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Identify Yourself



  • Really? I had no idea? Can anyone tell me who they are?
    I'm one, and judging by Kate's stament, she's one too.
  • Really? I had no idea? Can anyone tell me who they are?
    I'm one, and judging by Kate's stament, she's one too.
    I kinda am. I actually got into doing swing dancing in gym, and I've seen a few videos online that are pretty awesome. It's something that if I was ever to have a ton of free time and nothing else to do, I might take up.
  • Yep, I started dancing at the beginning of my senior year of high school, shortly before the peak of the neo swing movement. I always loved the 30's-40's era, probably because of my early exposure to Indiana Jones, and 1941. That's also probably what helped lead me into the film/video production industry.
  • Yep, I started dancing at the beginning of my senior year of high school, shortly before the peak of the neo swing movement. I always loved the 30's-40's era, probably because of my early exposure to Indiana Jones, and 1941. That's also probably what helped lead me into the film/video production industry.
    Watch the dance scene from It's A Wonderful Life and hope something similar actually happens to you one day. I wish it happens to me...
  • Personally, I am partial to the drunken dance in "Holiday Inn".
  • Things that I'm a geek about include: swing dancing...
    If only I could find the video that exists of me dancing on one leg weeks after I'd had knee surgery. I wasn't actually allowed to even walk at that point, but I figured if I didn't put any weight on the leg it wouldn't count.
  • Personally, I am partial to the drunken dance in "Holiday Inn".
    God, I'm so happy that someone else remembers that movie.
  • Being as involved as I was in the swing dance community and being as interested as I am in the music and movies of the era, I've got a long list of movies I've forgotten how much I like.
  • Really? I had no idea? Can anyone tell me who they are?
    I'm one, and judging by Kate's stament, she's one too.
    Yep, I studied various forms of dance from the age of 5 until 18; including swing, Latin, ballroom, modern, tap, ballet, jazz, folk, hip-hop, Irish step, and African. ^_^
  • Hello all. My name is Andrew Milne, though on-line I go by a number of Egyptian mythology themed names such as JackalHeadGod or Ophois.

    I first bumped in to Rym and Scott at PAX 2008 (or 07 can't quite remember), saw one of their panels and ended up seeing a bit of Boston with them the next day. I then promptly lost the shows flier, forgot every-one's name and spent 2 years muttering about bad luck and poor memory.

    Queue PAX East 2010 and another chance to meet people and this time not loose the web site address. Some of you have met me, I played some FLUX / Burning Wheel with you in the line for the closing ceremony.

    I'm thirty (and a bit), Scottish, Have a degree in Computer Science and work full time as a geekprogrammer. I'm into pen and paper rpgs, board games, computer games, comics (addicted to everything x-men related) and some anime.

    My web site is where I post (rarely) about stuff, at the moment I'm writing my own pen and paper rpg game and blogging the design process.
  • Hello.
    My name is Youri lambot, I'm a god. I also read manga all time time, that's about it.
  • Hello.
    My name is Youri lambot, I'm a god. I also read manga all time time, that's about it.


  • Greetings, fellow geeks.

    First allow me to express how honored I am to be welcomed into this community. I’m sure this feeling won’t last long… ;-) My name is David Welty. I was born on May 12th, 1979 in (mostly) sunny California and it’s where I’ve lived my whole life. I'd say 85% of the things up Rym and Scotts collective allies are also up mine as well. I think we diverge at manga. Seeing as how I could literally ramble on for PAGES about myself, I’m going to leave it at that for now.

    Oh. One last thing! I work for Blizzard Entertainment. Please don’t cast stones and gifts of Cornucopia filled with board games, video games and other assorted geekery may be submitted to my personal P.O. Box.
  • What do you do at Blizzard?
  • Presently, Customer Support with a move to QA pending. It's complicated but the move is happening sometime in the next 2-4 months.
  • First allow me to express how honored I am to be welcomed into this community. I’m sure this feeling won’t last long... ;-)
    If you want to feel honored, go somewhere else. We don't honor new members, we merely say 'hi' and ask probing questions.
  • I bestow the honor on myself. I don't need it validated by the community.

    Ask away, oh probing question man! This is why I posted in this thread, for the most part.
  • Ask away, oh probing question man! This is why I posted in this thread, for the most part.
    Oh shit, you unleashed the beast. May FSM have mercy on your soul. :P
  • My soul was bartered to Cthulhu before I was even born. FSM cannot save me!
  • Very well then. Here is the first question:
  • 42.

    Do I win?
  • Do I win?
    >:C No.
  • Hrmmm. Social currency doesn't work on you... Interesting...
  • edited April 2010
    Hrmmm. Social currency doesn't work on you... Interesting...
    Cute cats work on him and Dwarf Fortress. Also Congo-rats. ^_~
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • ......
    edited April 2010
    Hrmmm. Social currency doesn't work on you... Interesting...
    Neither does you hitting space 4 times after every ellipsis.
    Cute cats work
    Dwarf Fortress
    No more!
    Post edited by ... on
    No more!
    Hee hee!
  • edited April 2010
    Oh. One last thing! I work for Blizzard Entertainment
    Blizzard North or South? I know a guy who works (or worked?) in IT at Blizzard South.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • There does not appear to be a question there, bucko.
  • There does not appear to be a question there, bucko.
    No need to state the obvious like "Solve the following".
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