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Identify Yourself



  • edited August 2008
    and I'm half-Australian
    Does that mean half aboriginal Australian? What comics are you getting into?
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • Not half aboriginal, that would be cool though. I'm half British-Australian. I've been following Sandman, Sin City, Kick-ass, and I'm getting my hands on Watchmen and Runaways in a week.
  • Heyo! Like many others, Rym and Scott's complaining about listeners who don't do the forum broke me down, and despite my better judgment, here I am. Name's Chris Knox, with more nicknames than I can count including Knoxinator, born in 1986, born and raised in the Seattle area. I'm really not much of a forum goer, so I don't know how much I will do here, maybe pop in from time to time. I just graduated from Gonzaga University with a BS in Computer Engineering, but am as of yet unemployed. I've been a GeekNights listener for about two years now, and I listen to every show since I have interests in tech, anime, gaming, and other random geeky things. I intend to get into the video gaming industry eventually, hopefully sooner rather than later. That's about it. I also tend to overwork myself with way too many hobbies and interests. Here's to hoping I can someday get a handle on it.
  • Hey guys and gals. The name is Jason Koellner. Born November 3, 1982 in Seoul South Korea. Living in the Twin Cities, MN. Graduated from the U of MN with BAs in both History and Political Science.
  • Hello forum. I'm Jack, not my real real name, but I don't really want to get into that too much.

    I was born in April of '82 in Bangkok, but I have lived in London since '86.

    My geekeries did not really develop until my teenage years, and then it seemed like I just couldn't get enough. I had been watching anime a lot longer, but I did not consider that geeky, since I spent many summers visiting family back in Thailand. The Thai's don't really view anime as geeky, but they do think it's all for kids, and I find that very annoying.

    I'll have to cut this short, I have a Burning Wheel game to run in a few hours and I'd better get going. I've based my game on George R.R. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire, in case anyone cares. ^_^
  • edited September 2008
    Greetings fellow forum members.
    My name happens to be Samuel Barker and I hail from and live in London, England. I predominantly think of myself as a manga fan and artist but I'm interested in all aspects of the wonders of Geekery.

    Before discovering Anime and Manga I was [and still am to some extent] a dedicated gamer. However as time has worn on I've discovered that my love of and desire to create manga has eclipsed my gaming interest.

    I'm a huge Music [Metal, Punk and everything inbetween] and History fan. I'm predominatly research World War 2 and the Cold war but nearly all aspects of Military History appeal to me.

    I must admit I joined the forums a good while ago and have only started posting now. However i'm sure this forum will live up to it's gleaming reputation and I look forward to talking with you all. :)
    Post edited by Volker on
  • Hello everyone. My name is Tim. I finally broke down and joined the forums after listening to the show for about a year and a half. I was born in San Diego in 1981, graduated from the University of Arizona in '03 with a BS in Ecological and Evolutionary Biology and for some reason moved up to Salt Lake City a couple years ago, even though I despise the cold. My main geekery is anime, although I do enjoy gaming when I have the time to play them.
  • Hello there. My name is Donald, currently residing in my dorm at R.I.T. in upstate new york, haha. Ironically, I went to the otakon "advance wars" panel, and heard about the show, and Scott's time at R.I.T., and just now remembered to check back to the website and possibly tune into the podcast from now on, or at least when I have free time between all the engineering-related homework and obscene amounts of intro psychology reading.

    My biggest draws are music,(playing it and listening, which is unfortunate slightly as R.I.T.'s orchestra is rather small and basic compared to some of the things I was used to in high school, but I've found it's reasonable for now, at least,) video games, anime, and whatever random nonsense I come up with to do with my buddies scattered across the school, which now includes the week-long humans vs. zombies nerf war on campus. As far as video games though, I'm not much of the CPU-FPS type of gamer, though I play some Team Fortress 2 when I get the urge. In general though, I prefer a mix of RPGs, puzzles, and the generic adventure-style games you get on consoles or handhelds. I probably play a lot more on my DS than my Wii for the convenience (sans Smash Bros, my favorite multiplayer game,) and just for the fact that I see less of what I like coming out on the Wii these days, it seems. My biggest treasure in gaming, though, is my favorite RPG from years back, the Golden Sun games, which I treasure quite dearly. I don't know the draw, I just never can stop liking them. I'm starting to get drawn to fire emblem through my advance wars tastes as well, but aside from that, I haven't done much gaming at all lately, though Spore is a nice diversion after homework.

    Anime, I watch larger-popularity shows, at times, but tend to stick into some of the slightly more obscure ones more often. Not very obscure, as I'm sure the people more die-hard than me would know everything I've ever watched, but I grew sick of Naruto and Bleach and had to start watching the 1-2 season shows in their place, which just have better draw to me. Current shows I'm following are the Geass dub (surprise!) and Soul Eater, which is just nice for the simplicity having recently seen all-to-many complex and/or depressing anime. Though honestly, Soul Eater's much higher quality than I expected, so I've taken an honest liking to it.

    Music tastes are a mix of everything, sans country and most rap. Not much of any particular thing, but I think the biggest preference is to techno(more instrumental-ish techno, if you get what I mean... the genre varies so much within itself it's hard to say what specifically has appeal,) and instrumental music. I have plenty of geeky game music on my computer too, which is nice as well.

    -Uhm, that's about it, I think I covered the basic points. ...Oh haha, my birthday is on Wednesday, I almost forgot. xP I'll be eighteen.
  • Welcome, Jordan. ^_^

    Here's your booklet?
    Hey, it's a step up from the complimentary GeekNights bukkake we used to give out.
  • Not very obscure,
    >_> Geass and Soul Eater are not obscure at all, they are main stream.
    Hey, it's a step up from the complimentary GeekNights bukkake we used to give out.
    My gratitude that I have missed both of these... horrors, is great, greater than Scrym's ego combined.
  • Yes, I know they were bad examples. ^_^;
  • Hello everyone. My name is Cassy. I live in Fort Worth Texas, and I found Geeknights about a year ago by following a link on Applegeeks. My primary interests are anime, manga, and science fiction/fantasy (both reading and writing), but I am also interested in other geeky pursuits. I currently work in tech support for a major cell phone company, mostly troubleshooting smart phones.

    That's about all there is for an introduction.
  • Hello,
    My name is Chris and I live in from Palmer, Alaska. I've been listening to Geeknights for over a year now and was finally convinced to join the forum. Though I'm not an comics or anime fan I do enjoy them and more so enjoy Rym and Scott talking about them. My main interests in the show are the Monday and the Thursday episodes. I am going to The University of Alaska and am working on a Bachelors in Management Information Systems with a minor in Computer Science. I don't know what else to say.
    Take it Easy....
  • edited September 2008
    Hi. I'm Brandy, and I'm finally getting around to doing the introduction thing. (Yay?) I live in San Antonio, Texas. On a tangential note that has nothing to do with my introduction, I had an airline pilot describe the aerial view of my beloved hometown as "a skillet full of snakes".

    Ahem. I'm a sophomore at UTSA at the moment, and I'm a psychology major. I started out with psychology, changed to English/Creative Writing, then to Electrical Engineering, had a brief flirtation with Physics, and have now come full circle and decided on psychology again. Somehow, though, I've manged to avoid an extended stay here. ^_^

    Before college, I was a band geek of epic proportions from 6th grade to my sophomore year of high school, when I decided to do early graduation (which left me with no space for band if I really wanted to do it). I played flute, and piccolo. I tried percussion, clarinet, trumpet, baritone, and sax, but I couldn't handle the lip buzzing and the reeds. O_o

    My only real geek-type interest is anime, and that's just because I'm really interested in trying to figure out exactly what's the difference between anime and other more "Western" stories. Ironically, I rarely, if ever, listen to the anime show. I think it's because I talk enough about anime on my own. ^^; I usually listen to the Monday and Thursday shows instead.

    Erm...I think that's all.
    Post edited by godlessqueen on
  • NAME: Bruno.

    AGE: 28.

    OCCUPATION: Computer technician and student(Network Engineering).

    LOCATION: Brasilia, DF. Brazil.

    HOBBIES: Dota, surfing Forums, tuning my crappy car.

    SPORTS: In-line skating, long board skating(active), gym(active), rock climbing (while ago) judo(went to nationals long time ago), basketball (while lived in US, longer time ago), soccer (just kidding I'm not the stereotype Brazilian I really suck at soccer).

    HATES: Studying.

    LOVES: Girlfriend.

    MUSIC: Good quality.

    MOVIE: Since I watch almost everything, I don't have any one movie I could point out, but I don't like Drama type movies.

    GEEKERY: Comics, RPG, overclocking, tuning the PC, weekly LAN party, listening to Geek nights, gadget reference (I hate this one, I get called upon for anything that breaks in any one's house).
  • Hello, I'm Leon. I'm an IT professional, and live in Brooklyn, NYC. I enjoy playing games (PC and console alike), though I seem to spend most of my gaming hours on City of Heroes. I mostly read comics from the mainstream publishers, but I'm a fan of various indies too. I tend to watch my anime after a series has ended, most recently completing Nana, Fate Stay/Night and Code Geass (season 1). I've inserted Maris the Choujo into the queue, due to the recent podcast, and I'm wondering why I haven't watched the other Rumic World OVAs in all this time.

    I also enjoy attending cons for the above interests, and just went to my first DragonCon.

    Non geekery: I like tennis, driving my Vehicross and speak modern Greek fluently.
  • Wow! Nice car Jetpack!
  • Wow! Nice car Jetpack!
    Yeah, that's an SUV I can respect.
  • Wow! Nice car Jetpack!
    Yeah, that's an SUV I can respect.
    Am I the only one who finds it to be an ugly plastic toy?

    Welcome to the forums to you guys.
  • Am I the only one who finds it to be an ugly plastic toy?
    That's why it's cool. It's not some ostentatious uselessly gigantic monstrosity.
  • Am I the only one who finds it to be an ugly plastic toy?
    That's why it's cool. It's not some ostentatious uselessly gigantic monstrosity.
    Scott, it's an SUV.
  • Am I the only one who finds it to be an ugly plastic toy?
    That's why it's cool. It's not some ostentatious uselessly gigantic monstrosity.
    Scott, it's an SUV.
    Not compared to this bad boy.
  • ......
    edited September 2008
    Not compared to this bad boy.
    Even thinking about that thing attempting to go off-road, a 'feature' that the majority of SUVs have always failed at, makes me crack up. That Scott, is not an SUV, it's the gas guzzling vehicleexcuse of someone with a very small dick. How else would they put their wallet in their pocket.
    Post edited by ... on
  • hay there my name is Liam Fell born on 22/6/1991 I'm a student at high school in new zealand (lame) my asperation is to move to the big boom city that is known as the new york city. One day i will go to an anime convention and hopefully it would be fun.
  • ......
    edited September 2008
    hay there my name is Liam Fell born on 22/6/1991 I'm a student at high school in new zealand (lame) my asperation is to move to the big boom city that is known as the new york city. One day i will go to an anime convention and hopefully it would be fun.
    Inconsistency, so much inconsistency... and, and... grammar. *gasp*

    EDIT: Bets can now be placed upon "Did 'masterting' misspell his user name where it should have been 'masterthing' ". Yes goes 1.25 to 1, no goes 8 to 1, other misspellings go 25 to 1.
    Post edited by ... on
  • Inconsistency, so much inconsistency... and, and... grammar. *gasp*
    Did a nerve in your head just pop? :P I can see it now.
  • (ignoring the past few comments) Hello, I'm Bailin, a CS student at Vanderbilt University. I used to live in Japan, and still remember enough to read Japanese manga (scans) without too much trouble. Actually, I'm a huge manga geek; I have almost 200GB of it (from roughly 500 series). I'm also into FPS games, even though my laptop can barely run TF2. I'm not a big anime fan, even though all my friends think I am; I've watched maybe 20 or so series in my life, but I don't think I've ever fully understood any of them.
    I'm more of a lurker than poster, so I don't think I will be too active here, but nevertheless, nice to meet ya'll.
  • Nice to meet you urhereimnot. God did my fingers want to grammarize your user name. Don't worry about the comments above yours, we just don't like people who fuck up the moment they join. You did not. :D Welcome to the forums, have fun lurking and posting insightful comments.
  • (ignoring the past few comments) Hello, I'm Bailin, a CS student at Vanderbilt University. I used to live in Japan, and still remember enough to read Japanese manga (scans) without too much trouble. Actually, I'm a huge manga geek; I have almost 200GB of it (from roughly 500 series). I'm also into FPS games, even though my laptop can barely run TF2. I'm not a big anime fan, even though all my friends think I am; I've watched maybe 20 or so series in my life, but I don't think I've ever fully understood any of them.
    I'm more of a lurker than poster, so I don't think I will be too active here, but nevertheless, nice to meet ya'll.
    Is your bookshelf overflowing with manga too, or are you just scans? I prefer my manga in a non digital format.
  • I'm realizing that I never really introduced myself, so here goes: My name's Roshan, and I'm a freshman at Duke. I've actually been listening to Scrym for well over a year now, and I was around on the forums when I first started listening (as Roach), but after a bit of a hiatus I have decided to reemerge (as Blattus). I grew up in NC (yay for the South!), and am pretty much into all kinds of gaming, in addition to sci/tech and and anime. Basically, I believe I fulfill most, if not all, paradigms of geekery, and would love to go to a con of some kind, though I've never been to one.

    Other than GN-specific stuff, I'm into politics/philosophy/biochemistry, and generally like a whole bunch of stuff.
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