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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • That thing looks a lot like Batou.
  • That thing looks a lot like Batou.
    I know right? The eyes man!

    Carnival Phantasm is just a bunch of paradies and short stories based on type moon works (Fate Stay Night, Fate Zero, Tsukihime, etc). Very funny.
  • She has good taste in batteries, even if she can't spell.
  • edited November 2011
    I watched exactly one episode of Vampire Bund regretted it immediately.
    Vampire Iguana? Wut?
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Dance in the Vampire Bund?

    You're a terrible person.
  • Saw Macross Zero, which was good. The story was kind of eh, but the artwork and animation were gorgeous. And who does't like a bijillion missiles flying through the air.

    Also finally got around to watching Giant Robo... EPIC!
  • Just finished Bakemono Gatari. This show seemed to break all the rules of new anime: two young adults entered a relationship semi-realistically, maintained said relationship, and had a decent ending (twice). The show was awesome and the trailer/preview for the movie fits perfectly.

    Other than that I am enjoying even if it isn't a real show. The new Last Exile started okay, and is becoming worse by the episode. Fate/Zero seems like it won't fit in just one season.
  • Long time coming, but I've finally started Princess Tutu.
  • edited November 2011
    Just finished up Baccano!. Not that anyone around here needs me to say it, but it's a great series and incredibly fun watching. A little gorier than it needed to be in parts, and very hard to follow opening episode the first time through, but everything else about it was incredibly fun and amazing. Isaac and Miria are two of the best characters ever, but pretty much everyone in the massive cast was really well written and easy to get a feel for with just a few lines of dialogue.

    I've seen a few top recommended anime series now, and what I find interesting is that they all seem to have a quasi-buddhist "the magic of life is right in the moment front of you" undercurrent whether it's everyday life in a slice of life show or the wild and crazy extremes of mobster or bounty hunter life. The title of the last episode in the pre-OAV part of Baccano!
    (Both the Immortals and Those Who Aren't Sing the Praises of Life Equally)
    kind of smacks you in the face with that.
    Post edited by Nissl on
  • Long time coming, but I've finally started Princess Tutu.
    About half way through watching that with JTVH and my dad, we began putting our hands in the air (like we just don't care) whenever Duck started the transformation sequence into Tutu, and wouldn't put our hands down until she did. Our arms got really sore in the last episode.
  • Double Zeta Gundam and so far it's just as bad as you've heard.
  • Double Zeta Gundam and so far it's just as bad as you've heard.
    She has good taste in batteries, even if she can't spell.
    Product placement in anime is just for lulz. I thought it was bad in Code Geass with Pizza, but in KnK Movie 5, it just ridiculous.

  • edited November 2011
    Just finished rewatching two classics: Fist of the North Star and Berserk.

    Fist just got too long and the plot far too simplistic and repetitive. It was excellent when I was 10 years old, but now I just couldn't stomach that any more. At least the fighting was cool -- "You have ten seconds to reflect upon the crimes you have committed in your life before your head explodes." Awesome.

    Berserk... What can I say? When I first saw it, it was great. The second time, it kicked ass. This time, somehow it got even better. None of the subsequent story arcs can compare to the Golden Age arc, because human Griffith and his triangular relationship with Guts and Casca are far more interesting than Guts by himself. It even reminds me of The Great Gatsby -- Guts is like Nick Carraway, giving us a front row view of the rise and fall of a great man of ambition.

    Post edited by heronspear on
  • Finally caught up on all of the current episodes of Sket Dance. The backstory on Switch was crazy. I was watching it and thinking that it couldn't be right... The show keeps moving into more and more adult themes.
  • Started up with the 2nd season of Bakuman. I wish I could be an assistant to mangaka they get paid pretty well it seems.
  • Started up with the 2nd season of Bakuman. I wish I could be an assistant to mangaka they get paid pretty well it seems.
    Heh, for a second I thought you said "Bakugan"...
  • edited November 2011
    Finally caught up on all of the current episodes of Sket Dance. The backstory on Switch was crazy. I was watching it and thinking that it couldn't be right... The show keeps moving into more and more adult themes.
    Catching up now. I like the show and it's a fun little watch that can go somewhat deep at times (the Switch backstory in particular), but every time the student council becomes the focus, the show goes off the rails and down the tubes. It's borderline painful when that happens.

    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • I just picked up the macross collection on DVD (Harmony Gold) and I'm watching ... the part where Rick and Minmeei are trapped in the ship and she takes a shower ... I don't remember the ass shot or side boob from when I watched it as a kid in the 80's.
  • I just picked up the macross collection on DVD (Harmony Gold) and I'm watching ... the part where Rick and Minmeei are trapped in the ship and she takes a shower ... I don't remember the ass shot or side boob from when I watched it as a kid in the 80's.
    Robotech bad. Watch actual Macross instead.
  • Not all macross is good and this was $10.
  • Not all macross is good and this was $10.
    All Macross is good. Unless you're somehow included Macross 7 or some shit.
  • My bad. I thought that horrible shadow series was macross.
  • My bad. I thought that horrible shadow series was macross.
    The original Super Dimension Fortress: Macross is the thing to watch. 36 television episodes.
  • Southern Cross is terrible in Robotech and original Japanese form. Mospeda holds up well though.
  • edited November 2011
    Just found out that I'm a complete numbskull.

    So I'm watching SKET Dance. I heard about the show before, but wasn't that super-interested and it took me a while to pick it up. Before I started watching the show, I saw it featured a little on Bakuman. In Bakuman, one of the characters is trying to become a voice actress, and they show the characters of Bakuman watching the scene in SKET Dance in which she has a bit part.

    So today I watched the episode with that particular scene. I see the character and hear her speak and think "hey, that voice sounds familiar, let's look up who voiced her on ANN". Then of course *facepalm*.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Started watching Tokyo Magnitude 8.0. The show hits a bit close to home after the events earlier this year, but this is kind of to be expected. I'm two episodes in, and so far it has been pretty good.
  • I bought Evangelion 1.11 on Amazon. I thought it was tv episodes, but it's just a movie. I've noticed there is a 2.22 as well, I assume is another movie. Are the episodes the Neo Genesis Evangelion ones? The covers look so different.

    Do the episodes come before the movies in the time line?

  • The Rebuild of Evangelion series (movies 1.11 etc.) are a retelling of the TV series. Two have so far been released, two more are forthcoming.

    If you want the TV series, you want either the Plantium Collection or the Perfect Collection listed in the Amazon search you gave.

    There's also two other movies, Death & Rebirth and The End of Evangelion. D&R is the TV series edited down to movie length plus the first 20 minutes or so of End of Evangelion, whereas EoE is a movie being an alternate/extended ending to the TV series.
  • Wow, that sounds like a complicated series. So if I were to get 1.11, 2.22 and the other 2 movies to be released, i would get the story from the episodes? How do the episodes compare to the movies? Which ones would you recommend watching?

    Sorry, I didn't know what I was getting into here. I saw a trailer for Evangelion 2.22 and thought it looked awesome. Next thing you know, Evangelion 1.11 was on lighting deal on Amazon so I picked it up thinking it would be a good place to start.
  • You would not get exactly the story of the TV episodes - the movie series adds an extra pilot in 2.22, and, being movies, will not spend as much time detailing how fucked up everything and everyone in that show is. On the other hand, it's also less tie where you have to deal with Shinji being angst and Asuka being a jerk.

    The stories are close, but not exactly the same. Hideaki Anno, the creator, has claimed that the Rebuild movies are "how he wanted Eva to be," without interference from his struggles with depression and with a now-infinite budget.
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