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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • edited January 2013
    It sounded like you briefly watched Accel World, that you saw a pig character playing a virtual fighting game and dismissed it.
    What? What part of
    Both equally appealing.
    do you not understand? The pig was the best part of that show. It's the rest that didn't draw me in at all. Also, watching a few episodes is not what I would call "briefly".
    [Not nine being called out for retardedly forgetting about the existence of streaming sites]
    Oh yeah, that shit exists. My bad. My condolences for you not being able to watch good stuff like Michiko & Hatchin sooner.
    By hitting specific spots, you quoted yourself about the use of the German language
    I can enjoy jokesubs thoroughly. This is not dependant on the anime. I actually watched most of the show with the non-Aryan subs because shit got confusing seeing as how I actually know some fucking German.
    I would have to guess that you are into anime involving military and/or tanks.
    Also, I would guess you don't mind a show with a significant female cast- but I watch shows with all female casts as well.
    Yeah, I don't mind a show with more female characters than male characters. Azumanga Daioh was great after all. Nichijou too (Nichibros as well). Gender of the cast doesn't really matter to me, though I must say the show wouldn't work at all if it was an all male cast. It's part of the humour after all that women drive tanks, and their entire culture is utterly insane. And it's not like you'd have much choice if you nitpicked about large female casts. You'd be left with Moyashimon and pretty boy softcore pornography.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • I don't know how watching something sooner somehow makes you a better person. Anime is not fruit. It doesn't degrade over time.

    You pegged me as watching unofficial streams anyway, so I'm confused as to how at first I am on the ball, watching things as they come out, and now I'm being insulted for waiting to watch something through legal avenues.
  • edited January 2013
    Uh, where did he say it made him a better person? Also, where did he insult you with regards to that issue?
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I didn't say that he outright said that, but it's the impression I get. I don't think he's entirely being serious anyway, just taking a jab at me.

    He said "You're waiting to watch good anime that I've already seen" Should I take this as a positive?
  • Perhaps a mild jab, but mostly I think when he said "my condolences" that's what he meant - it is indeed unfortunate that you had to wait so long.
  • Not nine and I weren't having an uncivil conversation, but it wasn't exactly hugs and chocolates, either.

    I've had a bit of a marathon with M & H since I've watched the 1st episode, and it is indeed a slight to the whole world that it wasn't distributed sooner.

  • That's how basically every conversation with him is, so don't take it personally ^_~
  • Yes, I got that feeling. At one point I just felt like "This is a brick wall I'm hitting my head on, isn't it?"
  • Started recently watching Bakuman. It's pretty much exactly like the manga, which I liked, so I like the series so far too. Sadly by this rate I'm consuming it I will be done with the first two seasons before third even ends.
  • He said "You're waiting to watch good anime that I've already seen" Should I take this as a positive?
    I didn't say that. That's not even near anything I said. I fucking indicated sympathy that you had to wait so long to finally be able and watch it. At no point did I fucking compare it to when I watched the show.
    Yes, I got that feeling. At one point I just felt like "This is a brick wall I'm hitting my head on, isn't it?"
    Walls don't discuss things at all. We did. What the hell man. Now you're just being a condescending demeaning scumbag after I mistakingly made a wrong conclusion, for which I already chastised myself. What the hell man. Do you even actually read my fucking posts? You reply with a single breath worth of text that draws utterly nonsense conclusions. You do that repeatedly even after being informed otherwise!
    You pegged me as watching unofficial streams anyway
    I said pirate. I didn't fucking specify how. Streams, downloads, stealing cable, sattelite shenanigans, I specified none. I forgot about legal streaming like Hulu and Funimation, because practically speaking that stuff doesn't exist for the majority of the world. So yes, I was confused as to how you hadn't been able to watch H&M before till you reminded me that you only discussed stuff that was available legally.
  • So you said "You obviously pirate anime soooo..." I'm sorry that I didn't get the exact method of pirating you accused me off, as if it matters. Pirating means something different than watching the streams as they come from the official source, was as much point as needed to be made.

    I compared talking to you to talking to a brick wall, because I said "I like this show" then you went back and forth, as if to convince me that how I feel about something is wrong. If you now want to compare yourself literally to a wall, that's your business.

    When I said "You're waiting to watch good anime that I've already seen" that was not a direct quote (obviously). This is the impression that I get from you.

    Back to this post:
    Though what did you wait for? You obviously pirate anime soooo... I don't follow. Michiko & Hatchin's good, but not really good. So you'll probably not like it that much. :^)
    THIS is word for word. We're on the internet. I'm not he say/she saying you. Maybe I can interpret them incorrectly, but they are there, for everyone to read. All I can do is read your words.
  • Through various cross-links and whatnot, I became aware of Viper's Creed today.'s_Creed

    Has anyone seen this? Opinions? Is it worth watching? I've been looking for a more serious GitS/Gasaraki type mech show lately.
  • edited January 2013
    So you said "You obviously pirate anime soooo..."
    Correct, because legal sources slipped my mind, as explained.
    Pirating means something different than watching the streams as they come from the official source
    You've been getting straight A's at the Obvious Institute lately?
    was as much point as needed to be made.
    A secondary time? After I had already chastised myself for having made a mistake? There was no fucking reason, let alone a need, to repeat yourself.
    I compared talking to you to talking to a brick wall, because I said "I like this show"
    Accel World is really good.
    then you went back and forth
    One person can not go back and forth in this manner. We also didn't go back and forth on you liking Accel World. You said it was really good, I said that's only true if you compare it to completely atrocious things like SAO, which we both mentioned and agreed on that it was atrocious, hilariously so in my opinion.
    as if to convince me that how I feel about something is wrong.
    How the fuck did you get to this conclusion?
    If you now want to compare yourself literally to a wall, that's your business.
    Where the fuck do you get this shit from? Where the fuck do you see this shit?
    When I said "You're waiting to watch good anime that I've already seen" that was not a direct quote (obviously). This is the impression that I get from you.
    Which is fucking baffling. How the fuck can you construct that impression from what was said? How the fuck does this:
    [Not nine being called out for retardedly forgetting about the existence of streaming sites]
    And this:
    Oh yeah, that shit exists. My bad. My condolences for you not being able to watch good stuff like Michiko & Hatchin sooner.
    You're waiting to watch good anime that I've already seen
    Explain that to me, because I seriously do not follow your seemingly crazy thought patterns. Are you fucking Cthulhu on a daily basis or something? What the fuck son, can you try and make some sense of this fucking mess?
    Though what did you wait for? You obviously pirate anime soooo... I don't follow. Michiko & Hatchin's good, but not really good. So you'll probably not like it that much. :^)
    THIS is word for word. We're on the internet. I'm not he say/she saying you. Maybe I can interpret them incorrectly, but they are there, for everyone to read. All I can do is read your words.
    Correctly copy pasted. Let us analyze those sentences I wrote. It starts with, gasp, a question for you to explain why the hell it took so long for you to watch a show that was made several years ago. To which you replied it wasn't available to you in a legal format yet. Followed by me making a wrong conclusion, for which I chastised myself after you explained it wasn't available legally. Then I say that the show is good, followed by another jest at your unsupported and unsubstantiated claim of Accel World being "really good". Which you appear to have construed as "HAHA YOU'RE A FAGGOT" or something equally mindbogglingly out of place. If I think you're a faggot, I'll just tell you, okay?

    And you know the weirdest part? The start of all of this is just as freaking weird.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • I think the start of all this was "MEH? And Accel World "Good"? What the fuck's wrong with you?" - Not nine

    A lovely beginning, dont'cha think?

    I didn't commiserate with you in SAO being bad. I agreed on some points. I called it flawed.

    Wait, so my "claim" that Accel World is good is unsubstantiated? I'll look on the bright side and take this as you jabbing at me in a friendly manner.

    Faggot, or some other slur/epithet is not the only thing someone has to jump to in order to be seen as negative. You can be passive/aggressive, you can make snide comments, you can do a lot of things before you make personal attacks. You wouldn't have to go as far as being an immature xbox live player to push someone's buttons or turn them off.

    I will correct MY mistake. I totally missed your apology, and I apologize for that oversight.

    Back to the topic of this whole thread! I watched Bakumatsu Gijiden Roman. No, it's not the second coming of Lupin. I think it looks like budget animation, or animation from 10-15 years ago, and if anyone else has seen it, were you expecting that ending for episode 1?
  • I think the start of all this was "MEH? And Accel World "Good"? What the fuck's wrong with you?" - Not nine
    If you'd read context, that was in response to Kiey. Not my fault you just forced your way in there.
    Wait, so my "claim" that Accel World is real good is unsubstantiated?
    I don't see you supporting that claim at any point. Just that you find it really good. Comparatively I've given examples as to what was appealing to me in the various shows. For example, a pig riding a mecha. It's the difference between saying "Fuck the pope" and "Fuck the pope because of all this inhumane fucking bullshit he's spouting."
    Faggot, or some other slur/epithet is not the only thing someone has to jump to in order to be seen as negative. You can be passive/aggressive, you can make snide comments, you can do a lot of things before you make personal attacks. You wouldn't have to go as far as being an immature xbox live player to push someone's buttons or turn them off.
    Really working hard on those grades aren't you. The problem is that you appear to have misinterpreted things, acted on that, and then shit hit the fan.
    Back to the topic of this whole thread! I watched Bakumatsu Gijiden Roman. No, it's not the second coming of Lupin. I think it looks like budget animation, or animation from 10-15 years ago, and if anyone else has seen it, were you expecting that ending for episode 1?
    The animation's not bad. Not bad at all. Budget animation is a lot worse. As for the ending, wasn't expected, but didn't surprise either. The entire show's an anachronism after all.
  • edited January 2013
    Oh, I did not force my way into that conversation. I was also part of that. You also responded to me. Even if I wasn't part of the conversation, you aren't having a private discussion. It's open to everyone. I found you dismissive of a show, and I felt that it merited a response.

    It's an opinion. I didn't say that the sky was orange. I said I had a feeling. I don't know what you're getting at. No one asked me to explain why I liked the anime. I said "I like this" and you said "no, this sucks, and this isn't all that better" Please show me where you asked me to explain why I liked it?

    Even if I did explain it, what would that do for anyone?

    "I like this show because of X,Y, and Z"

    "I hate it. I think it stinks"

    Would we not be at the same exact point we are now?

    Really working hard on those grades aren't you.
    I don't know what the hell this statement means or is referring to. Is this your catch phrase?
    Post edited by VichusSmith on
  • What the fuck are you kids even arguing about?
  • Ask Not Nine. He's going to go on forever about it.
  • Time to interrupt this stupid argument with an arguably relevant cute image and caption.

    imma getchu lupaaaaaaan

    Been feeling the desire to go and watch some original Lupin III TV. I've seen some of the movies and Season 2, but Season 1 is largely unexplored territory. Could be fun.
  • edited January 2013
    Oh, I did not force my way into that conversation. I was also part of that.
    You hadn't said a fucking damned thing about GuP up to that point. And then you start by saying you don't hate it, as if anyone had any reason to assume you did.
    You also responded to me.
    Yes, in an entirely different thread of discussion, namely the one about Accel World and how SAO is more flawed in the second half.
    Even if I wasn't part of the conversation, you aren't having a private discussion. It's open to everyone. I found you dismissive of a show, and I felt that it merited a response.
    A response consisting of five words without any fucking supportive commentary made on the matter other than tanks on an aircraft carrier somehow being silly, or that being a bad thing in some way.
    It's an opinion. I didn't say that the sky was orange.
    They going all the way up to S grades now? Damn times have changed.
    I said I had a feeling.
    You did not.
    I don't know what you're getting at. No one asked me to explain why I liked the anime. I said "I like this" and you said "no, this sucks, and this isn't all that better" Please show me where you asked me to explain why I liked it?
    You were the one that challenged my comment about AW being good with GuP being mentioned as "meh". You proceeded to not at all support your claim that it was
    really good
    . Nobody should ask you to support your fucking claim in that case, you should support your fucking argument to begin with so you can convince people, change their minds, or at the least make them understand your point of view. If you'd be so kind as to read along, Kiey replied and explained himself after questions were asked.
    I put it in "Meh?" because I enjoy it, but not because it's in any way a good show. Except Hippo team. Hippo team is the best team.

    It potentially could have been a much more interesting show, especially if there was a good reason why only some people lived on aircraft carriers. But it's really just a silly show about moe girls fighting with tanks.
    I totally agree that GuP is not in any way a good show, it's highly entertaining to those whose interest it catches. Imho, the same applies to AW. It's in no way a good show, but very entertaining to those who get hooked on it. At no point did I say AW sucks, so thank you very much for shoving that down my throat. I said it's better than SAO('s second half but constantly repeating that is tiring at best), which it is.
    Even if I did explain it, what would that do for anyone?
    This whole topic would be the greatest fucking bore if people said nothing more than the title of a show. I'm not going to dig through all 64 pages, but I'm willing to bet (for a grand total of the most valued of absolute nothings) that there's not a single fucking post that just mentioned an anime title and got replies.
    "I like this show because of X,Y, and Z"
    "I hate this show because of X,Y, and Z"
    "Okay, but there's U, V and W"
    "I hate it. I think it stinks"
    "I love it. I think it rocks"
    [the sound of silence]
    "The sky is orange!"
    "No, it's blue."
    "The sky is orange during sunset, and red and purple, and pink and it's fucking gorgeous."
    Would we not be at the same exact point we are now?
    Quite likely not. Do you still see me discussing things with Kiey?
    Really working hard on those grades aren't you.
    I don't know what the hell this statement means or is referring to. Is this your catch phrase?
    Shows how much you read and fucking comprehend, but that's not really a surprise to be honest.
    Ask Not nine. He's going to go on forever about it.
    Can you even name "it"?
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • You're a very "interesting" fellow, full of semantics, and you set up rules that no one agreed to, nor were ever even aware were set down. Sorry to put things in quotation marks, because you take them so ridiculously literally.

    I don't give this much of a damn about Girls und Panzer, SAO, Accel World, what you or I like, to go on with this conversation continuously. I guess this all could've been avoided if you said "mind your business" because you felt all along that in a public forum, no one should ever speak unless spoken to, and that person should only discuss what was said to them, and nothing else.

    You win the internet. I'm done with you. I will never respond to you again, even if you address me, and that starts now.
  • Also just watched Accel World and have to admit I thought SAO was better. SAO also covered two complete story arcs while Accel World was somewhat incomplete feeling when it was all over. I still liked it alright, and love the fighting, but it was definitely less interesting of an idea.

    I need to read the rest of this authors books. I finished ~4 of them. They're all over the place (though that could be translation), but still interesting to me.
  • I think Accel World could go on longer, like a shounen fighting show.
  • So. Anybody seen eva 3.0 yet? I'm working on acquiring it now.
  • So. Anybody seen eva 3.0 yet? I'm working on acquiring it now.
    I've seen the first 6 minutes of it with shady subtitles... needless to say, it's beautiful.
  • Started watching Jormungand on Churba's recommendation. Pretty good, I really want to know what is up with Koko's crazy plan. That or a mini series following Velmet.
  • edited January 2013
    Oh, it's a super crazy plan. She is loco, after all.
    Post edited by VichusSmith on
  • Ok, I have this weird dilemma. I will be introducing a person to Eva, but I don't know whether I should...

    a) Show them the old anime episodes, then show the new Eva movies


    b) Show them the new movies, then the anime episodes.
  • Do they like shit blowing up and awesome robot fighting scenes? Then I would say go with the movies. The problem with the movies, however, is that they're not all out yet, so you will be left with a cliffhanger at the end.

    Honestly, I would compare this question to the "should I read the book before seeing the movie, or vice versa".

    I fall onto the "read the book first" side of that debate, but I think that which ever one this person prefers is the way to go. Personally I think the show does a better job at displaying the true purpose of the show than the movies, but that opinion is subject to change until I've seen the third and fourth Eva movies.
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