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Identify Yourself



  • She might have four hands and two tentacles.
  • yo,
    I'm Julius, I've listened to the show for a while, and the idea of good FPSing has made me interested in what y'all do here. I'm from Houston live in Troy NY for college, big time gamer (mostly FPS and RTS) and anime watcher, not much else really.
    Hope to get to know Y'all.
  • Hello! I am Carrie. I live in Grand Rapids, MI and am a defunct geek. In my youth, I lived for games. By 'youth', I mean ages 0-18. The first computer I used was my dad's TSR-80 way, way back. However, I cut my teeth on a Commodore 64. Ah, Double Dragon 2. Ah, the first Castlevania. Ah, Dig Dug. Sadly, I have not played video games - other than my beloved Myst games - for about ten years. I once was good at Doom but now I suck. I tried playing it the other day. It was sad. Oh well.

    I suppose I shouldn't be here - I am not a techie, I don't read comics anymore, I don't play games, and I don't watch anime. I got sucked into the podcasts, however, and Rym and Scott seem intelligent, which I appreciate. Then I lucked here a bit and y'all seem like intelligent, fun people. So I thought, cool, and I joined.

    Anyway, I am 28, I like literature, and I make money by running the budget for an academic department at a university. My claim to fame is having a degree in Classics and knowing Latin and Ancient Greek. I have read a lot of the Iliad in Greek. Go me.

    I am happy to be here and look forward to meeting the lovely people here.
  • I have not played video games - other than my beloved Myst games
    Myst isn't a video game. It's an interactive picture. D
  • I have not played video games - other than my beloved Myst games
    Myst isn't a video game. It's an interactive picture. D<</p>
    Oh, I know. I fully admit that I don't play it because it's a game but because it has pretty pictures I like looking at.
  • I have two copies of both Myst and its sequel.
  • Okay, so I gues I should do one of these.

    I'm Nick. I quite actively dislike people, but most persons or small groups are allright (when isolated at least). Video games, computer stuff, art, psychology...all stuff I'm into. I figured I signed up long enough ago that I should finally introduce myself.

    The best way to intoduce myself is to link to to a download of Action Quake II. It's stand alone kinda... *gesticulates* you can't play base Q2 with it, but you can play action. I'm working on making it actually smaller, because it's currently the ones that my friends and I use which is really cobbled together. when I make one that's actually smaller, I'll let people know.

    let's play. Big Team games. fun. :D
  • My name is Finn, I live in San Jose, CA. I go to San Jose State University and am pursuing a BFA in animation/illustraation. To help pay for college, I work at an electrical engineering company drawing their plans in AutoCAD. Its a sweet gig that pays a lot and I hate it. I play vidgegames, the occasional board game, I like comics and movies, and am an avid reader. Geeknights aids in my work time entertainment.
  • I'm Robert, I live in Southampton, England. I'm currently studying Film Studies in Southampton Solent University and hope to become a film director after I finish. I play videogames, surf the internet, and watch anime, I like to read commics and watch movies of a certain stripe, and I'd like to play roleeplaying games if only I can find anyone around me when plays them.
  • knowing Latin and Ancient Greek
    Another one! Knowing dead languages has something incredibly interesting but also sad about it. ^^
  • My name is Philip Kerr, Phil works just fine. I am currently an unemployed historian specializing in the Crusading Period. This focus includes Byzantine, European and Middle Eastern History from a few years before 1066 into the 1500's. I am an active, adventure loving individual with a specialization in climbing things. When I am not doing history related studies or enjoying the great outdoors I work as a sailor for private yachts. Aside from all that I enjoy music, anime, manga, video games, movies, podcasts, cons, and much much more. That is all I have for now. If you want to know more, feel free to contact me.

  • I work as a sailor for private yachts.
    Such a sweet gig to get into. I know some guys who have done that. Where have you sailed?
  • That would be a hefty list, I have been at it for over 8 years. Lets see, I live in Rhode Island and so mostly that is where I leave port from. My destinations have included most of the Islands in the Caribbean, most states up and down the east coast that have a good port, starting with northern Maine and concluding with the Florida Keys. Bermuda, Cozumel (Mexico), Panama, I think that about sums it up.
  • I live in Rhode Island
    What part, if you don't mind me asking?
  • What part, if you don't mind me asking?
    The Northern end of the state.
  • What part, if you don't mind me asking?
    The Northern end of the state.
    Cool. I go to school in Attleboro. Just a hop skip and a jump away.
  • Haha, in this tiny state everything is just a hop skip and jump away.
  • Haha, in this tiny state everything is just a hop skip and jump away.
    Why do you think you're my state's little brother?
  • Oh mans, all these Rhodeislanders! I should go back and visit. I heard you guys have your own geek con, nowadays?
  • Hey, everyone. I'm Flare. I'm from a state with a smaller population than Rhode Island. My passions include game making, programming, and cookies. I heard about this forum at last weekend's Otakon, and it sounded like a pretty cool place.
  • ...cookies...
    We are going to get along very nicely.
  • Well I am heeding the call to join the forums from Tuesdays show. Well to be exact I joined a long time ago and just forgot to come back O_o. Anyways I'm a lowly Exchange System admin from Pittsburgh, PA. I enjoy lots of different topics when it comes to computers/tech, anime, and video games. I've listened to the show for over a year now and I still enjoy it to this day. Looking forward to having some good discussions with everyone.
  • Welcome, Jordan. ^_^

    Here's your booklet?
  • Also heeding the call from this week's episodes, I am now actually posting, instead of my usual lurking. Ahem....

    My name is Peter X. Blanco, and I'm from Flushing, Queens, New York. I'm a recent college graduate, and am working as a freelance animator for a small animation studio. I do most of my work remotely from home. Being as this gig tends to be a bit umm... "inconsistent" as far as steady work goes, I hold down another job working for Time Warner Cable at night, which does provide a steady paycheck, but at the same time tends to eat away at my very soul.
    I enjoy creating graphics, drawing, playing video games, playing keyboard and some bass, some anime, actiony movies, podcasts, reading animation textbooks, going out to eat at different restaurants, working out (occasionally), comics(underwear pervert, indy, and manga), and creating run-on sentences. I tend to be very relaxed, laid back, and forgetful.
    I usually don't post much as I tend to forget that I have an account, but I will try to participate more... until you get sick of me that is : p
  • I'm from Flushing, Queens, New York
    I was born in Flushing, what street are you on?
  • 164th street. Close to Francis Lewis High School (where I went.) Technically it's Fresh Meadows, but all my mail says Flushing for some reason.
    My usual hanging out spots in High School were on Main Street though, which is deep in Flushing.
  • 164th street. Close to Francis Lewis High School (where I went.) Technically it's Fresh Meadows, but all my mail says Flushing for some reason.
    My usual hanging out spots in High School were on Main Street though, which is deep in Flushing.
    My grandma lived on 169th street. We're neighbors almost.
  • I used to work at Africk Pharmacy on 164th and Jewel Ave. and frequently delivered medicine to elderly folk around the area. Perhaps she was one of my customers? This was about 5 or 6 years ago.
  • I used to work at Africk Pharmacy on 164th and Jewel Ave. and frequently delivered medicine to elderly folk around the area. Perhaps she was one of my customers? This was about 5 or 6 years ago.
    Nah, my grandma takes care of herself, and doesn't need medicine delivery.
  • So I finally stopped procrastinating and made a forums account because the podcast told me to! o_o;
    I'm Robyn. I'm 19 as of about a month ago, and I'm a sophomore at Purchase college, but I'm from Long island, NY. To be more precise, I was born in Manhattan, raised in Whitestone, and have been on LI for long enough. I have this love for being vague, can you tell?
    Anyway, I learned about Geek Nights at last year's Otakon when I wound up getting reccomended Revolutionary Girl Utena from Rym, but I forgot the website because I am terrible at keeping postcards and fliers or remembering website urls! So about six months later my friend raved about how good Geek Nights was, and wound up listening and liking it.
    I have an incredible love for Anime, cosplay and conventions are sort of a passion of mine, I'm slowly getting into comics, and I'm half-Australian (fun fact of the day!).
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