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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • I've been watching Golion after noticing it was available on Cruncyroll. It's certain more violent than Voltron, but I think I prefer Voltron's soundtrack (although Voltron's music could've used more tracks).
  • I just finished Utena! That show is good as heck, man.

    I have already decided that my next adventure will be Kemonozume.
  • I forget, is Speed Grapher good? Cause I wanna watch an anime and it's on Netflicks.
  • Arguably, yes.
  • edited January 2013
    Look up the Fast Karate episode on it.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Look up the Fast Karate episode on it.
    I did that immediately after posting this.
  • I forget, is Speed Grapher good? Cause I wanna watch an anime and it's on Netflicks.
    No. It's a bullshit Gonzo show that suffers from the same bullshit Gonzo problem of "Come up with an idea that has the potential and possibility to be something great...but exhaust its premise within 2-5 episodes and meander for the rest of its run." Don't ever watch a show with Gonzo's name on it (unless it is Bokurano or Gankutsuou).

  • Been watching a good bit of anime with my roommates lately.

    The good:
    Fate/Zero - we watched the first season so far and it's really good. We have only a passing knowledge of Fate/Stay Night (which Zero is a prequel to,) but it basically stands on it's own the way they are doing it.

    Accel World - Watched a few episodes of it, and so far it's good. There are some ridiculous bits, but nothing that has managed to ruin the show.

    The Bad:
    BTOOM - Watched the first episode, and it was pretty bad. Interesting idea, but pretty poor writing. From my understanding it gets worse at the series goes on.

    The meh?:
    Girls und Panzers - it's a show about high school moe girls in a tank battling club who live on an aircraft carrier that's setup like a normal town (with trees, mountains, and everything.) It's a decent show that's clearly aimed at moe and military otaku. We mostly got enjoyment out of picking out the anime tropes, and finding all the moe girl archetypes. The world also seemed potentially interesting, but apparently the explanation for everything is "it just is," for the most part.
  • BTOOM - Watched the first episode, and it was pretty bad. Interesting idea, but pretty poor writing. From my understanding it gets worse at the series goes on.
    The manga is rather better. What that says judging by the quality of the anime, I'll leave to you.

  • Accel World - Watched a few episodes of it, and so far it's good. There are some ridiculous bits, but nothing that has managed to ruin the show.
    It has the same flaw that Sword Art Online (same author [and world?]) has: the meatspace bits can get pretty moe. The cyber parts more than make up for it though.
  • The meh?:
    Girls und Panzers - it's a show about high school moe girls in a tank battling club who live on an aircraft carrier that's setup like a normal town (with trees, mountains, and everything.) It's a decent show that's clearly aimed at moe and military otaku. We mostly got enjoyment out of picking out the anime tropes, and finding all the moe girl archetypes. The world also seemed potentially interesting, but apparently the explanation for everything is "it just is," for the most part.
    That sounds awful, I'd better read it.

  • BTOOOM! was pretty awful. The manga didn't look much better from when I did a cursory look at it (wondering if the ending was really the ending). It's full of all kinds of elements of random fiction I've enjoyed in the past, but not put together well. Welcome to the NHK + Battle Royale + video games + manga rules + psychological thriller sounded really good on paper.

    Girls und Panzers didn't hold my attention through the first episode.

    Fate/Zero I enjoyed.

    Accel World is tempting to me. I definitely enjoyed SOA, but that was right inside my wheelhouse.
  • edited January 2013
    BTOOOM! was pretty awful. The manga didn't look much better from when I did a cursory look at it (wondering if the ending was really the ending). It's full of all kinds of elements of random fiction I've enjoyed in the past, but not put together well. Welcome to the NHK + Battle Royale + video games + manga rules + psychological thriller sounded really good on paper.
    It's nothing like Welcome to the NHK, EXCEPT for the part where everybody's screwed up somehow, and that's why they're there, but that's hardly unique. It's far closer to Death Note than WttNHK. I'm not sure where you're getting that you're up to the ending, admittedly I'm only reading it in English, but we've not even encountered all the players on the island yet, to the best of my knowledge.

    Edit - Yeah, you can't have finished the manga yet, they're still publishing it in Monthly Bunch. Looking at the Anime VS the Manga chapters, the anime differs from the manga(much like Makoda Magica, it hits all the same points, but the devil is in the details) and that is not where it ends, I'd be betting on a season 2.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited January 2013
    The main character being a Hikikomori in the write-up around the show is one of the major reasons I was expecting some NHK-ness. Meeting everyone on the island is only a requirement if the series is following typical shonen manga rules (which admittedly it probably is). It would have been an interesting surprise if the show actually ended with the lead characters just killing enough people and getting off the island (which at the end of the anime, was a possibility).
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • edited January 2013
    The main character being a Hikikomori in the write-up around the show is one of the major reasons I was expecting some NHK-ness. Meeting everyone on the island is only a requirement if the series is following typical shonen manga rules (which admittedly it probably is). It would have been an interesting surprise if the show actually ended with the lead characters just killing enough people and getting off the island (which at the end of the anime, was a possibility).
    Nah, that basically serves a dual purpose - the primary one being that it gives an excuse for him to be incredibly good at the Btoom video game(Even then, at least half of the reason for THAT is so that he can be Mr Exposition about some Bomb types and common tactics), and the secondary being that it gives the excuse to put him on the island. It doesn't really come up much(so far) beyond that, apart from being a bit of a shut in and a bit of an asshole sometimes, he's a pretty normal dude.

    It's not really following typical shonen plot of fight>train>level-up>fight>nearly lose>level up mid-fight>repeat - the main character starts cunning and skilled, and doesn't really get more so over time, he's pretty steady there. He gets slightly more ruthless, but pretty much only at gun(bomb?)-point. He does end up coming up against smart, ruthless opponents, and his main advantage is knowlege of Btoom - many of his opponents are either more skilled(in everything but the video game), more cunning, more ruthless, and more willing to kill, it's just that his cunning plans win out in the end, albeit sometimes with him only escaping with his life by a very think margin. They're a match for him, and they'd be a match for each other, too.

    Can't really tell if it's going to be an interesting surprise with that ending or not, since the Manga hasn't ended yet, and I don't think the anime is going to end there either.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I just finished Utena! That show is good as heck, man.

    I have already decided that my next adventure will be Kemonozume.

    Ooh, Kemonozume. I've always wanted to finish that. Love the OP music, that's for sure.
  • Accel World - Watched a few episodes of it, and so far it's good. There are some ridiculous bits, but nothing that has managed to ruin the show.
    It has the same flaw that Sword Art Online (same author [and world?]) has: the meatspace bits can get pretty moe. The cyber parts more than make up for it though.
    If you think SAO is flawed now, you haven't seen the second portion yet.
  • edited January 2013
    Girls und Panzers - it's a show about high school moe girls in a tank battling club who live on an aircraft carrier that's setup like a normal town (with trees, mountains, and everything.) It's a decent show that's clearly aimed at moe and military otaku. We mostly got enjoyment out of picking out the anime tropes, and finding all the moe girl archetypes. The world also seemed potentially interesting, but apparently the explanation for everything is "it just is," for the most part.
    MEH? And Accel World "Good"? What the fuck's wrong with you? Also, it's a fucking plot mountain. IT AIN'T THERE FROM THE SKY! It's fucking hilarious. People were being very positive about it, so I finally watched episode 1 at some point and then just kept downloading and watching the next 9 episodes. The Greater Aryan Translation is also great, albeit distracting if you know a shred of German.
    If you think SAO is flawed now, you haven't seen the second portion yet.
    Word, second half has nothing redeeming other than being hilariously atrocious.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • Accel World is really good. As far as I can remember, it didn't have a freaking island-sized aircraft carrier with tanks driving all over it. And they call the SHIELD helicarrier silly.

    I don't hate Girls und Panzer, but there wasn't really something there for me to go back for.
  • edited January 2013
    Accel World's better than SAO, but that's not really saying much. It's not saying anything at all really. And that aircraft carrier they live on? It's a small one. Like... let me get a screenshot.

    Yes, they live on the one on the right. Yes it has an entire town and a forest and hills and shit. And yes, the left one has Brits living on it. Yes, there's a school whose Panzerfahren club is all American with all Sherman tanks.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • Yes, it's a ridiculously sized aircraft carrier next to an even bigger one. That doesn't say anything.

    I would watch Accel World 10 times over before I tried to complete Girls und Panzer. You could try and tell me the appeal of it, other than the military geek factor. Just because an anime uses real tank models doesn't appeal to me much.
  • edited January 2013
    other than the military geek factor. Just because an anime uses real tank models doesn't appeal to me much.
    Except that's not even the appeal to the show.

    And again, Accel World's not "really good", only compared to SAO, which is absolute garbage. AW has a pig riding a mecha, and GaP has no 'classical' fanservice. Both equally appealing.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • Whatever for you, in the case of SAO and Accel World. A "pig riding a mecha?" I'm wondering if you even saw the show.

    So not having fanservice is your selling point for Girls und Panzer?
  • Yeah, because naming it an "avatar" after said piggu going through a full transformation sequence can totally not be jokingly summed up as a pig riding a mecha(nical suit). VR or not, the idea stays the same. Does that explain it?

    And no, that's not the selling point, in case you hadn't read my post:
    It's fucking hilarious. [...] The Greater Aryan Translation is also great, albeit distracting if you know a shred of German
  • Yeah, an avatar is the correct description but even if it was an actual pig in a mech suit, I wouldn't care. Silly things happen in anime all the time. Doesn't mean that a show is without merit. I liked the show.

    Yeah, still not hitting any spots for me. It sounds like it's hitting very specific spots for you.
  • Anyway, I'm watching Michiko and Hatchin. It was so worth the wait, and that wait is over 4 years. It's beautiful, the direction is phenomenal, and it's stuffed with personality. Can't wait to tear through it.
  • I put it in "Meh?" because I enjoy it, but not because it's in any way a good show. Except Hippo team. Hippo team is the best team.

    It potentially could have been a much more interesting show, especially if there was a good reason why only some people lived on aircraft carriers. But it's really just a silly show about moe girls fighting with tanks.
  • I did think it was interesting that the history of Girls und Panzer is revisionist, and what's considered womanly is to drive a tank.
  • edited January 2013
    Yeah, an avatar is the correct description but even if it was an actual pig in a mech suit, I wouldn't care. Silly things happen in anime all the time. Doesn't mean that a show is without merit. I liked the show.
    I didn't say the show was without merit, you accused me of not having seen any of it after mentioning shit that happens in the second fucking episode.
    Yeah, still not hitting any spots for me. It sounds like it's hitting very specific spots for you.

    Also, you can edit posts for half an hour, no need to paste a second one 3 minutes later. Though what did you wait for? You obviously pirate anime soooo... I don't follow. Michiko & Hatchin's good, but not really good. So you'll probably not like it that much. :^)
    I put it in "Meh?" because I enjoy it, but not because it's in any way a good show. Except Hippo team. Hippo team is the best team.
    Yes, Hippo team! Not actually a tank but fuck the rules!
    It potentially could have been a much more interesting show, especially if there was a good reason why only some people lived on aircraft carriers. But it's really just a silly show about moe girls fighting with tanks.
    They did mention that it was for a sense of independence or something like that. But that's part of the hilarity. It starts out "Lol girls with tanks" then "Studying Panzerfahren means studying what it means to be a woman!" to tanks just lying around, and then suddenly "OH FUCK THEY'RE ON AN AIRCRAFT CARRIER!" and everyone finds that perfectly normal.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • It sounded like you briefly watched Accel World, that you saw a pig character playing a virtual fighting game and dismissed it.

    I obviously pirate anime? When was this that I was pirating anime? At least the anime we're discussing today are on legal streaming sites. I think all of what I've discussed here for months is legally streaming, in fact.

    By hitting specific spots, you quoted yourself about the use of the German language, and I would have to guess that you are into anime involving military and/or tanks. Also, I would guess you don't mind a show with a significant female cast- but I watch shows with all female casts as well.
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