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Identify Yourself



  • Hello my names max i come form England,London. Iam working on becoming a chef .I am a Pro Gamer in CSS and COD 4. ive got into manga and anime when i was six.
  • Yay more London people!! What area of London??
  • I am in my honours year at the University of Tasmania, Australia.
    So, how many of your classmates have scars on their necks where they cut off the extra head? :p I'm a Queenslander, and lackofcheese is down Sydney way, I believe. Welcome.
    Cheers for that - I originally hail from Townsville, and yes, my Queenslander genes still rail against the biting Tasmanian weather on occasion.
    Most of my time in QLD was spent in the small beach-side community of Agnes Water. Check it out if you get the chance as it is a stunning place!
  • East london you?
  • north, Archway area
  • Cheers for that - I originally hail from Townsville, and yes, my Queenslander genes still rail against the biting Tasmanian weather on occasion.
    Most of my time in QLD was spent in the small beach-side community of Agnes Water. Check it out if you get the chance as it is a stunning place!
    I know the place a bit, and I've a close friend who lives in Townsville, though I'm a Brisbane/Harvey bay/Marybrough boy myself.
  • Hello forumites~ My name is Christine, I'm a high school punk kid. I live in TX and formed the anime club for my middle school. In high school I have been president of its anime club for two years. Unfortunately I've been losing interest in anime, but I try to stay updated for the sake of my club. In my search I came across this podcast! :D Nowadays I mainly venture into video games. I'm taking Japanese III at school (but like I said, my anime interest has waned, so I'm stopping after high school). I go to all the Texas cons (anecdote time: When I went to Anime Matsuri 09, I got front row in the Miyavi concert and he spit water on me. It was a strange, strange experience. I did not need water spit on me, but...alright. ಠ_ಠ) and did an artist alley booth last year, but I've been too busy to run one since then. Still, working my own booth was an amazing experience. Hmm when I was little I lived in Rochester, and my uncle went to RIT...? That's all I've got. xD I'll be lurky lurky.
  • edited August 2009
    I'm taking Japanese III at school (but like I said, my anime interest has waned, so I'm stopping after high school).
    Don't stop taking Japanese! There's a lot more to Japan than anime! I am a lot less of a weeaboo fan than I was in high school, but I still translate Japanese and enjoy many of the other cultural elements of the country.
    Language does not = anime.

    Also, are you sure you aren't just getting more picky? I have always liked film and animation and always will, but I don't just watch something because it is anime anymore. However, I still keep an eye out for good shows. The Japanese industry sometimes puts out beautiful works that are quite out of the ordinary. Saying you are done with anime is like saying you are done with movies.

    edit: Ohmygosh that is the cutest profile picture expression ever.
    Post edited by gomidog on

  • Don't stop taking Japanese! There's a lot more to Japan than anime!
    What if anime is the only thing about Japan that's interesting to her? I've been learning French so I can read all the bande dessinee that doesn't get translated, but if it weren't for that, I couldn't care less about France and wouldn't have any interest in the language.
  • I'm taking Japanese III at school (but like I said, my anime interest has waned, so I'm stopping after high school).
    YOU'RE MAD! 1) Speaking a second/third language looks awesome on your resume, 2) it takes up hours in your school curriculum, hours you won't need to pick another crappy class for, 3) are you serious about making your own effort for naught? I'll hide behind Gomily's idea that you're just getting more picky, try and stop being an annoying and stupid weaboo first, then think. Thus a question, what were the last 5 anime you finished watching, and what are you watching currently?
    :D[...]...[...]?_?[...]...?[...]xD[...]lurky lurky.
    Okay, now you scare me, so a pre-emptive strike: Damascus steel kitchen knives can cut through katanas, one blow.
  • edited August 2009
    Hey Purikun, welcome to the forums.
    I should have warned you earlier but there are certain members of this forum who are.. let's say, socially mal-adjusted when it comes to posting things on the internet and may get overly passionate about their opinions or overreact to things you say. Please try not to mind them.

    You should also stick with the Japanese. One of it's best uses is talking to Japanese people (My own Japanese speaking skill is the one I use the most. My writing skills are pretty much bollocks.).
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Mm, mm, I think agree that anime is definitely my funnel into loving Japanese and Japanese culture. If you're interest id waning, then just do what you want to do, but know the results.
  • Hey Purikun, welcome to the forums.
    I should have warned you earlier but there are certain members of this forum who are.. let's say, socially mal-adjusted when it comes to posting things on the internet and may get overly passionate about their opinions or overreact to things you say. Please try not to mind them.

    You should also stick with the Japanese. One of it's best uses is talking to Japanese people (My own Japanese speaking skill is the one I use the most. My writing skills are pretty much bollocks.).
    Trust this man - he lived in japan so long that he has a bowing reflex. Also, if you ever meet him in real life, it's fun to try and engage it without realizing. I might be a bastard, but Omnutia's a good bloke, and puts up with me - he's a shining example of the community here - as is nine, if you catch him on skype. Or, really, any of us, if you catch us on skype. here, we tend to quibble some, but it's a tight, but very welcoming community.
  • Hey Purikun, welcome to the forums.
    I should have warned you earlier but there are certain members of this forum who are.. let's say, socially mal-adjusted when it comes to posting things on the internet and may get overly passionate about their opinions or overreact to things you say. Please try not to mind them.

    You should also stick with the Japanese. One of it's best uses is talking to Japanese people (My own Japanese speaking skill is the one I use the most. My writing skills are pretty much bollocks.).
    Trust this man - he lived in japan so long that he has a bowing reflex. Also, if you ever meet him in real life, it's fun to try and engage it without realizing. I might be a bastard, but Omnutia's a good bloke, and puts up with me - he's a shining example of the community here - as is nine, if you catch him on skype. Or, really, any of us, if you catch us on skype. here, we tend to quibble some, but it's a tight, but very welcoming community.
    Yes, the Geekchats are quite fun, and Omnutia as well as the others are all very welcoming. ;D
  • Hey Purikun, welcome to the forums.
    I should have warned you earlier but there are certain members of this forum who are.. let's say, socially mal-adjusted when it comes to posting things on the internet and may get overly passionate about their opinions or overreact to things you say. Please try not to mind them.

    You should also stick with the Japanese. One of it's best uses is talking to Japanese people (My own Japanese speaking skill is the one I use the most. My writing skills are pretty much bollocks.).
    Trust this man - he lived in japan so long that he has a bowing reflex. Also, if you ever meet him in real life, it's fun to try and engage it without realizing. I might be a bastard, but Omnutia's a good bloke, and puts up with me - he's a shining example of the community here - as is nine, if you catch him on skype. Or, really, any of us, if you catch us on skype. here, we tend to quibble some, but it's a tight, but very welcoming community.
    Yes, the Geekchats are quite fun, and Omnutia as well as the others are all very welcoming. ;D
    Speaking of which, when should the next one be held?
  • Hello all, I'm Scott Johnson 2 or Scott Prime as I've been called. Nuke is just what I kind of use as an Internet or Xbox type name.

    Through the wonders of knowing friends on the internet and meeting them at Otakon, and quickly got to learn about GeekNights thanks to meeting the creators themselves and loltsundere. You all are some cool guys and I wish I got to know you more which is why GeekNights has now become apart of my internet schedule. Podcasts are delightful, aren't they?

    I'm a college student, thinking of going into the college of business in James Madison University. I'm from Virginia, originally from a small-as-fuck town and I'm not that proud of it. Where I live now though is nice. I'm a pop-culture guy who's into just about anything from TV shows, anime, video games, movies, music and a little bit about comics. 50% I'll rant about what sucks.

    Hope to enjoy the forums!
  • Thanks for the response guys. Well, I'd rather take Chinese or Korean in college and finish mastering those. I have less useful application for Japanese, unfortunately. Not that I don't like it. And maybe I am getting more picky; maybe there's just less out there for me.
    YOU'RE MAD! 1) Speaking a second/third language looks awesome on your resume, 2) it takes up hours in your school curriculum, hours you won't need to pick another crappy class for, 3) are you serious about making your own effort for naught? I'll hide behind Gomily's idea that you're just getting more picky, try and stop being an annoying and stupid weaboo first, then think. Thus a question, what were the last 5 anime you finished watching, and what are you watching currently?.
    But...but being an annoying and stupid weaboo is inscribed in my soul. I was born with pocky in my hand. In all seriousness, the last thing I watched (and finished) was Eden of the East, Suzumiya Haruhi, Claymore, and Ponyo. Watching nothing currently. I don't count the stuff that I show my club.
    Also, are you sure you aren't just getting more picky? I have always liked film and animation and always will, but I don't just watch something because it is anime anymore. However, I still keep an eye out for good shows. The Japanese industry sometimes puts out beautiful works that are quite out of the ordinary. Saying you are done with anime is like saying you are done with movies..
    Of course I'll keep my eye out for the masterpieces. I'm not stopping ~once and for all~. It's very true, there's just some things you've got to see. But I feel rather that I'm not going to be checking out every release and frequenting conventions as I used to. And, hehe, thanks. :D
    What if anime is the only thing about Japan that's interesting to her? I've been learning French so I can read all the bande dessinee that doesn't get translated, but if it weren't for that, I couldn't care less about France and wouldn't have any interest in the language.
    Yeah, that's pretty much how I feel. I'd rather take a language I'd use later in life.
    Hey Purikun, welcome to the forums.
    I should have warned you earlier but there are certain members of this forum who are.. let's say, socially mal-adjusted when it comes to posting things on the internet and may get overly passionate about their opinions or overreact to things you say. Please try not to mind them.

    You should also stick with the Japanese. One of it's best uses is talking to Japanese people (My own Japanese speaking skill is the one I use the most. My writing skills are pretty much bollocks.).
    Haha, thanks for the warning! I'll keep that in mind; Fortunately I'm not one to argue back. I do agree, however the last time I saw a Japanese person was when I had an exchange student. I don't plan on traveling there anytime soon, (but people tell me it's amazing to stay for a vacation. I heard it's very clean?)
    Trust this man - he lived in japan so long that he has a bowing reflex. Also, if you ever meet him in real life, it's fun to try and engage it without realizing. I might be a bastard, but Omnutia's a good bloke, and puts up with me - he's a shining example of the community here - as is nine, if you catch him on skype. Or, really, any of us, if you catch us on skype. here, we tend to quibble some, but it's a tight, but very welcoming community.
    I do feel very welcomed, and thank you! This is a good reminder that the internet can be fun, same with the Geekchats and Skyping.
  • Well, I'd rather take Chinese or Korean in college and finish mastering those.
    Oh, picking another language, then my points no longer matter.
    But... but being an annoying and stupid weaboo is inscribed in my soul. I was born with pocky in my hand.
    That's a lie! I do not sense an aura of weaboo around you, neither does it appear that the tentacles of the dread spectre of moe have latched onto you, so that's a lie. Well, you could've still be born with pocky in your hand, but that's irrelevant to the purging of your evil deeds.
    Watching nothing currently. I don't count the stuff that I show my club.
    Darn, you should count that. Would tell us if you have to suffer or not due to crazy weaboos.

    Once more, welcome to the forums, watch your step, and don't worry. I eat people whole. though people tend to dislike the 4-pronged spear stabbing.
  • though people tend to dislike the 4-pronged spear stabbing.
    Personally, I quite like it. Think of it as forceful tickling.
  • edited August 2009
    Speaking of which, when should the next one be held?
    Hopefully by the time I get out of my grandparents house, it could be quite shocking if they listened in......
    Post edited by ElJoe0 on
  • Hi I'm Cavan McEachern. I'm 22 years old and live in Hamden CT. I currently attend the University of New Haven (Located in West Haven, CT) and am majoring in Criminal Justice with a focus on Investigative Services. I work two jobs; Monday through Friday I work at my dad's after school program at a private school in Hamden and on Saturday nights I work at a small fast food joint. I enjoy Anime, Video Games, The New World Of Darkness game line and pro wrestling.
  • GeoGeo
    edited September 2009
    Hi I'm Cavan McEachern. I'm 22 years old and live in Hamden CT. I currently attend the University of New Haven (Located in West Haven, CT) and am majoring in Criminal Justice with a focus on Investigative Services. I work two jobs; Monday through Friday I work at my dad's after school program at a private school in Hamden and on Saturday nights I work at a small fast food joint. I enjoy Anime, Video Games, The New World Of Darkness game line and pro wrestling.
    I live right near Hamden! Like maybe a 5 minute drive! It's nice to see another Connecticut resident make themselves known on the forums (technically Scott is from Connecticut, but he doesn't live there anymore).
    Post edited by Geo on
  • I'm from Connecticut too, except I live in Rochester right now.
  • The only beef I have with Connecticut is Danbury. The rest of the State is cool enough, but fuck Danbury.
  • The only beef I have with Connecticut is Danbury. The rest of the State is cool enough, but fuck Danbury.
    Any particular reason? I haven't been to Danbury too often, but your words intrigue me.
    I'm from Connecticut too, except I live in Rochester right now.
    No kidding. If you don't mind me asking, where do ya hail from?
  • Any particular reason? I haven't been to Danburytoooften, but your words intrigue me.
    To describe my experience of Danbury would awaken the hatred I bear for that unspeakable evil. I would lose all sense of self and rage on whatever came into my path. To put is plainy, "You won't like me when I'm angry."
  • To describe my experience of Danbury would awaken the hatred I bear for that unspeakable evil. I would lose all sense of self and rage on whatever came into my path. To put is plainy, "You won't like me when I'm angry."
  • To describe my experience of Danbury would awaken the hatred I bear for that unspeakable evil. I would lose all sense of self and rage on whatever came into my path. To put is plainy, "You won't like me when I'm angry."
    -shoots NINE- I have saved the world yet again from a code nine disaster ^_^
  • No kidding. If you don't mind me asking, where do ya hail from?
  • No kidding. If you don't mind me asking, where do ya hail from?
    Ah yes, Farmington. I know that area quite well my friend, although it's been years since I've been there. Very wealthy town if I remember correctly, twas also a place where some friends my family had before we grew apart. Also the place where 50 Cent's mansion is too.
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