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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • I'm watching SDF:M right now and the two shows are visually the same with different dialog. I thought when Harmony Gold released the show they did more than change the dialog. Well, they edited it down so they could show more commercials but that looks to be it.

    I'm just laughing because now that I'm seeing the original Robotech looks more and more like a real bad fan dub.
  • I'm watching SDF:M right now and the two shows are visually the same with different dialog. I thought when Harmony Gold released the show they did more than change the dialog. Well, they edited it down so they could show more commercials but that looks to be it.

    I'm just laughing because now that I'm seeing the original Robotech looks more and more like a real bad fan dub.
    Are you sure? There are lots of major differences.

    Many things in Robotech have been edited quit heavily. The music, a major part of the show, is completely different. The characters names are different, which isn't too big a difference.

    The biggest difference is that the idea of protoculture is completely different between the two shows. That's a major change since the central message of the show is about culture. In Robotech that is completely lost because they changed protoculture to be some energy source.
  • Exactly Scott. If you turn the sound off both shows now look 100% identical. All the stuff that was edited out for time and content back in the 80's is now back in the Robotech version.

    As to your other point I agree 100%. The dialog/story changes is the only difference between the shows. (There is a deeper point to be made along those lines.) Even the first episode shows this very clearly. In Macross the crash landing of the ship brought about the world government and the unification wars. In Robotech the crash landing of the ship brought about a world government and the ending of the existing global wars.

    Think about just that one point for a minute. Harmony Gold thought it better to have the world currently at war with the arrival of the ship helping mankind end war while the original creators painted a more plausible scenario of fighting erupting over the formation of a world government.
  • I need an animoo to watch.
    In no particular order...

    Twelve Kingdoms.
    Armored Trooper VOTOMS.
    Air Master.
    Rin: Daughter of Some Greek Word No One Can Pronounce Correctly
  • God you people have awful taste in animoos. Air Master, really? Really? You guys think Tokyo Magnitude 8.0, which I admittedly have not see, is as good as Evangelion? Excuse me if I have a ginormous doubt.
  • God you people have awful taste in animoos. Air Master, really? Really?
    Initial D? Really? ;^)
    You guys think Tokyo Magnitude 8.0, which I admittedly have not see, is as good as Evangelion? Excuse me if I have a ginormous doubt.
    This criticism I agree with, in that I am doubtful any time someone says a show or movie is on the level of Cowboy Bebop, Evangelion, Citizen Kane, Terminator II, etc... Extraordinary claims they are.

  • Air Master is awesome and entertaining. Not an A anime, or even a B one really, but still lots of fun.

    Also, you're going to be watching LoGH soon if you aren't gonna take a chance on something that you think might not be as good as Eva. You won't really know until you're sitting down and watching it, now will you?
  • RymRym
    edited December 2011
    ..aren't gonna take a chance on something that you think might not be as good as Eva. You won't really know until you're sitting down and watching it, now will you?
    OK. I'll bite.

    Behold the following suggestion:
    Shyamalan's Avatar movie is fantastic: better than Citizen Kane. You should watch it.

    Do you see what I did there?

    Post edited by Rym on
  • edited December 2011
    Shyamalan's Avatar movie is fantastic: better than Citizen Kane. You should watch it.
    I haven't seen it, myself, but I've heard a great deal of bad things about it. Though, I am currently looking for something to watch, and your recommendation seems pretty heavy. I guess there wouldn't be any harm in giving it a shot instead of just saying you have awful taste. Thanks for trying to help me with my "nothing to watch" problem!
    Post edited by P_TOG on
  • Also, let's say a show is pretty good. If you start saying crazy things like it's the best show evar, then your judgement comes into question, and nothing you say counts. It's the boy who cried wolf. You say one crazy thing, then we can't trust you when you say non-crazy things.
  • Funnily enough, I actualy started watching LoGH the other night. Two episodes done... about a bjillion left to go.
  • Oh, I noticed Right stuff is selling "Now and Then, Here and there" for something around 5 bucks. Totally worth it. One of the best depressing anime ever!
  • Yea, I've been pimping LOGH for years the funny part about it is I HAVE NEVER FINISHED IT MYSELF. While lots of people I convinced to watch it have :-p
  • Azumanga Dioh is the best slice of life anime out there. Haruhi is one if the best off beat animes except for the fist half of season 2.

    If you feel particularly masochistic I suggest Sekerai or Popotan.
  • edited December 2011
    You might try Anohana. I liked that show quite a lot. It's about a bunch of high school students who haven't gotten over the death of a childhood friend, and how her reappearance as a ghost forces them to confront her death and get closure with each other. The only problem is that Menma (the ghost) still talks and acts like a little kid even though she looks like a teenager, so she comes across as kind of moe.
    I also have all of Hakaba Kitaro.
    What about a Noitamina show like Kuragehime? That was pretty good.
    Senko no Night Raid also looked promising.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Oh, I noticed Right stuff is selling "Now and Then, Here and there" for something around 5 bucks. Totally worth it. One of the best depressing anime ever!
    The kitten.

  • edited December 2011
    Ewwww. That's when I stopped watching that show. Strangled kitten is left to decompose. Also, too much rape in that show.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Ewwww. That's when I stopped watching that show. Strangled kitten is left to decompose. Also, too much rape in that show.
    Ah yes, the rape.

    Yeah, it's not exactly a "pick-me-up" kind of show.
  • I watched that once years ago. Then someone was talking about it, and I thought I had never heard of that show. I sat down to watch it a second time... and everything was eerily familiar - yet I had no memory of it. It was bizarre. I skipped around through the episodes trying to figure out whether I had seen it before or not - and only realized that I had when I was about half-way through and saw some horrible scene.

    I can't help but think that somehow I really did block the memory of that show out after watching it.
  • edited December 2011
    Well, I'll probably start Aria soon. I have Baccano on the "to watch" list. I'm a fan of dark/fantasy/supernatural shows. I really enjoyed The Twelve Kingdoms. Now that I think about it, I should re-watch it. It's been awhile, and I have crap memory. Even though it wasn't all animated, fortunately the main story was concluded.

    In addition, just saw the latest Gundam Unicorn. IMHO, a way more efficient Kira Yamato. Benajre's not alone, everyone who isn't in a Gundam isnt fodder, etc....
    Post edited by Xiphias3 on
  • edited December 2011
    God you people have awful taste in animoos. Air Master, really? Really? You guys think Tokyo Magnitude 8.0, which I admittedly have not see, is as good as Evangelion? Excuse me if I have a ginormous doubt.
    That's a really jaded comparison. I said that I liked what I have seen of Tokyo Magnitude 8.0. However, neither I nor anybody else suggested it to be as good as Eva. That is completely on your jaded perspective that anything that isn't just as good as the best of the best of a certain medium can't possibly be liked or watchable.

    You're the one who is saying the crazy thing here, because you are building a fucking strawman. Quit it please.

    You're also exhibiting a complete snob attitude which is detrimental and stupid because it will prevent you from experiencing anime which, while admittedly not being the best of the best there ever was, are nevertheless good.

    Do you think if you had made the same question a couple of months ago before you saw Madoka, and people were recommending Madoka, would you not have responded in a similar manner?

    P.S.: I didn't like Air Master very much. While the fights are very, very entertaining, the supporting cast was so annoying and dumb. Darryl Surat says he can gloss over that because he perceives it as parody of the genre. I can not because it evokes the same emotions as the genuine use of these tropes and character types.

    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • P.S.: I didn't like Air Master very much. While the fights are very, very entertaining, the supporting cast was so annoying and dumb. Darryl Surat says he can gloss over that because he perceives it as parody of the genre. I can not because it evokes the same emotions as the genuine use of these tropes and character types.
    This is my opinion as well. Parody isn't parody if it's not funny, it's still annoying as fuck. The ending is pretty shit too, so that soured me on it even more.
  • Rin: Daughter of Some Greek Word No One Can Pronounce Correctly
    Mnemosyne. Why would you suggest this to anyone?
  • Just finished Tokyo Magnitude 8.0. Spoilers ahoy:
    The show kept me guessing for pretty much an entire episode on the big plot twist at the end. I realized it at the start of the very next episode due to the conspicuous item. Still had me rolling in tears pretty much the entire last episode. Actually went back and watched the episode after the episode where the event had already happened, but I hadn't realized, and looking at it the character interaction also already hints at the plot twist, but you only really get that after you realized the twist.

    Definitely an A anime in my book. Well animated, good story, and tugged on my emotions in a well executed manner. There was only one episode I thought was there to stretch out the series a bit. It wasn't bad, it just wasn't necessary. Still glad I bought the series though.
  • Rewatching Durarara!! and I still love it as much as in the first round if not more. Every episode leaves me wanting more. I really like the types of stories that takes bunch of interesting or colorful characters and bangs them against each other and Durarara!! does that extremely well.
  • I just finished watching High School of the Dead, and that show is simultaneously one of my most favorite and loathed shows ever. At some points I'm like "Yeah! Totally awesome...(silence for seriousness)" and half of the time, I'm like "Dude really? FUCK YOU director!!! I know girls don't do that in the bathroom". To sum up the entire show, it's a zombie apocalypse made by horny Japanese 15 year olds. Enough said.
  • Clockian, you should be completely unsurprised to find that HOTD is based on a manga that is drawn by someone who makes porn Doujinshi.

    Then again, the same could be said for Hellsing and Azumanga Daioh (once upon a time). Hmmm....
  • Really? Azuma? Porn Doujinshi? I know he made Tenchi and Battle Athletes doujinshi (I have a bunch of it) but it is all really funny and at its worst just a teeny bit etchi. (Oyaji Ryo-ki comments on breasts.)
  • edited December 2011
    Yup, he indeed did. Which is really bizarre if you think about it. I guess whatever pays the bills. Good to see he found his true calling.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • edited December 2011

    I don't really know what exactly is going on in this thing - hint hint, wink wink, nudge nudge to those who speak Japanese - but this is really cool nonetheless. Totally worth the 25 minutes to watch it.
    Post edited by Banta on
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