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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • The whole soul thing... I thought that was sort of obvious from the start. It's implied in the opening even!
    Yeah, I had that reaction too.
  • I still do not know how anyone in any fiction with wishing in it does not immediately wish for omnipotence though. Seriously, all the problems these characters have could be solved if any of them bothered to wish for UNLIMITED POWER and then restructured the universe to prevent all the bad things that come with that power.
    If you were given the option would you wish for omnipotence? Would you really take the weight of the whole word to your shoulders?
  • edited October 2012
    It's fairly obvious that Kyubey wouldn't be able to grant a wish for unlimited power - there are clear limitations on Kyubey's ability to grant wishes. After all, if Kyubey could grant unlimited power, then Kyubey would effectively have unlimited power, and there would be absolutely no need for Kyubey to do what it does in the first place.

    I do agree that even with that in mind, all the wishes chosen were pretty stupid, but you have to remember that Kyubey picks its targets.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I still do not know how anyone in any fiction with wishing in it does not immediately wish for omnipotence though. Seriously, all the problems these characters have could be solved if any of them bothered to wish for UNLIMITED POWER and then restructured the universe to prevent all the bad things that come with that power.
    If you were given the option would you wish for omnipotence? Would you really take the weight of the whole word to your shoulders?
  • edited October 2012
    Also, Kyubey probably doesn't have the power to grant omnipotence. I think it's implied that the limits on the power of the wish correspond to the amount of potential released when converting the soul; it's just that most of the time people's wishes are (relatively) energy-cheap.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Also, in this series if you make a selfish wish, it's not a good idea.
  • Wishing for omnipotence isn't necessarily selfish.
  • edited October 2012
    I still do not know how anyone in any fiction with wishing in it does not immediately wish for omnipotence though. Seriously, all the problems these characters have could be solved if any of them bothered to wish for UNLIMITED POWER and then restructured the universe to prevent all the bad things that come with that power.
    If you were given the option would you wish for omnipotence? Would you really take the weight of the whole word to your shoulders?
    Yes. I would immediately reconfigure the world such that there would be no weight. It is a sacrifice that is morally required and anyone who passes up power to help others is just as bad as those who misuse it.
    It's fairly obvious that Kyubey wouldn't be able to grant a wish for unlimited power - there are clear limitations on Kyubey's ability to grant wishes. After all, if Kyubey could grant unlimited power, then Kyubey would effectively have unlimited power, and there would be absolutely no need for Kyubey to do what he does in the first place.

    I do agree that even with that in mind, all the wishes chosen were pretty stupid, but you have to remember that Kyubey picks his targets.
    I was sort of under the impression that Kyubey was like a chained genie; unlimited power, but he can only use it to grant wishes. I did think of the "selects his targets" thing, but considering how many self-centered idiots he appears to pick (who leave familiars to become witches) rather than much more effective selfless hero types, plus the fact he doesn't seem to be able to select people he knows will take him up on his deal, I was sort of under the impression that either he doesn't care in about those things an alien sort of way or he has an effectively arbitrary selection process.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • Oh great now there is romance drama, which is something I just fundamentally don't understand. Now a bunch of people are going to act like idiots because they treat other people like exclusive property.
  • edited October 2012
    Here's the problem with magic, granting wishes, etc. If you did wish for unlimited power, what are your bounds, and is the person who granted you this power more powerful than you. If it's within their ability to grant unimaginable power, then they can have that power as well, right?

    It seems to me that when anyone ever gets an either/or proposition, they immediately think of how they can game the system.

    Oh, BTW, open_sketchbook, you haven't reached the end yet. :}
    Post edited by VichusSmith on
  • I was sort of under the impression that Kyubey was like a chained genie; unlimited power, but he can only use it to grant wishes. I did think of the "selects his targets" thing, but considering how many self-centered idiots he appears to pick (who leave familiars to become witches) rather than much more effective selfless hero types, plus the fact he doesn't seem to be able to select people he knows will take him up on his deal, I was sort of under the impression that either he doesn't care in about those things an alien sort of way or he has an effectively arbitrary selection process.
    Kyubey's motivations will be explained later; it makes a lot more sense with those in mind.
  • edited October 2012
    Oh my god those two fucking douchebags on the subway train. I made this gif thinking "Man, I can't wait to get to use this" and boom! it happens within minutes, and in a context-appropriate medium!

    Also I suspected that magical girls became witches, so now that it's pretty much confirmed I think I know Kyubey's motivation.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • Okay so I know the subs I have aren't the most accurate but Kyubey just said "If you wish, Madoka, I could make you into God." Is that just translators fucking around with the meaning of things?
  • I think the translation is OK there.
  • Holy shit I was way off on the motivation. Well played, show, well played.
  • On episode 10... jesus dick this show is dark...
  • On episode 10... jesus dick this show is dark...
    Episode 10!!!!!

  • edited October 2012

    Post edited by open_sketchbook on

  • Okay wow. First off, this show is Gunbuster tier. Second off, the last episode was probably produced by aliens to extract tears from humans to fight entropy. Third, I am definitely writing that fic.

    God damn, what a fantastic fucking show.
  • edited October 2012
    Finally got around to Madoka Magica. WTF is up with the glass classroom cubicles?
    Studio SHAFT is pretty notorious for going for the Design Student's Orgasm.

    And yes, Madoka is one of the best anime shows ever produced. And the fridge horror alone should make you claw your brain out of your skull. That show is really fucking dark, but I am very glad I have it on DVD.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • I just recently turned my friend on to Slayers, and he's been talking to me about how much he enjoys even the filler (particularly episode 17, which he just watched). It's a good feeling, to know that my friends can appreciate old good anime.
  • edited October 2012
    I just finished watching Puella Magi Madoka Magica, it was pretty amazing and that
    last wish was pretty amazing

    It felt like this show was the Tenge Toppa Gurren Lagann of magical girls show for some reason.
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • Okay wow. First off, this show is Gunbuster tier. Second off, the last episode was probably produced by aliens to extract tears from humans to fight entropy. Third, I am definitely writing that fic.

    God damn, what a fantastic fucking show.

    Tell me about it. The part that got to me is when you see all the magical girls all across history, like the little viking girl and the girl in the war torn middle east, and Madoka comes to comfort them in their moment of death. That was when I needed all the tissues in the house.
  • Okay wow. First off, this show is Gunbuster tier. Second off, the last episode was probably produced by aliens to extract tears from humans to fight entropy. Third, I am definitely writing that fic.

    God damn, what a fantastic fucking show.

    Tell me about it. The part that got to me is when you see all the magical girls all across history, like the little viking girl and the girl in the war torn middle east, and Madoka comes to comfort them in their moment of death. That was when I needed all the tissues in the house.
    I was holding on the tears during that scene, but the one that got me was the scene when Homura meets with the little brother and the mom. Madoka had so much heart and she sacrificed so much to prevent the magical girls from all existence the suffering of becoming witches themselves. She even prevented her own self from becoming a witch. That was crazy awesome.
  • edited October 2012
    When it comes to Madoka, I just hope it's better than the manga - which was the whole show, compressed into 12 chapters, so everything happened at break-neck pace, with ludicrous abruptness. It reads like an illustrated bullet point list of story beats.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited October 2012
    Did the manga come first?? If not, why did you read it? Not too many manga based on an anime are good, are they?

    I heard an opinion that

    The serious and tragic historical references being used in an anime were out of place in an anime about magical girls
    Agree, disagree, don't care?
    Post edited by VichusSmith on
  • When it comes to Madoka, I just hope it's better than the manga - which was the whole show, compressed into 12 chapters, so everything happened at break-neck pace, with ludicrous abruptness. It reads like an illustrated bullet point list of story beats.
    That actually sounds great for me, but that's because I felt like nothing really happened for most of the show.

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