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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • The first season is great. In the second season, the last gamble is drawn out for just a bit too long. I'd wholeheartedly recommend it though, probably the best anime of its type I've ever seen.
    I hope you've seen Akagi, One Outs, Legendary Gambler Tetsuya and that's all that comes to mind presently, to make that comment. Also, you're wrong/have no taste.
  • edited September 2012
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Just saw this trailer. Ahh yes.
    I can NOT wait till the Fast Karate episode for that comes out.
  • Anybody know what Psycho Pass is supposed to be about? All I could find was a short video which doesn't show much of anything...

    Updated PSYCHO-PASS information. This show sounds wicked awesome and it is now #2 in my most anticipated shows list (below Shin Sekai Yori).

  • Watching first episode of Kaiji... premise seems too unbelievable so-far.
    Kaiji may be too moe for you, you have been warned.
    I gave up after the first story arch ended. Didn't enjoy it, but gave it a fair shot.
  • Also trying Chaos;Head now. Because I liked Steins gate. But the way this first episode has started has a lot of bad signs.
  • Finished watching the xxxHolic series. I really liked the style of this anime. Nice to see something different.
  • So, I am watching this:

    It is the perfect companion to this:
  • Irresponsible Captain Tylor bitches.
  • Every once in a while, when I am alone in my lab I jam to this tune.
  • I want to watch this show.

  • Finished watching Claymore during the week. Overall, it was ok, but the ending fizzled pretty hard. Having just watching the Big-O before this, I am getting tired of anime adaptations of works that haven't been finished yet totally dropping the ball when it comes to the ending. With the Big-O, the ending didn't make any sense. With Claymore, it was completely predictable, drawn out, and full of anime stereotypes that I've come to loathe.
  • I want to watch this show.

    It is that like Charlie's Angels but awesome?
  • I want to watch this show.

    It is that like Charlie's Angels but awesome?
    I have no idea, but the opener makes it seem like the kind of thing I should have seen or known about from the RIT anime club.
  • Got a three day weekend ahead of me, and trying to decide between Touch or Yawara. Any suggestions?
  • I wanted to watch some more Kiba on Hulu, but it up and expired on me! SADFACE.

    So I watched an ep of Accel World instead. I really like that show. Don't know how how girls are smitten with this tubby little boy. I guess it's because he's such a nice guy.
  • I want to watch this show.

    Wow! Curious!

  • Going to see if I can find that show.
  • Protip:

    That show sucks ass.
  • Protip:

    That show sucks ass.
    Time for awesome suckiness!
  • Got a three day weekend ahead of me, and trying to decide between Touch or Yawara. Any suggestions?
    Touch without a doubt. If you want to watch Touch, only watch the compilation movies. Do not watch the TV series. It is so glacially paced and flows better in the movies.

  • I haven't seen Touch, but I read the manga. Cross Game is pretty much the same thing and probably more easily available. Both are good series, but you only have to watch one or the other, and personally I liked Cross Game more.
  • I haven't seen Touch, but I read the manga. Cross Game is pretty much the same thing and probably more easily available. Both are good series, but you only have to watch one or the other, and personally I liked Cross Game more.
    All of Mitsuro Adachi's work is the same. Every last one of them is baseball and always use the same, weird, chimpanzee-esque character designs. He is the king consistency in that regard.

  • All of Mitsuro Adachi's work is the same. Every last one of them is baseball and always use the same, weird, chimpanzee-esque character designs. He is the king consistency in that regard.

    Wrong, a small part of his work substitutes baseball for boxing ;)

    But yeah, I think everyone should have read one thing of Adachi, but one thing is enough.

  • Protip:

    That show sucks ass.
    I am getting it, whatever happens I will own it :O
  • You guys are going to be disappointed. It's not awesomely bad, it's awesomely mediocre and boring. The entire show is a repeated 2-second joke where they find a mundane object to put in front of a naked woman's 'giner.

    ...or was that just one episode? Either way.
  • I can confirm. Dave thanks for the warning I was prepared.

    Looking at you Dave for a Ninja Scroll commentary for the new series.
  • You guys are going to be disappointed. It's not awesomely bad, it's awesomely mediocre and boring. .
    I'll second that. I was aware of the show and was similarly warned away. It's no Grey: Digital Target.

  • edited September 2012
    I finished watching The Big O today. I enjoyed the show up until the end. I have no idea what the final episode was about and was really disappointed that they didn't seem to answer any of the questions that the show had been asking since pretty much the first episode.
    Because the 3rd season they expected never happened.
    Every once in a while, when I am alone in my lab I jam to this tune.
    Next Anime Expo, I am cosplaying as Tylor in THAT outfit and will remain in character at all times apart from when with friends or giving panels.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
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