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  • skateboard or something every once in a while
    If you have a skateboard, and are still a teenager (and thus still think you are invincible) I don't know how you could ever be bored. I'd still be skateboarding if my body could handle it.

    Honestly, I kinda don't know how anyone is ever bored, especially with the internet. I haven't been bored in years.
  • skateboard or something every once in a while
    If you have a skateboard, and are still a teenager (and thus still think you are invincible) I don't know how you could ever be bored. I'd still be skateboarding if my body could handle it.

    Honestly, I kinda don't know how anyone is ever bored, especially with the internet. I haven't been bored in years.
    I do skateboard a lot, but with the snow and all it's hard to do it whenever I'm bored. And I'm not bored ALL the time, it's just when I do find I am, it's unbearable.

  • I do skateboard a lot, but with the snow and all it's hard to do it whenever I'm bored. And I'm not bored ALL the time, it's just when I do find I am, it's unbearable.
    Get a snowboard, job, or both.
  • I do skateboard a lot, but with the snow and all it's hard to do it whenever I'm bored. And I'm not bored ALL the time, it's just when I do find I am, it's unbearable.
    Fair enough. I live in SoCal, and could only not skate on the 10 days or so of rain a year.

    Anyway. Your profile says you're learning to draw. How can you ever be bored if you draw? Learning to draw takes more time than exists in the universe! Drawing is the main reason that it's impossible for me to be bored (unless I'm stuck somewhere without anything to draw with, which doesn't happen.) You should be drawing now! :) (Check out this thread, if you need some direction.)
  • Or learn to play an instrument, having got my bass skills up quite high, I am now moving to the uke.

  • I do skateboard a lot, but with the snow and all it's hard to do it whenever I'm bored. And I'm not bored ALL the time, it's just when I do find I am, it's unbearable.
    Get a snowboard, job, or both.
    I already have a snowboard, but have no car, otherwise I DEFINITELY would be snowboarding.
    (And I'm too young to get a job.)
    Drawing is the main reason that it's impossible for me to be bored (unless I'm stuck somewhere without anything to draw with, which doesn't happen.) You should be drawing now!
    This is very much true, but I am not drawing as much as I should be definitely,
    also, thank you so much for the thread!!! :)
    Or learn to play an instrument, having got my bass skills up quite high, I am now moving to the uke.
    I have wicked drum skills, and am also learning how to play the Uke.

    I know, I have many reason why I shouldn't be bored, and why I shouldn't be ranting, but not everything seems very appealing at times. (Like drawing, when I have no ideas of what to draw.)
  • edited January 2010
    skateboard or something every once in a while
    If you have a skateboard, and are still a teenager (and thus still think you are invincible) I don't know how you could ever be bored. I'd still be skateboarding if my body could handle it.

    Honestly, I kinda don't know how anyone is ever bored, especially with the internet. I haven't been bored in years.
    I look back on my teen-aged self and wonder why I always thought I was bored. I was involved in a ton of after school activities (sports, music, theatre, and educational). While I had a lot of free time, I also had almost endless access to books, movies, outdoor activities (even in winter), school related social events, youth group events, personal projects, dating, etc. Hindsight shows me that I was only ever bored when I was too lazy to do something interesting.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • I know, I have many reason why I shouldn't be bored, and why I shouldn't be ranting, but not everything seems very appealing at times.
    You know, I'm sure I'm understating the case for actually being bored. I'm an old man now, and can be satisfied with simple things, but I know that when I was a teenager, I required a bit more excitement, a bit more of a social life. I was lucky to live in a major metropolitan area, where there was always stuff to do. (Having money and/or a ride to do it was another thing, of course.) But yeah. I'm off my high horse now. Being a bored teenager sucks.
    (Like drawing, when I have no ideas of what to draw.)
    I don't want to totally hijack this thread, but you don't need to have ideas to draw. If your drum skills are as wicked as you claim, then you know that you don't just sit down and play whatever comes into your head every day. You practice. You work on specific skills that you need as a drummer -- maybe you work on your rolls for a half hour, or a particular fill, or just on keeping time (I don't know, I never really played drums, I played guitar -- but then, it's picking exercises, running scales, etc.). Drawing is the same way. You can't just sit down and draw a ninja or a catgirl every day. You need to study anatomy, work on perspective, proportion, line quality -- these are all things that need to be practiced. Most of the time when I draw in my spare time, I just sit down and start drawing heads, or working on my proportion, or refining the ways I construct the figure. Anyway -- sorry for preaching. But if I can preach one more thing -- read those Andrew Loomis books in the thread I linked!
  • Okay, I guess I was never really bored, more like I wanted OUT of the small town I grew up in. I was tired of the same old sights, and my school, and the rural attitude. I guess I should say that rather than being bored I just got sick of all the sameness.
  • But if I can preach one more thing -- read those Andrew Loomis books in the thread I linked!
    I do appreciate your preachiness, no doubt! It's mostly a case of being lazy, I believe, which I am trying not to be. It's definitely worth practicing, no matter what you're doing, and I have a lot of stuff I can do, so it's kind of overwhelming, and the laze takes over. But I'm not as bored as much as it sounds like, I have many things that I do and I have been snowboarding and skateboarding and instrumentaling a lot.
    'S all good.
  • It's mostly a case of being lazy, I believe, which I am trying not to be. It's definitely worth practicing, no matter what you're doing, and I have a lot of stuff I can do, so it's kind of overwhelming, and the laze takes over.
    This is the same problem I've had for years. I'm making it my only resolution this year to fix this same problem of having so many interests that I often will do nothing, and end up bored as a result. At least take solace in knowing that just by wanting to do more things you're in the awesome minority.
  • It's mostly a case of being lazy, I believe, which I am trying not to be. It's definitely worth practicing, no matter what you're doing, and I have a lot of stuff I can do, so it's kind of overwhelming, and the laze takes over.
    This is the same problem I've had for years. I'm making it my only resolution this year to fix this same problem of having so many interests that I often will do nothing, and end up bored as a result. At least take solace in knowing that just by wanting to do more things you're in the awesome minority.
    I will, and it is getting better.
    Good luck!!! :D
  • Hello FRC,

    I am a rather recent addition to the FRC. I was introduced to the GeekNights podcasts by listening to the Fast Karate Podcast. I am 22 and a resident of New York and a self confessed Geek. I am a fan of anime, manga, graphic novels, video games, and technology in general. I've been to ACen in Chicago a few times and i frequent Nerd Night in Brooklyn whenever they have it, lets see..yea that about it. I'm tired and off to continue more pressing work so i can go to sleep at a reasonable time for once.....or before clowns try and eat me again.
  • hello iam max i join this site though your podcasts i love manga and amine + i love playing css

    iam sorry if its hard to read this i have proplems with spelling i would spell what i have but i cant spell it begins with D
  • edited February 2010
    hello iam max i join this site though your podcasts i love manga and amine + i love playing css

    iam sorry if its hard to read this i have proplems with spelling i would spell what i have but i cant spell it begins with D
    Luckily for you, this forum has a built-in spell-checking function, Just click the "Check spelling" button on the bottom right corner of the text box.

    Hope that helps, welcome to the forums!
    Post edited by Sail on
  • wow cool thanks
  • Just click the "Check spelling" button on the bottom right corner of the text box.
    I feel really stupid, because I've been at this forum for almost a year and never noticed that. Oh well, good thing I can spell.
  • what i have but i cant spell it begins with D
    Dyslexia? My friend has that.
  • wow cool thanks
    Don't you already have an account here? I checked your profile, and it has a very familiar name there...
  • no mate never had time to join site before
  • Dyslexia? My friend has that.

    yer thats it
  • edited February 2010
    So you just happen to have the exact same e-mail account and name as this user?
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Wow, way to let in a double user, mods and admins...
    I thought the admin-reviewed account registration system was supposed to prevent people from doing this, especially with the same e-mail?
  • i made a one a long time ago but i codnt remenber the password
  • i made a one a long time ago but i codnt remenber the password
    I knew it...but I get the feeling you've been here more times before "maxhaworth" I right or am I wrong, my friend who claimed to be living in Japan.
  • no ive only be her once before but i forgot my password
  • Oh dear, it's the moron again. Dude, you don't have dyslexia, saying that is an insult to dyslexics. What you suffer from is the lack of a brain that can do more than just flailing your arms and legs, and stuffing your face full with shit. Get out please.
  • i do have dyslexia mate
  • am I right or am I wrong, my friend who claimed to be living in Japan.
    that was "flamming geek," not this dude. This dude just can't spell.
  • Oh dear, it's the moron again. Dude, you don't have dyslexia, saying that is an insult to dyslexics. What you suffer from is the lack of a brain that can do more than just flailing your arms and legs, and stuffing your face full with shit. Get out please.
    It just wouldn't be FRC if Nine did not unleash horrible insults on people. ^^ :P (.^,^.)
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