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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • Polar Bear's Cafe is on Crunchyroll. Muppet, there's nothing objectionable for your kids, though they may feel like it's too young for them (despite being based on a womens' comedy manga).
  • Not basing it on anything other than what looked interesting to me in the browse list.
    I would recommend that this not be your primary criteria as to what you should and should not watch. That's a surefire way of stumbling upon things that you might end up regretting watching.

  • Not basing it on anything other than what looked interesting to me in the browse list.
    I would recommend that this not be your primary criteria as to what you should and should not watch. That's a surefire way of stumbling upon things that you might end up regretting watching.

    I think one would have to be pretty sensitive to regret watching much. As long as its not guro I'm good, generally. Crunchy roll is not on my TV so I'm resisting. :-)

  • I can kind of understand where you are coming from with that. I will say there is a bunch of really bland stuff on Netflix mixed in with some really stellar shows, sometimes it's hard to distinguish the good from the bad by just what the browse list will tell you. Besides as long as you don't show your daughter Queens Blade there isn't anything super bad in there. Well that and Master of Martial Heart.
  • edited August 2012
    I keep trying to get her to watch Burst Angel with me, which is an unknown quantity for me but seems to have a lot more promise. I try to avoid reading synopses because I hate even mild spoilers.
    This from the guy who is scared of Ouran and says it's exploitative. Burst Angel? You mean boobie angel, right?

    Firstly, "scared" is ridiculous. Secondly, Burst Angel and Ouran aren't even on the same ruler. Burst Angel has a plot. The entire point of Ouran is the fan trope garbage, "ironic" or not. :)

    And it's the boobs that bug you? For me it's the gratuitous and frequent crotch shots. The boobs are silly but hardly offensive.

    Post edited by muppet on
  • I keep trying to get her to watch Burst Angel with me, which is an unknown quantity for me but seems to have a lot more promise. I try to avoid reading synopses because I hate even mild spoilers.
    This from the guy who is scared of Ouran and says it's exploitative. Burst Angel? You mean boobie angel, right?
    Firstly, "scared" is ridiculous. Secondly, Burst Angel and Ouran aren't even on the same ruler. Burst Angel has a plot. The entire point of Ouran is the fan trope garbage, "ironic" or not. :)
    I'm sorry, have you watched more than one episode of Ouran? Or are you just thinking that "plot" is synonymous with "action?"
  • I think Muppet likes Burst Angel because it has the true Tequila Gundam in it.
  • So, I am watching "Space Brothers" and loving every minute of it. :D
  • I think Muppet likes Burst Angel because it has the true Tequila Gundam in it.
    I put G Gundam on my Netflix queue. I hope I got the right one.
  • I'm watching "Shinryaku! Ika Musume". I feel it's like Yotsuba! mixed with a bit of Sgt. Frog. It's fun!
  • I think Muppet likes Burst Angel because it has the true Tequila Gundam in it.
    I put G Gundam on my Netflix queue. I hope I got the right one.
    Chico Rodriguez know what's up!

  • Wow, I have been wanting to watch that again for a while now but I think I will avoid the dub.
  • edited August 2012
    I keep trying to get her to watch Burst Angel with me, which is an unknown quantity for me but seems to have a lot more promise. I try to avoid reading synopses because I hate even mild spoilers.
    This from the guy who is scared of Ouran and says it's exploitative. Burst Angel? You mean boobie angel, right?

    Firstly, "scared" is ridiculous. Secondly, Burst Angel and Ouran aren't even on the same ruler. Burst Angel has a plot. The entire point of Ouran is the fan trope garbage, "ironic" or not. :)

    And it's the boobs that bug you? For me it's the gratuitous and frequent crotch shots. The boobs are silly but hardly offensive.

    I'm not offended by Burst Angel, or the boobs/butts, or fan service, I just think it's a pretty lame show with few redeeming features. Granted, I did not watch enough of the show to tell how the plot develops in later episodes (I watched the free disc I got in a magazine) but it didn't exactly seem like it was going to turn into Shakespeare. Basically, I remember you saying that you didn't want your daughter watching Ouran because it was not appropriate, and then you turn around and try to get her to watch Burst Angel with you. Think of it this way: Ouran was made for her demographic, Burst Angel, not so much.
    Also, although Ouran is a meta-parody of many shojo tropes, it actually has some really good character development. The characters, outside the stereotyped roles they play in the club, actually have some endearing relationship plots. I watched the whole show, and I think that it's totally worth seeing. I also like the main character Haruhi, for all her deadpan delivery and complete nonplussed reaction to the craziness around her.

    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited August 2012
    Having seen all of Burst Angel from a blind purchase it may not be terrible but it is well outside of good. While it may not have the fan service of Icky Tousen it does have more than Ouran, at least from what I have seen of Ouran.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • edited August 2012
    Yeah, Burst Angel seemed like a gung-ho, stuff blows up, scantily clad girls flirt with each other type of show. I mean, that sort of thing is fine for a guilty pleasure. Trust me, I have watch some pretty doofy shows in my time as an anime fan. However, coming from the perspective of what I think a 13 year old girl would enjoy, I think Ouran fits the bill much better.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Ouran is great for a 13-year old girl. It simultaneously appeases to the things she naturally would like while also spending a great deal of time making fun of them and pointing out how silly girls and Shojo manga usually are, much as TTGL has heavy fanservice with the boobs/butt shots, but is simultaneously making fun of the entire genre.
  • It depends on how you define fan service I suppose. I don't really care about anatomy. It's "mature" social situations I'd be more concerned about. Ouran has got plenty of that.

    I know I'm not going to stem the tide here, but I'm not budging on this point, either.

    I think you're trying to take your personal sense of taste and aesthetic and pretend it's objective criteria, or if not, your posts certainly sound it.

    Burst Angel is a bit more than tits and explosions. Ouran is pretty vapid.

    Of course, MOST anime is vapid with the gems scattered far and wide.
  • Ouran is not all that vapid. The characters learn pretty interesting lessons. Haruhi and Tamaki have interesting arcs where they both have to learn important lessons.
  • I feel like Muppet just doesn't remember Ouran well enough to bother arguing with him about it anymore :P
  • Ouran is pretty tame. I can't remember anything in the show worse than that one scene in Haruhi's house where Tamaki accidentally falls on her. There's really nothing in the show that's overtly sexual.
  • Moreover, Ouran has significant and interesting character development and conflict over the course of the show, which is much more than certain shows I could mention. Calling it "vapid" is an impressive degree of inattention to detail.
  • I haven't watched Burst Angel in years, but when I did I kind of liked it. However, it was one of the first anime I watched, and maybe its just inexperience. Looking back, I can't really say anything that was extraordinary or outstanding about it. It's a C anime, but nothing much more. It is very average and it hits a lot of cliches simply to make it more attractive to the average anime fan. It is a consumer product, paint-by-numbers project.

    Ouran is a much better series, and muppet's observations are ludicrous at best. Ouran has a much better story and much better character development. There are also some cliches and character archetypes the series hits on, but they are portrayed and developed much better, to the point where I would almost say that the character in question is the most definitive implementation of said character archetype.
  • I feel like I should have known better than to debate people who think that MLP has merit as an adult drama. :-P
  • I think I have plenty of reviewers and the general public opinion (judging by anime news network's index) to back me up that Ouran is a decent show. While I can't compare and contrast the two from a film analysis perspective, having not seen a sufficient amount of Bakuretsu Tenshi, I can say that the staging and timing in Ouran was very well done and it actually added something to the material from the manga. I am still at a loss for what "mature situations" you are talking about, except for you mentioning that you were grossed out by the twin's pretend yaoi. Bakuretsu Tenshi is yuri-ish, so gay stuff obviously can't bother you. Is it just the fact that they make a joke about twincest?

    Also, this is just a pet peeve, but stop putting smilies at the end of your terse sentences. Seriously, it's like trying to talk to someone who keeps sticking their tongue out at me.
  • edited August 2012
    Also, this is just a pet peeve, but stop putting smilies at the end of your terse sentences. Seriously, it's like trying to talk to someone who keeps sticking their tongue out at me.
    Oh wow, you should just abandon the thread then.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • Hey, Wait Emily, I do that all the time :-p
  • edited August 2012
    Your sentences aren't terse enough. :-P
    Post edited by Banta on
  • gomidog, Whatup? :-p
  • You aren't alone. I share the same pet peeve.
  • Oh wow, you should just abandon the thread then.
    Or you could just stop doing it. It's not a big deal, just one of those conversational things that people do that I find mildly irritating. They write something in an aggressive or confrontational manner, and then stick a smiley at the end and somehow they think that softens it. In reality, it just makes it come across as condescending. I don't think it merits ending the conversation, or abandoning the thread, I just thought I would mention it as an aside. Let your words speak for themselves.
    Hey, Wait Emily, I do that all the time :-p
    I just picture you doing that goofy grin you get in real life when you be trolling.
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