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Identify Yourself



  • edited January 2010
    Welcome to the forums, IijanGin!
    Post edited by Sixthpence on
  • Hi. I come from the Eighth Circle of Hell, a place you might all better know as Connecticut.

    Yes, Connecticut is a part of Hell. Yes, the Eighth Circle. George W. Bush was born here, how could you have any doubt?

    I'd like to say I'm a "righteous man" who" is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men", but to be honest, I'm probably fair bit more angry than righteous.

    In my spare time, I like to wander among the damned, rage at the politicians, and gaze across the fence at the green, green grass out beyond the fence and in the rest of the world.

    In case you didn't get the subtle hints, I don't like my home state or the people in it.

    Also, Nate told me you guys are super awesome and that's why I'm here.
  • Hi. I come from the Eighth Circle of Hell, a place you might all better know as Connecticut.

    Yes, Connecticut is a part of Hell. Yes, the Eighth Circle. George W. Bush was born here, how could you have any doubt?

    I'd like to say I'm a "righteous man" who" is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men", but to be honest, I'm probably fair bit more angry than righteous.

    In my spare time, I like to wander among the damned, rage at the politicians, and gaze across the fence at the green, green grass out beyond the fence and in the rest of the world.

    In case you didn't get the subtle hints, I don't like my home state or the people in it.

    Also,Natetold me you guys are super awesome and that's why I'm here.
    So I guess we can't be friends then...shame.
  • So I guess we can't be friends then...shame.
    There's always mortal enemies. That's kind of like friends, right?
  • I don't quite understand why you hate Connecticut so much. I'm not really going to defend it, but I will say that it's not that bad. It's more boring than anything else. At least it's not Jersey.
  • Welcome Kusanagi Ryu. I like your Prinny.
  • I don't quite understand why you hate Connecticut so much. I'm not really going to defend it, but I will say that it's not that bad. It's more boring than anything else. At least it's not Jersey.
    Ryu would bitch about getting a free PS3 because it doesn't come with any games.

    Plus, when you consider his reasons for hating Connecticut, even I have to agree with him.
  • Hi.

    I hate you.
  • edited January 2010
    I don't quite understand why you hate Connecticut so much. I'm not really going to defend it, but I will say that it's not that bad. It's more boring than anything else. At least it's not Jersey.
    If you live in Connecticut you realize how bad it truly is.
    And welcome!
    Post edited by Sixthpence on
  • I don't get the butt picture.
  • Motoko Kusanagi has big booty, but in this case Nine replaced hers with Ryu's.
  • Oh nine, you're so silly!
  • Hi.

    I hate you.
    Thank you
    I'm not doing it right unless someone hates me
  • I don't get the butt picture.
    That's a good thing. It means your brain doesn't latch onto something as ridiculous as Ryu's butt merely upon seeing the words "KusanagiRyu'. Feel blessed, or something like that.
  • If you live in Connecticut you realize how bad it truly is.
    I currently live in Rochester, but I'm from Connecticut.
  • If you live in Connecticut you realize how bad it truly is.
    I currently live in Rochester, but I'm from Connecticut.
    Wow, is Connecticut really that bad?
  • Wow, is Connecticut really that bad?
  • Wow, is Connecticut really that bad?
    Connecticut has its pros and cons, but the cons definitely are less in number than the pros. Living in a small town, most of the whining seems to come from teens with nothing to do. The downsides seem bigger to teens because they're just punk kids.
  • If you live in Connecticut you realize how bad it truly is.
    I currently live in Rochester, but I'm from Connecticut.
    Wow, is Connecticut really that bad?
    Maybe it's just me, or maybe it's just the southeastern corner of Connecticut, or quite possibly the various people who've become public figures from Connecticut, but I, personally, have found the place to be hell for some time now. But really it's a matter of opinion, and clearly, I fall on the side of those who do not like Connecticut.
  • It's all good as long as you've got the Internet ^_~
  • edited January 2010
    Wow, is Connecticut really that bad?
    Connecticut has its pros and cons, but the cons definitely are less in number than the pros. Living in a small town, most of the whining seems to come from teens with nothing to do. The downsides seem bigger to teens because they're just punk kids.
    Aha! Exactly! I am in fact a punk kid with nothing to do, and also, I believe many people who move to Connecticut do not like it as much. (I moved here.)
    It's not that bad of a place,really, I just don't like the people that much. They're not as friendly as, say, the people in South Carolina. If you're a punk kid and you don't know anyone, Connecticut is a big, boring, shit-hole.
    It's all good as long as you've got the Internet ^_~
    And this is very true.
    Post edited by Sixthpence on
  • GeoGeo
    edited January 2010
    As a resident of Southeastern Connecticut for pretty much all of my life, I can say that while I don't agree with the way Ryu presented his disdain of Connecticut (in a few words: over-the-top), I have to agree with him to some extent that the small towns of Connecticut really are somewhat quiet and unsettling to the pre-teen to the Junior/Senior demographic. Feel free to disagree with my opinion, but I personally think Connecticut is a great place to live, particularly the areas near Quinnipiac University/Southern Connecticut University and the Gold Coast (Fairfield County to those who don't live in Connecticut), especially if you intend to raise a family.

    Granted, I've lived in a suburban environment my whole life, so I can't really say what it is like living in an urban environment. What I can say is that I live in the mostly suburban centered town of North Haven, and it's been my experience to say that it isn't noisy, there is little to no crime whatsoever, and (depending on which side you live on) access to a crap-load of consumer goods and other resources. Really, the only thing of note that occurs around Connecticut (primarily in Hartford or New Haven) on a regular basis happens in the underground music scene where a lot of concerts (usually metal or similar music) happen. To the high school kid (punk or not) or the grad school student however, it seems to me that there seems to be this attitude that entails a longing or desire to go on to bigger places, larger Metropolitan areas, and do bigger things (myself included if my posts in the past have been any indication).

    However, I do share Ryu's sentiments I do not like the fact that relatively nothing that gets nation-wide attention ever occurs in Connecticut. Hell, the last noteworthy thing that comes to mind which occurred in Connecticut was when Steven Spielberg and his crew came to Downtown New Haven/Yale University to film Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull! Other than that noteworthy example...not much else happens around here. I don't hate Connecticut at all, but I do wish there was more razzle-dazzle and/or glitz and glam present on a regular basis, but that's the way things are.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • I lived in Fairfield County from the ages of 2-18, and my parents still live there. It's safe to say I've spent most of my life there. Basically, it's good and bad. The good is that there is a lot of moneys there. You have nice groceries, an actual choice of Internet/Cable providers, commuting speed access to NYC, good restaurants, etc. There's really no luxury you can't get there.

    The problem is that there is nothing to fucking do, especially if you are a kid. Your only options are to play video games, Internets, sports, drugs, sex, etc. The only people living there are families and old people. If you are not a family or a senior, it's snoozeville.
  • edited January 2010
    I lived in Fairfield County from the ages of 2-18, and my parents still live there. It's safe to say I've spent most of my life there. Basically, it's good and bad. The good is that there is a lot of moneys there. You have nice groceries, an actual choice of Internet/Cable providers, commuting speed access to NYC, good restaurants, etc. There's really no luxury you can't get there.

    The problem is that there is nothing to fucking do, especially if you are a kid. Your only options are to play video games, Internets, sports, drugs, sex, etc. The only people living there are families and old people. If you are not a family or a senior, it's snoozeville.
    My home town is all of that without the good parts and in the Bible Belt. :(
    Post edited by Walker on
  • GeoGeo
    edited January 2010
    If you are into the performing arts or any other related fields, recently I've noticed there is a rising and noticeable interest and frequency in musicals, plays, etc. However this is mostly relegated amongst college kids and some acting troupes, so unless you aren't interested in those kinds of fields, there is at least one thing to do in Connecticut.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • edited January 2010
    Dude, I gotta say, if you are a teenager in a small town, no matter where that small town is, you will be wanting to get the hell out of there because you are bored.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • My home town is all of that without the good parts and in the Bible Belt. :(
  • The problem is that there is nothing to fucking do, especially if you are a kid. Your only options are to play video games, Internets
    Being a teenager in Connecticut, the fact that I had nothing to do led me to the Internets, which in turn led me to GeekNights.

    So, yeah, I live in West Hartford and NOTHING ever happens. The most exciting thing that happened in a while was that I lost my glasses...I mean like, there's West Hartford Center which most teenagers flock to, myself once in a while, but all that is, is a movie theater and a bunch of big name shops. There's also the mall but there isn't anything to do in there unless you have money, but if you live here and you had money, then most likely (if you were a boy) you spent it on video games (Unless you don't like video games), or you went to the center and bought A LOT of soda, but other than those two places there aren't many places you could go to have fun. Except maybe you would have an airsoft fight at someone's house or you would skateboard or something every once in a while. But most people spend their lives on the XBox, which will probably be me soon...
  • edited January 2010
    But most people spend their lives on the XBox, which will probably be me soon...
    Yeah, we do that in London and we have 8 million people. People are just bad at finding things to do, the best fun is the type that you make yourself. Amazon and Ebay are like fun for sale
    Post edited by ElJoe0 on
  • But most people spend their lives on the XBox, which will probably be me soon...
    Yeah, we do that in London and we have 8 million people. People are just bad at finding things to do, the best fun is the type that you make yourself. Amazon and Ebay are like fun for sale
    I can see many great things to do with Amazon and Ebay! But that's the problem, most people don't see, and they don't think of things to do, people in this generation are just lazy, not saying that I'm not one of them, though. Technology has made us soft, even though it has given us opportunities to do more creative things easier, people just take the easy way out.
    Or maybe I'm just ranting too much.
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