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  • Everything outside of St. Louis and Kansas City is fairly "rural" in Missouri. We get the same thing. And people being elitist about one side or the other. Plus fighting about whether St. Louis or KC is a better place to live.
  • Here in Arizona, you either live in or around Phoenix, Tuscon, or Flagstaff. If you don't live there, you're living in some dead mining town, some pitiful Indian reservation, or in the woods. All of this doesn't really matter in terms of what we think of each other, because a lot of people here are bat-shit crazy Republicans or Tea Partiests.
  • Creamsteak, where do you live? I'm visiting KC later this year.
  • Columbia, which is almost exactly half way between St. Louis and KC. I can definitely swing a trip down to KC, it's just a couple hours drive.
  • I'm the guest performer at the Kansas City Juggling Festival at the end of August/beginning of September, so I'll be about for 5 days or so, and hosting their gala show. I'm not sure if that is worth driving a few hours to see on a Saturday, but I'd feel like a dick if I didn't invite you along to watch and hang out.
  • Well interestingly enough, I'll be in KC anyway at that time briefly. PAX Prime runs August 31st to September 2nd. I will be spending that Wednesday night in KC and I come back in on Monday. So if you are in town on either of those days, things would be easy. That Thursday morning, however, I fly out.
  • I'll be around on Wednesday evening, I'm sure. I'm not sure how well I'll do on the jetlag vs sociability continuum though.
  • Hey everybody. I'm muppet. Well, Mark actually, but I tend to go by muppet.

    I found this forum searching for Connecticon 2012 discussions, so I don't know too much about the podcasts and such, but this place seems geeky and I have a dearth of geeky hangouts in my life.

    I've read through a bunch of this thread, which has taken my slight anxiety about introducing myself and magnified it about ten fold. ;-)

    I'm 34 years old, have been geeky most of my life. OK all my life. I've been watching anime since the 80s and consider most of the "new" stuff to be mediocre at best, but there's a few gems. I sold chocolate bars to earn my NES and I started playing Battletech on the tabletop with a friend or two in the late 80s and early 90s. Before they had to remove all the 'mechs that looked like Macross tech from their source books.

    I'm heading to Connecticon 2012 next month to be in the artist's colony selling jewelry that my daughter and I (mostly I) make. We started out making stuff out of d20s but we keep expanding.

    I follow about a dozen webcomics but only 5 or 6 reliably.

    OH, I live in central Connecticut. Wife, two kids, two dogs, very little time for scratching the "geek" itch, so forums are about all I do anymore.

    Not sure what else to throw in here.

  • I'm assuming that vast white space is a video that the net nanny at work is not letting me see. :)
  • I'm assuming that vast white space is a video that the net nanny at work is not letting me see. :)
    Quit your job.
  • I'm assuming that vast white space is a video that the net nanny at work is not letting me see. :)
    Quit your job. If I were you, I'd quit that job because any job that blocks internet websites is no good in the world of Scott Rubin

    However, if your work allows the installation of other browsers other than IE, then it's not too bad. :P
  • edited June 2012
    If only.

    I can install whatever browser I like, but the proxy is pretty brutal.

    Once upon a time I got Youtube here. Those were the days.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • If only.

    I can install whatever browser I like, but the proxy is pretty brutal.

    Once upon a time I got Youtube here. Those were the days.
    Can you activate a VPN? iPredator!
  • I've got my Android if the situation gets desperate. I try not to give them reasons to fire me. :)
  • Standard new-person warning: Scott Rubin (Apreche) likes to give advice based on his limited life experience as a computing professional. His advice is almost always entirely inappropriate for anyone who isn't a computing professional, and often inappropriate for simply everybody.
  • Well, I DO work in IT. Technically.
  • Standard new-person warning: Scott Rubin (Apreche) likes to give advice based on his limited life experience as a computing professional. His advice is almost always entirely inappropriate for anyone who isn't a computing professional, and often inappropriate for simply everybody.
    HOWEVER - His advice within his field is often top notch. He has a few odd ideas, but on the whole, it's often excellent advice. And don't let him get you too het up, he usually doesn't mean anything malicious by it, I think.

  • Well, I DO work in IT. Technically.
    His advice is almost always based on an extreme point of view and the Life View of the Rubin. Which works fine for him, but not so great for people with other value systems!

    Also, the CT convention center is a hardass about making sure you have CT sales tax ID stuff in place to sell there, so make sure you guys are up on that and bring the paperwork/certificate with you; there is likely to be an official coming around to check for it.

    Also, would you be interested in purchasing a bunch of discounted, pretty Chessex D20s? XD

  • I already have about 300 ;-)
  • edited June 2012
    I'm assuming that vast white space is a video that the net nanny at work is not letting me see. :)
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • If my jewelry business takes off, I promise to quit my job. :)

    Love is available at negotiable rates.
  • I already have about 300 ;-)
    Yeah, me too. And god, am I sick of making jewelry out of them. I haven't drilled holes in any dice for at least 3 years.

    I probably should just suck it up and use the remaining dice. Or find someone local to sell them to.
  • I'm in the same boat, totally sick of making dice jewelry, have moved on to copper and gemstones and all sorts of cool stuff, but I have to use up this remaining supply and try to have a good stock for the con, so in the next couple of weeks it's going to be dice dice dice.
  • LOL.

    I like to pretend that mine's a little beyond the commodity beaded wire stuff that EVERYBODY and their mother is doing, but maybe not. ;-)
  • Viking wire weave. It's way cooler than beading.

    I need to try working with steel wire some time.
  • I've been mucking about with copper pipe and old coins:
  • Hey everyone. My name is Devon, 9/21/88 and I live in Minneapolis. I went to St. Cloud State University for Computer Science.

    Been listening since I found the PAX talks on Youtube while looking for game theory and game design info.

    I'm a programmer and I also do visual arts stuff and music. I get paid for .NET development, but I love all kinds of programming. I have too many interests.

    "lalanl" is short for lalanotlistening, which is sometimes too long to be a valid username.
  • Sup dev. How you doing?
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