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Identify Yourself



  • edited January 2009
    Hi! My name is Alana, I'm a 14 year old high school student in Ohio. I've listened to Geeknights for over a year and I have been lurking the forums for almost as long as I've been listening.

    My geekiness has wavered since I have started High School because I have been really busy, but I consider myself an Anime/Manga geek (despite not reading/watching any new Manga or Anime for over a year D:). Its not really fair to call me a computer geek, compared to all of you, but some of my friends can barely start a computer. Compared to them, I'm a computer god. I've only finished one video game from beginning to end which is Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass and I am now in the process of finding every Legend of Zelda game :D.

    I hope to someday to become a writer and move to New York.
    Post edited by Alana on
  • Hey there Alana, welcome to the forums. Enjoy your stay, though watch out for the faceless entity, he's mean!
  • Thank you. Well he was quite polite to me :)
  • Hello, the name I'll give is Rei since I'm paranoid.
    I chose this username because Steve is the coolest name in the world *my world. XD*. I will say that I live in Kansas City MO and am getting ready for the biggest dork fest to hit the metro area. Naka-kon! Thanks to a staff member on our forums I found this podcast and had a good laugh. For some odd reason listening to these two psychs me up for conventions and makes me want to camp out in front of the hotel two months early. I hope to get to know more people on here and geek out as much as possible. XD
  • Hello everyone my name is Jason and I'm 19
    I'm currently majoring in internet systems security and love all things tech,gaming,comics, ect;
    I blog for fun and am wanting to do a podcast in the future, hope I get to know everyone on the forums :]
  • Hello,

    My name is Gordon and I am currently 16 years old. I am in High school. I was referred here by joe boomer, whom I think some of you already know. I like all things related to technology ranging from gaming, surfing the web, programming,etc. I am also a die hard sci-fi fan(I grew up with Star wars and Star Trek). I am looking forward to contributing to the discussions. I am glad that I have found the anithesis of /b/.

    I also look forward to getting to know you all.
  • *Crashing thunders and razor sharp lightning sounds can be heard*
    Tremble and despair mortals, Xiphias3 has come to this forum!

    Hey all!
    My name is Andrew and im 19. Im from Jamaica, land where Otakus are few and programmers quite scarce.
    I've been listening for about 2 months now. I found this site when I was looking for podcasts on Gundam SEED, which kicked ass! Kira Yamato is AWESOME!
    I watch alot of anime (primarily Mecha and "School-Life") and read some manga as well . I listen to JPop (Kawaii radio) and really like Ayumi Hamasaki, MOVE and YUKA from Akatsuki no Kuruma. TMRevolution is pretty damn good! Im a pretty decent gamer when it comes to FPSes. I enjoy programming alot because of the sense of accomplish it grants and the sheer fun! I do alot of VB6(well really WinAPI so it can easily be translated), with some Java and C++ on the side. This is something Im working on for me and a few fellow Otakus, anime based TaskSwitcher(Alt+Tab):

    Glad to meet you all, and I know I'll enjoy my stay.
  • Im from Jamaica
    You've already won me over.
  • edited February 2009
    Im from Jamaica
    You've already won me over.
    LOL! Are you freezing your ass off and wishing you got some Jamaican sun?
    In any case, Jamaica may got sun, but not much else for people like me, and probably you too.
    I don't even think anime is sold in Jamaica.
    Post edited by Xiphias3 on
  • (You wa Shock!)

    'lo! I'm Alan Cooke, and I'm a Mass Comm / "Writing for Spoken Productions" major at SELU, and I live in Mandeville, LA. I was born 16 Dec. 1988. While i've been in and out of the anime circles, but i've been a constant gamer since my first gaming console, (A Colecovision!) in the early 1990s. I love playing with language. I also love survival horror games. I don't care if you thing they're dead.

    The first anime I ever watched was "Ronin Warriors," and in a way, that affected me quite a lot. We moved a lot when I was a little kid, and when we settled down in Houston, we had no cable. Luckily, the local UPN station(lol, they're long gone.) carried Samurai Pizza Cats and Ronin Warriors, so I watched those when I came home from schools. For a long time, it was just another show, but eventually Galaxy Express 999 aired on one of the channels, and I immediately clicked with it. That was the beginning of my being a fan of the animes.

    As far as my favorites, I like Giant Robot shows, but preferably not Super Robot, (although Eva has a dear place in my heart.) Cowboy Bebop, Planetes, (I Copy!) and more that I can't place off the top of my head. I love the Silent Hill and Resident Evil Games, as well as Ace Combat, and.. well... a multitude of genres. I'm not a huge fan of the strategy games, though. They make me feel like my bones have been shuffled around inside me.

    'S good to meet you all, and it's good to find a new community to participate in.
  • Hello,

    I'm Thomas Barlow, currently nineteen and undertaking an Arts degree at Monash University where I am dividing myself between literature, history, philosophy and causing heart ache for sub par lecturers. I am Australian.

    I'm a tabletop roleplayer, I like anime and computer games but beyond that I would say I truly enjoy books, specifics will probably come out in more detailed discussions.

    I joined this forum for two reasons, firstly that Rym and Scott kept plugging it as some amazing intellectual bastion filled with really cool people on the Internet (cool people on the Internet? Is it possible?) and secondly I caught myself using the expression "oh mans" in conversation and decided 'that's it, I'm stealing their expressions I might as well join the forums'

    It's good to meet everyone and I hope that I prove myself to be a 'cool person in the Internet'
  • edited February 2009
    Hello my name is Regan Strongblood I do a anime podcast called anime82.
    Scott if your interested I just did a review of Galaxy express 999 (I know that your fan of that show)
    anyhow love the show guys.
    Post edited by regan strongblood on
  • Hi, I'm Harry from London, UK. Currently I reside as a sysadmin for a media company in Tower Hill. When I'm not working I might be doing something other than playing PC games (unlikely unless it involves part-tay-ing or food).

    Born in 84 (play 'Guess my age!') I am a bad guitarist, a bad Left4Dead player and very bad at keeping up with the backlist of podcasts I have stacked up. Hope to get involved with the community over here!
  • Born in 84 (play 'Guess my age!')
    There is a 14.6% chance that you are 25 years old, the larger 85.4% chance is that you are still 24 years old.

    Welcome to the forums. Mind your spelling, note the rampant stupidity and insanity and note the above average intelligence from the majority of the forum. May your stay be delightful, average, or life-scarringly scary.

    Greeting costs:
    Brains x1
  • Hi there. My name is Josh Stephenson and I live in Idaho. I attended college for 3 years back from 2000 to 2003; though I never got a degree. I work in manual labor, I'm an amateur cartoonist, and I'm quite happy with my life.
    I've been gaming for a long time; started out on the Atari 2600, then on to NES, followed by SNES, proceeded by PSX, and finally my PS2. I haven't bought a 360 yet; my PC is all the gaming I need for now.
    I enjoy Anime quite a bit; I've been an avid watcher since 2002 or so. The only thing I don't do is the board gaming. I've never had a chance to sit down and play D&D; I'm sure it would be a blast with the right group of people.
    I just got back from a 3 week vacation in Seattle. It was quite the experience.
    Favorite Games - Chrono Trigger, Fallout 2, Knights of the Old Republic, GTA Vice City, Counter Strike, and Call of Duty 4.
    Favorite Animes - Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Trigun, Black Lagoon, Ghost In The Shell, and Great Teacher Onizuka.
  • edited March 2009
    Ok, last one was too long, and probably tmi.

    My name is Alicia. I'm 23, and I'm about to graduate from Penn State with a BA in Comparative Literature and some kind of certificate saying that I minored in Japanese. I have lived most of my life 20 minutes from campus. I attempted to do study abroad in Nagoya, Japan, but it didn't work out so well, and I was there exactly 1 month, instead of the proposed 5.
    Once upon a time, I went to the University of the Arts in Philadelphia for animation and illustration for 2 years. It was fun, but Philadelphia's not really where you want to go to learn how to work in a studio.

    I like anime; I come from the time when it was social suicide to say you liked Sailor Moon, and I watched the first episode of Toonami. I used to absorb anything and everything that came out, and have since learned from my mistakes. Probably. I tend to watch a lot more drama than anime now though, and it's usually drama that started as a manga.
    As for gaming, my brother and sister had an Atari 2600, and that's the only console I've ever owned. I have played Kirby and Super Mario Bros by mooching off my friends' though. I played chess on a TRS-80. I've owned a green Gameboy, turquoise Gameboy Color, dark purple flat Gameboy Advance, and a black DS. I used to like puzzle games, until they got too damn hard, or frustratingly stupid. At UArts, there was a not-so-organized Video Game Club whose main goal was to play various consoles hooked up to a screening room. I may have been at a few of those meetings, mostly to watch others crash and burn in spectacular (amusing?) ways.
    That same damned TRS-80 would only work if you did commands in BASIC, so I may have once programmed in BASIC and C++, and failed the AP exam rather miserably. Before Tech-TV mutated into G4, I also sort of cared about how to make a computer.
    Post edited by shiroduckie on
  • I attempted to do study abroad in Nagoya, Japan, but it didn't work out so well, and I was there exactly 1 month, instead of the proposed 5.
    Did you go to Meidai (Nagoya Daigaku)? Did you live in International Residence? Did centipedes go on your head?

    Also what happened? Why did you have to leave? Was it the centipedes?
  • Hiyo!!!
    My name is Hailey. I am 17 years old and I go to high school in Charlotte, NC. I am an artist and plan to get some sort of degree in art and teaching. I hope to one day join the Peace Corps. I've been listening for about two years now and finally decided to get off my pooper and join in on the forums.
    I am a fan of anime/manga, and video games.
    I would love to dip my fingers into some things like Dungeon and Dragons or World of Warcraft but alas, my mother has forbidden me because the geek genes in my family are so strong that she's afraid I would do nothing productive. But soon, in 2 months to be exact, I shall be 18 and no longer listen to her silly rules. Muhahahahahah!

    Anywhoo. I'm excited to be joining in.
  • Hey everyone!

    I'm 24 and currently reside in Omaha, NE. I've been an anime geek since before it was 'cool'. I remember those days..... walking to borders, barefoot in the snow, uphill both ways... and all for a manga section with hardly 10 books. These kids have it so easy these days.

    My job is boring as hell, but I have quite a few hobbies. Most of my time is spent on my webcomic. I build and manage websites for my close artist friends, and I'm also going to school for Marketing.

    In the spring and summer, I am both a storm spotter and chaser. They're completely different beasts, and I love them both. Spotting lets me serve my community, but chasing is my true love. If I could have, I would have LOVED to get a degree in meteorology, but it's a dying field. My obsession with weather is just as strong as my obsession with geek-culture.

    So... yeah... I guess that's about it for me?
  • Looks like we got some new members from the live show. Welcome!
  • Hi all. I'm A.J, (otherwise known as Kevin to my friends). I'm 31 years old, from the the U.K. I'm well into my anime/manga and games, but also enjoy other stuff like sports, especially soccer. I also enjoy going out and socialising with friends and new people. Also love cool gaming/movie nights with my crew. Vodka and wine like my liver, in all these occasions.

    I usually work in catering or retail, but I'd love to work in something more creative, since I'm also a keen artist (yeah, more manga style art but I'm trying to mold my own style). Other interests are TV shows, podcasts, politics, tech etc. Variety is the spice of life and all. Just finished a course in studying and understanding the comics. I don't dig D&D, WoW or Warhammer etc.

    I've always been a geek of sorts, since I've been drawing and playing games since I was 5. My art is my master and molds my crazy self, something many don't get, but its good to see them trying to understand me. Wacom tablets at the ready, I'm always lookin for some inspiration, for art, stories, games, concepts etc. I also do some writing reviews for a U.K anime website on the side.

    For my anime and manga side, I began slowly with Ulysses 31, Cities of Gold, gathered pace with Project A-ko, Tank Police, Ninja Scroll and Akira back in 89. Now after watching many series via fansub, friends and purchase, my tastes are changing. I prefer more deep, thoughtful, cerebral, stuff, besides some good action or drama. If it has a decent storyline, without falling into the usual anime fan stroking cliches (yes that's right, and a lot of anime/manga is junk too...just like anything in life), then I'm more likely to check it out. Also like some crazy gekiga too.

    Current faves are Zipang, Cowboy Bebop, Master Keaton, Baccano, Michiko to Hatchin, When They Cry, Hajime No Ippo, Darker Than Black, Legend of Galactic Heroes, Armored Trooper VOTOMS, and still the retro future awesomeness of Giant Robo (come on Scott, watch it).
    Currently watching on fansub: One Outs, Blade of the Immortal, Golgo 13, Gallery Fake
    Currently reading: Parasyte (Kiseiju), Dragonhead, Me and the Devil Blues, Real, Daigo of Fire Company M, Bakuman, Area 88.
    Other stuff: The Walking Dead, Wasteland (cool, original yank comics, amen), Medium, Terminator series, cranky Dr. House, and that action comedy 24.

    Games wise, I own a few consoles, the oldest being a SNES and original GB. The center of my gaming are now my 360, PS2 DS Lite and PSP. Enjoying RE5, Persona 3, Retro Game Challenge and SF4.

    Damn, what an essay. I'll take my leave now.
  • edited April 2009
    Hey, Keaton. I remember you from the IRC channel of the live show.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Yeah, hey, wasssup cheese meister?
  • My name is Pat (or Whistle) and though I won't mention my true age, I will say that I fall into the "punk kid" category. General area: The US, eastern coast. I'm a long time listener with absolutely no excuse for not joining the forum, besides general shyness. Needless to say, I got over it. ^^

    Honestly there's not much else to say about me at the moment. I'm an amateur artist, writer, and programmer. I watch a good amount of anime, play a lot of video games, read a lot of books. When I get bored with that, I bike. I'm not watching or playing anything at the moment, since I finished Death Note (eh... what can I say?) and the last battle of Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (GAH! Frustrating...) at around the same time, leaving me with nothing going on. Well, I take that back, I still haven't beaten Doom on "nightmare" difficulty, but I'm pretty sure that's a lost cause...

    My favorite anime so far is Wolf's Rain. Favorite game is still King's Quest VI. In my spare time, I collect stories, tales and legends of all sorts, from anywhere I can get them.

    Oh, and I whistle. A lot. Hence the name. ^^ It's a habit.
    Um.... Hi everyone.
  • Hi, Whistle.
    I like your user name.

    Wolf's Rain is totally great, but the end was a bit of a let-down for me. Have you seen Michiko and Hatchin?
  • Hi, Whistle.
    I like your user name.

    Wolf's Rain is totally great, but the end was a bit of a let-down for me. Have you seen Michiko and Hatchin?
    Thanks, yours is pretty cool too!
    Sadly, no, my collection of actual anime is lacking, to say the least. But I'm working on that. :D I'll add those to the giant list of shows I have to watch over the summer.
  • Hey all,

    Even though I have a lot of geek interests (sci-fi, comics, games, anime, mythology, linguistics <-- that may be debatable, science, tolkien, etc) I don't know enough about any to be considered hardcore or expert on any of them. I'm really interested in programming and computers but my knowledge of them is limited to just knowing of things on the surface level and not much on depth. I like browsing through video game magazines (which I get free at times) and am excited about new games, but I have never found the time to sit down and get into a game. At the moment, having returned from a great trip to Japan, I'm heavily into Japanese movies, especially those by Toshiro Mifune (the samurai trilogy). Another trip back to Japan in scheduled for August to climb Mt. Fuji so I'm going to try to learn as much conversational Japanese as possible so I can say more than just "arigato gozaimas". My name is Mike and I'm in a small place between Los Angeles and Santa Barbara. I'm considering setting up an anime club, but I need to build up a library and learn a lot more about them.
  • Hello everyone,

    I'm Tyler and herald from Massachusetts. I go to college in Maine, where I am double majoring in marine biology and aqua-culture and aquarium sciences, and I am hoping to pick up a minor in chemistry. I've listened to GeekNights for a while now, but am just joining the forums. I listen to all four days of GeekNights. And to answer your question, yes, I have (and wear) a hat, which is fancy.
  • yes, I have (and wear) a hat, which is fancy.
    Pics or it didn't happen.
  • I attempted to do study abroad in Nagoya, Japan, but it didn't work out so well, and I was there exactly 1 month, instead of the proposed 5.
    Did you go to Meidai (Nagoya Daigaku)? Did you live in International Residence? Did centipedes go on your head?

    Also what happened? Why did you have to leave? Was it the centipedes?
    The fact that you mentioned centipedes rapidly here and the fact that is sounds like SUCH an inside joke, frightens me from ever going there.
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