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Identify Yourself



  • edited November 2009
    However, if your sister wants to live in denial, let it be so. We can just giggle and point out the hypocrisy of it all. ^_~
    Welcome to the forums!

    Thanks everyone for the welcomes! No 'thank you's' for the mocking of my un-geeky-ness. i am not in denial i simply refuse to be categorized as a geek.

    I apologize for my not posting a lot yet. I'm still getting the hang of this site. (And dealing with damn classes!) I haven't been on a forum since my bro's old forum like 8 years ago. What was it called again Sonic-kun?

    I assure you soon enough I'll be bugging u all to death. Thanks again!

    BTW: is there anyone here who's interested in poetry?
    Post edited by BlackVelvetPlease on
  • edited November 2009
    I'm Sonic-kun's sister!
    I love poetry. I love vampires, werewolves. I love anime, but only the awesome anime's like Rouroni Kenshin, YYH, Bleach, etc.
    I hate to break it to you sweetheart, but you're a geek.

    It's OK, though. It's a good thing. You can call yourself whatever you like, or not call yourself whatever you like, but deep down inside, you're a geek. We can tell these things.

    Anyhow, welcome to the forums! If you're interested in poetry, you should check out the metal thread!
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • I say, Geeks come in all sorts of flavors. Victoria doesn't like to be called one - and why must we persist in trying to attach a label she refuses, even if she ticks every box? We have our opinions, and that's that, really.
  • GeoGeo
    edited November 2009
    Like I said before on the Geekchat where Sonic's sister first revealed her claim, she's in denial which is the first stage to acceptance of being a geek. Although she might be in the middle-ground of anger soon :P
    Post edited by Geo on
  • I say, Geeks come in all sorts of flavors. Victoria doesn't like to be called one - and why must we persist in trying to attach a label she refuses, even if she ticks every box? We have our opinions, and that's that, really.
    I officially love you Churba. THANK YOU!!!!! and what do you mean by "flavors"? you don't lick people do you? O_O, just kidding. Anyway thanks for the support-ish.

    And thanks TheWhaleShark i'll definatly check that out.
  • I say, Geeks come in all sorts of flavors. Victoria doesn't like to be called one - and why must we persist in trying to attach a label she refuses, even if she ticks every box? We have our opinions, and that's that, really.
    I officially love you Churba. THANK YOU!!!!! and what do you mean by "flavors"? you don't lick people do you? O_O, just kidding. Anyway thanks for the support-ish.

    And thanks TheWhaleShark i'll definatly check that out.
    *licks* Taste like strawberry. *licks self* Chocolate!
  • ......
    edited November 2009
    and wWhat do you mean by "flavors"?
    Fashion geeks, occult geeks, book geeks, computer geeks, comic geeks, warhammer geeks, animation geeks, hiking geeks, cooking geeks, music geeks, survival geeks, weapon geeks, to name some of them flavours. (EDIT: I should just copy paste the list of *chan boards and append 'geeks'.)

    And the snoz-berries still taste like snoz-berries. :(
    Post edited by ... on
  • GeoGeo
    edited November 2009
    and wWhat do you mean by "flavors"?
    And the snoz-berries still taste like snoz-berries.:(
    I didn't know you liked that kinda stuff Nine?
    Post edited by Geo on
  • edited November 2009

    And the snoz-berries still taste like snoz-berries.:(
    SNOZBERRIES!!! WONKA ROCKS!!! Nestle sucks! They're really not doing a good job of coming up with creative candies.

    Thank you for helping fix my post!!!
    Post edited by BlackVelvetPlease on
  • Your post has the < strong> tag at the start, and the < /strong> tag at the end.
  • edited November 2009
    Hello~ My name is Victoria, if not evident by my handle on the forum. I noticed there is another Victoria on board also.
    I'm 25 right now, will be 26 in March 2010. I live in the Governator's state of California. I graduated a crappy vocational/tech college (I didn't know it was crappy at the time, however.) called Westwood with a B.A in Web Design & Multimedia. (...Yeah, I know. I should've gone IT or CS or something else.)

    I'd go on a rant about it, but maybe some other time. I'm pondering going for a Masters in something, but I'm not sure what. English would be a bit useless (even though I aspire to be a novelist.) but still seems like a good plan. I'll probably fish or research around what I'd be interested in doing besides writing stories and maintaining my blog site.

    I have a large, unhealthy amount of love for anime and manga, as well as vidja games and reading. A few of my favorites are One Piece, Trigun (the manga), Samurai Deeper Kyo (again, the manga. The anime is crap.) and Tenjo Tenge. (The manga, once again. Uncut scanlations....yum.)

    So there's me in a nutshell.
    Post edited by VickyVonKarma on
  • Yes! Another west coaster! We're a rare bunch around these parts, but our numbers are steadily growing.

    Whereabouts in California do you live?
  • edited November 2009
    Ah, I live close to LA/Anaheim. Inland Empire, to be exact. Area code 909.

    PS: Also as if not apparent, I love the Gyakuten Saiban series. Aka Phoenix Wright. Franziska Von Karma and Mia Fey are my favorite characters, along with Godot.
    Post edited by VickyVonKarma on
  • edited November 2009
    Ah, I live close to LA/Anaheim. Inland Empire, to be exact. Area code 909.
    Welcome to the forum! Where in the IE? I'm in the East San Gabriel Valley (Azusa, to be exact), but I've spent a lot of time in IE.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • I'll just say that I'm in San Bernardino County. I used to live in Ontario, but I don't live there anymore.
  • Hello~ My name is Victoria, if not evident by my handle on the forum. I noticed there isanotherVictoria on board also.
    There's three Victorias. Viga is my nickname. How do you do!
  • Oh great, ANOTHER ONE. You gals can be the three caballeros...
    Anyways, welcome Vicky! My name is Sonic and if you need any help or have any questions, just ask.
  • Haha, that name takes me back. I remember when I first saw that film. It was when I still owned a Nintendo and a VCR on top of my television. It was so trippy. x_X
    Thanks for the welcome, though.
  • Oh great, ANOTHER ONE. You gals can be the three caballeros...
    Anyways, welcome Vicky! My name is Sonic and if you need any help or have any questions, just ask.
    I call the rooster!
  • edited November 2009
    hi Victoria welcome to the FRC forums. I'm the 2nd Victoria.Or if you like BlackVelvet. My bro Sonic and I also live in CA. West Coast Rocks!

    Note: As much as much as would love so say that this is just me pulling a prank on you all I swear it is not. Its just one massively huge coincidence.
    Post edited by BlackVelvetPlease on
  • Hey. We could form a mecha. :P
  • Well, for one. We type differently. I also type faster, from what I read of your intro post. And don't you mean West Coast rocks? =P
    Cali is on the west side, not the east. XD
  • I call the rooster!
    His name is Panchito Pistoles!

    Welcome Victoria#3. Oh lord, now we have 4 Victors on here.
  • You gals can be the three caballeros...
  • Hey. We could form a mecha. :P
    Getter Victoria?

    ... I'm just imagining what it would have instead of Shine Spark now...
  • Sooooooooo. My name is NOT Iijan. Or Gin. I am a student of the younger sort, definitely a Punk Kid. I still have no idea how I found out about GeekNights but I'm glad I did. My first convention was ConnectiCon (wow! maybe it's because I live in Connecticut? Could be.) which I went to based on friend recommendation before I found out about this beloved podcast. I am involved in general geekery more and more recently and am also obsessed with the board sports. Other than surfing. And I have several computers (kind of), all of which suck. Yay!
  • Sooooooooo. My name is NOT Iijan. Or Gin. I am a student of the younger sort, definitely a Punk Kid. I still have no idea how I found out about GeekNights but I'm glad I did. My first convention was ConnectiCon (wow! maybe it's because I live in Connecticut? Could be.) which I went to based on friend recommendationbeforeI found out about this beloved podcast. I am involved in general geekery more and more recently and am also obsessed with the board sports. Other than surfing. And I have several computers (kind of), all of which suck. Yay!
    Where in Connecticut?
  • Welcome to the forums, IijanGin!
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