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Identify Yourself



  • Is your bookshelf overflowing with manga too, or are you just scans? I prefer my manga in a non digital format.
    Unfortunately I have a tiny room, so the only real manga I have here is one volume of Hellsing in English. Back home, I have 60 volumes of Sangokushi (also known as Romance of the Three Kingdoms to some), 44 volumes of Doraemon, and maybe 50 random volumes of various series, including Conan and DB/Z. I've kind of switched over to reading scans when I learned that Japanese scans were readily available online.
  • Since I actually posted some stuff recently, I'll introduce myself.

    I'm Sean.

    I live in San Francisco, engineer stuff for a living, and I'm a wannabe internet sales and marketer. I want to make that "four hour work week" happen.

    I like girls, money, guns, and loud, angry music.

    …and I'm also a geek. I love the comic books, tech stuff is fun, and anime/manga is alright. I used to be a much bigger anime geek, but now I'm not. Video games are fun too. Sometimes.

  • San Francisco what up! Although I actually just moved away... so... uh... yeah.
  • San Francisco what up! Although I actually just moved away... so... uh... yeah.
    Oh... um... well then.

    I'm sure SF misses you!
  • I am Larry, a poor college student (studying math) from Northern California.
    I'd like to become a teacher, a comedian, a pirate, or a textbook writer. Ideally I would be able to combine all four.
  • I'd like to become a teacher, a comedian, a pirate, or a textbook writer. Ideally I would be able to combine all four.
    You wish to teach the next generation self-written pirate jokes?! That sounds insane.
  • edited October 2008
    Hey everybody, I'm Casey from rural Herefordshire, England. I've been a Geeknights devotee for about two years, but I've never thought of myself as knowledgeable enough to join the forum. This is only the second forum I am a member of (I am a longtime Simply Syndicated disciple, and let me tell you, we love you guys over at SimSyn!!) However, I feel somewhat more educated in most geekeries thanks to Rym and Scott, so screw it, I'm taking the plunge. Look forward to getting to know you all.

    Incidentally, Neon Genesis Evangelion? Ho-leeee shit, what an amazing series!!! I now include a fledgling anime penchant among my obsessions...Gracias Geeknights...
    Post edited by crucialtaunt on
  • Welcome crucialtaunt. Have fun.
  • edited November 2008
    Hello all. I'm Max, and I live in Connecticut. Geekeries include the works of Terry Pratchett, anime, manga, and Nintendo games. I also like baking and messing with people's heads.
    Probably most important is that I am a total internet n00b. If anyone has any essential sites for a newcomer, please tell me.
    Post edited by Admiral Hotcakes on
  • Hello, Casey. Nice to see you here. Don't worry, I'll be nice ...

    (see the dots, see the dots!)
  • edited October 2008
    Welcome crucialtaunt.Have fun.

    Wow. I've been a big Geeknights fan for a long time, but I guess I'm not a geek after all. To be that rude to someone upon their first post to the forum, that requires a level of mean spirited anal retentiveness that I just don't possess. So fuck you and fuck the atmosphere of this place. Goodbye...(count the ellipses now, you prick)

    Oh, Hey Kumar!
    Post edited by crucialtaunt on
  • ......
    edited October 2008
    Rude? I 'ardly know 'er!

    More seriously now though, if you think that's rude, you have a very, very thin skin and are unhealthily prickly. How do you stay sane on the internet? Personally I wouldn't call it rude, on the contrary. It was merely a subtle reminder to you that you shouldn't write the same as you do on Gaia. Three periods are enough to make up one ellipsis, and you need no more. The only keys you ever need to hold down for anything, are Shift, Ctrl, Alt and Alt Gr. If you are holding down any other key, like the period key, you're clearly doing it wrong. And if you insist on me counting your latest number of ellipses, sure, 1. Thank you for that.
    Post edited by ... on
  • Rude? I 'ardly know 'er!

    More seriously now though, if you think that's rude, you have a very, very thin skin and are unhealthily prickly. How do you stay sane on the internet? Personally I wouldn't call it rude, on the contrary. It was merely a subtle reminder to you that you shouldn't write the same as you do on Gaia. Three periods are enough to make up one ellipsis, and you need no more. The only keys you ever need to hold down for anything, are Shift, Ctrl, Alt and Alt Gr. If you are holding down any other key, like the period key, you're clearly doing it wrong. And if you insist on me counting your latest number of ellipses, sure, 1. Thank you for that.
    Seriously dude? Shut the fuck up. No one cares how big your e-cock is by being assholes to people. It's not your job to correct grammar.
  • Rude? I 'ardly know 'er!

    More seriously now though, if you think that's rude, you have a very, very thin skin and are unhealthily prickly. How do you stay sane on the internet? Personally I wouldn't call it rude, on the contrary. It was merely a subtle reminder to you that you shouldn't write the same as you do on Gaia. Three periods are enough to make up one ellipsis, and you need no more. The only keys you ever need to hold down for anything, are Shift, Ctrl, Alt and Alt Gr. If you are holding down any other key, like the period key, you're clearly doing it wrong. And if you insist on me counting your latest number of ellipses, sure, 1. Thank you for that.
    Thank you forum member "myself" alias "must flame everyone" alias "lousy forum member".
  • Rude? I 'ardly know 'er!

    More seriously now though, if you think that's rude, you have a very, very thin skin and are unhealthily prickly. How do you stay sane on the internet? Personally I wouldn't call it rude, on the contrary. It was merely a subtle reminder to you that you shouldn't write the same as you do on Gaia. Three periods are enough to make up one ellipsis, and you need no more. The only keys you ever need to hold down for anything, are Shift, Ctrl, Alt and Alt Gr. If you are holding down any other key, like the period key, you're clearly doing it wrong. And if you insist on me counting your latest number of ellipses, sure, 1. Thank you for that.
    Wow. You're nice.
  • edited October 2008
    *sighs over the finely crafted post that went down the drain went safari crashed*
    Well let's try this again.
    Hello everyone, I'm Walden. I'm a senior in the San Francisco Bay Area, and I'm applying to Cal State San Francisco. I'm not sure what I'm going to major in but I plan to figure that out before I start college.
    My geek-fu is pretty general. I like computers, programming, books, tech, music, film. I'm interested in a lot of DIY stuff but lack both the space and the funds to do most of them.
    I've been a listener since Ananth of Applegeeks linked to the website and I've been lurking on the forums a little less long than that. Figured it was time to start contributing
    Post edited by WaterInThere on
  • Geek-fu!? I like that. I have to steal it from you now. Welcome.

    Ellipsis! I didn't know there was a word for ". . ." Awesome!
  • Hey, I'm Wings, female, 14 years of age and hailing from Upstate NY. I am currently caught spending my time in marching band, doing a hell of a lot of homework, or sitting around on the Internet. I play drums (snare in our drum line), role play with a friend of mine, read yaoi fan fiction (I'll won't rant about that here, though, of course), and I'm not to shabby with a pencil and paper, as far as sketching goes.

    I've been listening to Geeknights for a little over a year, and though I've had an account here for a while, I don't believe I've ever posted anything. I had a question that I wanted to ask of the Geeknights forums (for I assume they are filled with people of awesome) and figured that while I was wt it, I might as well introduce myself and get acquainted here.

    Apparently I like parentheses.
  • Wings
    Is that your real name? If it is, you have the coolest name ever.
  • edited October 2008
    I play drums (snare in our drum line)
    Stick with it and you can be this awesome.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • edited October 2008
    Welcome, Wings! I also hail from Upstate originally, where I was once 14, drew gundam wing doujinshi with boys smooching boys, and I was (and am, maybe) also not shabby with the pens and the paper. Nice to have you posting.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Stick with it and you can be this awesome.
    Correction, you can be this awesome.
  • ......
    edited October 2008
    female, 14 years of age and hailing from Upstate NY
    I would've screamed if that had said 'California'. Welcome to the forums. Also, don't worry about the yaoi stuff. There are more girls on these forums that like that stuff. D:
    Post edited by ... on
  • edited October 2008
    Is that your real name? If it is, you have the coolest name ever.
    Nah, it isn't but people I know in real life do call me Wings often enough that I can introduce myself to anyone with it and not sound like a dumbass. My real name is Taylor, but I don't like my real name so much.
    Stick with it and you can be this awesome.
    Correction, you can be this awesome.
    Shit, and we cant even get five snares to play together. I don't plan on making it a profession or anything, but I want to stick with it through high school, and that's another three seasons.
    Also, don't worry about the yaoi stuff. There are more girls on these forums that like that stuff. D:
    Well, I've got a pretty good idea of what an annoying people yaoi fan girls can be, judging that I was one, and have a whole cloud of them in my group of friends. Sometimes they're so obnoxious I wonder if I act like they do, but I'm pretty sure I've gotten over the brunt of the annoyingness. There's still the fangasm every once and a while, but you get fangasms with everything.

    Thanks for the warm welcome! ^^
    Post edited by Wings on
  • Thanks for the warm welcome! ^^
    It's seldom enough.. ^_~
  • Also, don't worry about the yaoi stuff. There are more girls on these forums that like that stuff. D:
    As much I'd hate to admit this, I'm slightly becoming a closet yaoi fan girl. I don't buy any nor do I really go searching for it, however when I do see it from time to time, I find myself intrigued. Seeing hot bishounen guys kiss is kinda hot, imo. ^^;; >.>
  • Well of course it is- Something has to be immediately appealing for hordes of fangirls to flock to it. Its the things that are still appealing afterward that are worth it. Case and point- Naruto, Immediately appealing, hordes of fangirls, not that great in the long run. The most annoy part is those shows that are in the middle, Death Note, Ouran, FMA- They're all so awesome, but they have all the annoying fangirls too.

    But yeah, overall, Yaoi=Awesome, nuff said. If you're ever looking around the Harry Potter end of the yaoi-verse, give me a call.
  • But yeah, overall, Yaoi=Awesome, nuff said. If you're ever looking around the Harry Potter end of the yaoi-verse, give me a call.
    If I could show you the back of my brain, I would. Then you could tell me what a fried brain looks like.
  • But yeah, overall, Yaoi=Awesome, nuff said. If you're ever looking around the Harry Potter end of the yaoi-verse, give me a call.
    If I could show you the back of my brain, I would. Then you could tell me what a fried brain looks like.
    If I lived my life, making sure to keep in mind the well being of other people's brains, it would be a very dull life indeed. :)
  • edited October 2008
    Hello peoples.* My name is Scott Harrison, I am 23 and Living over in the North East of England, I am a Mathematics graduate and I have been listening for over a year.

    I game (board/roleplaying) with a local group we Just started a game of Paranoia. (where surprisingly no one has died yet.)., watch anime (but not much recently.) read a lot of webcomics and listen to a lot of podcasts.

    Random Fact: Today was the first day I ever saw a cosplayers in person, When I went to a local store and bought Watchmen and a Munchkin Dice/Dice bag.

    *I actually say this and not just type it...please do not ban me for using it in the only post that I will ever be able to use it in.

    Edited: I re-read the last version and saw that I put "I am" 7 times in one post.
    Post edited by ShadedSpriter on
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