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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • Well, I marathoned FMP! S1 today.
  • Darn, there should be a spoiler tag or something here. I have been marathoning Utena and I am 9 eps away and I just want to throw a guess to someone of what is going on, but no without a spoiler tag. Life is hard sometimes when no one is watching the same show you are watching with you.
  • There is, although I can't remember what it is. The alternative is to use <.font color="white">spoiler goes here<./font>

    Remove the periods, of course.
  • edited November 2012
    Here you go

    EDIT:Ninja'd by Ikatono's mildly inferior method.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • Oh right, it's just [.spoiler]text[./spoiler]

  • edited November 2012
    I did try that one but apparently in the preview it doesn't show the effect. Anyway, here is my incomplete guess about Utena. It will not explain everything but at least give a partial explanation:

    The only thing that appears really obvious is that this is not really the real world, probably just a memory, or the perception of someone of some other place. A hospital perhaps? In worse case scenario, heaven or purgatory (I say worse case, because that would sorta decrease the value of the show for me).

    The story is probably about a girl, and her life, probably a recount of different things that happened to her. This girl is probably dying, or probably in a operating run, Is the castle in the sky those light in those room? She probably was in an accident, a car accident perhaps? Perhaps the same accident that killed her parents?

    The council student members, and most of the regular duelists, are probably aspects of the same person. Utena probably representing the Idealism and Dreams. Nanami is actually her childish spoiled and innocent aspect (They have spend way too many eps Namami, and I dislike her, but at least the put songs that appear from old anime with her, so she is in the past). The other aspects I haven't thought too much about yet.

    The dark rose people probably represent her dark emotions, dark thoughts she had in her life: Jealousy, Anger, Lost, etc. At the very least just moments of stress.

    And the revolutionize the world, probably. To become an adult? As the show progress, it sorta throws more and more dirty jokes, and becomes more mature. The are starting to show more sex-esque scenes, and showing more skin. Our little girl is growing up, and reality is starting to conflict with her ideal concept of the white prince. I guess and some point, there will be prince no more, or be there will be a "true" prince.

    Ah, and the duels are probably conflicts between her aspects. More specifically her others aspects and her Idealism and Dreams.

    Well, that is all I can think of. I have a initial first guess before based on a few religious things that have put in there, but since it would really disappoint me if that was the case, I prefer not to mentioned, heh.

    Excuse me if that wall of text if no very well structured, but English is not my first language, and my knowledge of grammar is not even close to perfect.
    Post edited by Dincu on
  • edited November 2012
    Well... I guess that was a crackpot theory I had there... Did I not understand the series? Did I rush too much and missed the fine details? I finished the show but little was answered to me really. Oh well...
    Would the movie help?
    I found kinda funny the parts where they were clearly pointing to the weird stuff that was happening.
    I guess I guessed wrong... but there were parts like the ending song that showed you that the Pink glass became Purple when a cloud was behind it... It made me think things like Utena and Angi were the same person...
    Maybe I should have just stop trying to think to deeply and just think about what was happening in the show literally
    Post edited by Dincu on
  • The movie will not help with anything.
    You didn't really guess wrong. Utena's ending isn't very concrete. It ties up all the thematic elements, and lets you make of it what you will. I thought the theory you had going was interesting, and just needed a little bit of work. It very well might be one of many ways to read into the show.
  • Everyone is wasting their Utena discussions before ScRym even releases the first episode thoughts. :P
  • RymRym
    edited November 2012
    Everyone is wasting their Utena discussions before ScRym even releases the first episode thoughts. :P

    Wait'll we tell them it's just a metaphor for adolescence.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • Did you make that gif?
  • RymRym
    edited November 2012
    Did you make that gif?
    Of course.

    I export a gif every time I see anything even remotely giffable while editing our Utena show. Happened to export that one this morning, and it became useful immediately!

    Post edited by Rym on
  • Oh right, it's just [.spoiler]text[./spoiler]

    Which is bullshit syntax. I really don't like having that BBCode crap on my forum, but there isn't a better way at the moment. ;^)

  • Did you make that gif?
    Of course.

    I export a gif every time I see anything even remotely giffable while editing our Utena show. Happened to export that one this morning, and it became useful immediately!

    I have to learn to do dis.
  • If I was in the habit of giffing, the internet would be in trouble.
  • I have to learn to do dis.
    You have Premiere. Export to "Animated GIF." Futz with the settings to get the filesize/framerate correct.

  • Too bad it's ghosting.
  • edited November 2012
    Did you make that gif?
    Of course.

    I export a gif every time I see anything even remotely giffable while editing our Utena show.
    I wonder if Vegas can do that...
    EDIT: Nope.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I've just finished watching the first episode of Wolf's Rain. I have to say that I am very intrigued by the show and it seems like there is a possibility for a lot of deep and meaningful content on the horizon.
  • I've just finished watching the first episode of Wolf's Rain. I have to say that I am very intrigued by the show and it seems like there is a possibility for a lot of deep and meaningful content on the horizon.
    Be warned. It doesn't really go anywhere, and people intensely dislike the ending.

  • I'll be glad to know what side of the fence you will fall on when you get to the end.

    I have realized that endings usually fade for me, and people who see them fresh have a passion about them (negative, positive), but I just remember them being fine. I think just doing a final episode marathon would be good for me.

  • Recently, I've been trying to re-watch Hellsing Ultimate... I remember it being totally awesome last year when I first saw it, and now that I am re-watching it, I'm realizing how much it sucks. None of the characters actually get developed, it spends way to long on crap I don't care about, like the gun shooting, it just doesn't make sense at certain points (like why doesn't Alucard just kill Valentine Brothers and the ghouls?), and the background music in the first episode is horrible and doesn't actually fight with the show at all.

    If you want to watch Hellsing, watch this instead. It's actually funny, shorter, Alucard actually has character, and it makes sense.

  • edited December 2012
    Fucked up and slow-ass internet double-post.
    Post edited by Clockian on
  • I've never understood why Hellsing is popular. Then again I'm not a huge fan of Vampire Hunter D either.
  • edited December 2012
    It's popular because it's a vampire fighting the bad guys for once, and it's violent and grotesque. Basically the same thing for D.
    Post edited by VichusSmith on
  • I've never understood why Hellsing is popular. Then again I'm not a huge fan of Vampire Hunter D either.
    Good music. Show was not the worst.
  • Hellsing was the first manga I ever read and the first anime I watched knowing that "anime" was a distinct thing. The art and design is a huge influence on me.
  • edited December 2012
    Hellsing is popular for the same reasons that a film like "From Dusk Till Dawn" or "Planet Terror" is popular: A lot of gore and fucked up crazy shit. It's over the top and grotesque, but you can't really go into it with the mindset of being overly critical, just like with other exploitation works. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. After all, the thing is about a british secret agency employing Dracula to hunt down and later fight back an invasion of nazi vampire-zombies.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Hellsing is kind of a perfect illustration of the sort of thing I got into anime and manga about. It's completely fucked up on a fractal level, yet manages to have both extremely likeable and iconic characters, powerful imagery, and a surprising amount of depth. I love cheap exploitation media and pulp fluff, but you can't really sink your teeth into it because there isn't much there a lot of the time beyond "We need to make something popular on a budget of ten cents and a soda can tab I found in my pocket." By contrast, there is a lot of anime and manga with similar themes and imagery to the exploitation stuff I love, but it's approached with a very different tone and medium that allows it to be, in my opinion, both much better and often much smarter.

    Also I just realized I like Hellsing for the exact same reason I like Sucker Punch.
  • Hellsing is popular for the same reasons that a film like "From Dusk Till Dawn" or "Planet Terror" is popular: A lot of gore and fucked up crazy shit. It's over the top and grotesque, but you can't really go into it with the mindset of being overly critical, just like with other exploitation works. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. After all, the thing is about a british secret agency employing Dracula to hunt down and later fight back an invasion of nazi vampire-zombies.
    Planet Terror was popular not just because of its genre, but also because of who directed it. Same thing for From Dusk Til Dawn- oh, you just happened to pick two Rodriguez films.

    Anyway, yeah, I agree. I don't expect a whole lot of character development from Hellsing. I expect flashbacks, and history of the various characters, but Hellsing Ultimate, especially, is goofy. When I say goofy, I think of the sidekick (Ceras?) being goofy comedic relief while people are getting their heads blown off.
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