanwhile, the van has a fully functioning air-conditioner that I'm pretty sure hasn't actually had gas in it since about 2000.
    I did the same thing when I got the caprice, it was pretty awesome.
  • Rym said:

    Also, call OSHA and a lawyer.

    Dead serious. Don't wait or fuck around on this.

    I work for a federal agency. They literally laugh at OSHA. They've been fined for various labor law violations, just paid them, and not corrected the issues.

    Things they have done to me or others in my 17 months there:

    - Let us work over 8 hours without a first break. This is a most extreme example. The more common thing along these lines is going over 6 hours without a lunch (Cali law demands lunch no late than 6 hours into a shift) or more than 4 hours between breaks.

    - Not rotated us off of highly repetitive tasks every two hours. That's a safety/OSHA thing.

    - Not properly documented injuries like mine to make the plant appear safer than it is. More on this later.

    - Knowingly and deliberately understaffed machines that should be operated by X people with 1/2 X or fewer people in an effort to run the plant under operational budget. More on this, too.

    - Deliberately obstructed union efforts to correct known problems such as the ones listed above and other.

    I can only speak for my craft. There are two other crafts working in the building and they have their own union contracts so I can't very well speak to how management has honored/not honored their agreements.

    Now for the "more on"s...

    My position is technically considered a part time position even though we have worked over 40 hours, 6 days a week for, I'd say, 95%+ of the time I've been there. All of us who have this position (about 25 of us) are afraid to report any injuries because we are afraid that at the end of the year management will call us a "safety risk" and not renew our contracts. We've been informed by the "regular" workers that they've done similar things in the past and nothing they've done so far as their treatment of us leads us to think otherwise so.......

    One woman broke a finger and when she went to the doctor (completely on her own dime since we get no insurance through this federal employer) she denied wrong treatment because then management would KNOW she broke her finger and could fire her. One guy took a falling 40 lb parcel to the head and he didn't report it. The list is long.

    tl;dr - We are afraid to stand up for our rights and benefits because of a tyrannical management group.

    The under-staffing for budgetary reasons "more on"... The plant managers yearly bonuses are determined by how far under operational budget they are at the end of each fiscal year. You do the math. We've been the "most profitable" plant since the current PM took over 8 years ago. We've also reported more injuries, even WITH the atmosphere of fear surrounding them.

    Although to your point, Rym, I talked to my union steward about OSHA and he said "this sort of thing is nothing new. We know, we report it, not even OSHA looks into it unless the injuries are really, really bad". Mine aren't, thankfully.

    As to the lawyer part? Well, I know a few but I'm still unsure what gain can be had of doing that...
  • Report that shit anyway. Quit and/or sue.

    If you decide it's not worth fighting over, then you basically have to suck it up and deal with it.
  • I did the same thing when I got the caprice, it was pretty awesome.

    Oh no, it still doesn't have gas in it. I just roll the windows down, and if it's raining, I turn on the fans with external air. I don't feel like integrity testing the whole system after this long (A) and B) I'd need at the least a lift and two people to do it minimum(Because of pulling off the bash plate, and how much of a pain it is to access 90% of the engine in that vehicle), and specialized equipment because those super handy refill cans you can get in the US simply aren't available here.

  • edited December 2014
    Rym said:

    Report that shit anyway. Quit and/or sue.

    If you decide it's not worth fighting over, then you basically have to suck it up and deal with it.

    True that. I know well the options. It still doesn't prevent a wee bit of venting on the fail thread. ;-) I'm looking at the OSHA site now. It looks like complaints can be filed anonymously or I can sign my name on it. They admit an inspection is far more likely if they get a name on it.

    As to the lawyer route... I'll text my lawyer buddies about it an see what they say.

    *EDIT* Called OSHA. She said that right now, nothing much could be done but she'd pass on my info to the regional employee just in case and to certainly call back if they do anything in the future that might be construed as retribution for this. I inquired about investigating unsafe work conditions and she said given the nature of the job (they're apparently quite familiar with the USPS), it has to be a systemic type problem not one bad piece of equipment. Literally hundreds of bit of equipment flow into and out of our facility each day so....
    Post edited by Dromaro on
  • Well, there's a reason it's called going postal aye?
  • SWATrous said:

    Well, there's a reason it's called going postal aye?

    That's not even a joke you can even hint at making. I did that day 1 and was sternly talked down.
  • This is why worker's comp exists. You get injured on the job, you get worker's comp. This kind of random thing happens all the time. There's little-to-nothing a workplace can do about it. If it's a REALLY bad fuckup the idiot who caused it might get fired.
  • The idiot what caused it is a casual. She's gone in 2 more weeks anyway. I suspect she gave zero shits until she saw me go down and then she was concerned.

    I'm not that badly hurt. Bruise on my left wrist and bruises on my knees and my knee caps hurt. Having honor, unless it gets worse, I don't think I'm going to file a WC claim. Everyone else I e talked to about it thinks I should on principle. 45 paid days off does sound nice...
  • Welp, sacked up and filed a JSA (job safety analysis). Got driven to a clinic where my knees got xrayed. I'm stubborn and don't feel I need this but my amazing gf has more or less insisted. She's saving me from my own idiocy.
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