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Your account name



  • I dunno, bro, but it's pretty sucky.
  • Well, it must be the killer walking around.
  • edited December 2010
    My dad had a friend who worked at Compuserve throughout the 90's. I was lucky enough to be 7 in 1992 and on-line every Friday using his account. There was some game (I can't remember) and I had to choose a name. It was a MUD so I chose Warrior321. Clever, eh?

    Anyway, AOL days come and I was checking out the MUDs on there. I remember there being Gemstone III and another one. I really wish I remember what it was called. Dragon something I believe. Anyway, I used OldWarrior because of not being allowed to have numbers. I was 2-3 hours in when an admin pulled me aside (literally, took me to another 'void' area of the game) and told me that my name wasn't 'fantasy enough.' I proceeded to spend the next hour or so putting letters together as well as generating random names until I somehow came up with Lanlost.

    For years I was THE ONLY Lanlost on the internet. One day, however, I tried to register a youtube account and flipped out when there was already some dude from Brazil who registered it.

    What was that game?

    edit: DragonRealms.
    Mind explode:
    Post edited by Lanlost on
  • My account name is just my real name... =/
  • I would like to clarify my account name.

    It is not ElJoe, it is ElJoe0 pronounced El-Joe-Zero.
  • My account name is just my real name... =/
    It's cool. There are several people here who use their names or commonly known monikers on here.
  • I got tired of being having a screen name a while ago and started just using my name.
  • My nickname for years has been Zeus and since in Greek mythology there are many "flavors" of Zeus to pray to depending upon what you are praying for I decided to be specific.
  • I got tired of being having a screen name a while ago and started just using my name.
    I've been using "Sonic" for so long (nigh 10 years) I recognize it as being one of my names.
  • My name is orgasmic.
  • My name is orgasmic.
  • edited January 2012
    I decided to shorten my name. I figured it would be more practical.
    Post edited by Diagoras on
  • It's pronounceable and rare.
  • I've actually been thinking about changing my username for a while now, since this one has become more ubiquitous for me online. It's a portmanteau of two nicknames. My name is actually Steven, but my grandfather used to always call me Shteven, extending the sh sound to an exaggerated level (to the point where it needs an almost completely silent c just to accentuate the absurdity). I also had a running gag with some friends that I had an evil twin brother, Nevets. I started liking what they sounded like together, and I've been using it on other forums/online for some time now.
  • Mine's just a play on my first name, Andrea (read as An-dre (like Dr. Dre)-a). I merely separated as if it were in Japanese,, but further separated it by turning the first two syllables into an actual surname (Andou) and the last two into an actual name (Reiya). So in Japanese, it'd be 安東 れいや (I like hiragana better)

    It's also the name of an OC of mine.
  • When I first started lifting weights for real I growled a lot when straining so someone decided to call me K-9. Well since that is taken basically everywhere I just added numbers. I have been trying to figure out a different username for a while but nothing fits as of yet.
  • My name comes from a choose your own adventure book based on LOTR that I played back in the day. At the start of the book you got to choose a character, and Dincu, the elf ranger, was one of them. It was a good book, may it rest in pieces.
    As a not so interesting anecdote, I am used to pronounce the C of the name as an S to myself (because of some reason I don’t myself understand), so when someone questions it I just tell them that is the Elvish way to say the name, heh.
  • edited January 2012
    *DISCLAIMER* I've used my account name since teenager times.

    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Mine is a play on my first name, or at least first nickname Lou (my real first name is Luis, not that it matters that much). Well, that and the Lunar games are probably my favorites of all time, hence Dragonmaster Lou.
  • My account name used to be my real name, but it would throw me off whenever Ro said "Jeremy", so I changed it to P_TOG to match my Steam name. "P_TOG" originated from this website of mine, and I came up with "P_TOG" because I thought it sounded super gangster and I thought that was funny.
  • You're the dude who I hate coming up against when you're a Scout.
  • You're the dude who I hate coming up against when you're a Scout.
  • edited January 2012
    Mine's just a play on my first name, Andrea (read as An-dre (like Dr. Dre)-a). I merely separated as if it were in Japanese,, but further separated it by turning the first two syllables into an actual surname (Andou) and the last two into an actual name (Reiya). So in Japanese, it'd be 安東 れいや (I like hiragana better)

    It's also the name of an OC of mine.
    There was a character in a manga I like who is named Andrew, and he would write his name like 安藤龍 (Andou Ryuu). Everyone started calling him Andou-san.

    Mine is 絵美里 (Emiri) or 谷村絵美 (Tanimura Emi) where Tanimura is a translation of my last name and Emi is written with the characters for "Beautiful" and "Paintings."

    Also, gomidog comes from a cyberpunk novel where there was a hacker character named gomiboy (garbage boy). I chose "dog" instead, because it is gender neutral, I like dogs, and there was a dog on my street that would always bust out and get into the garbage.

    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited January 2012
    Tanimura is a translation of my last name
    Straight Outta Tanimura
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • True facts.
  • Tanimura is a translation of my last name
    Straight Outta Tanimura

  • There was a character in a manga I like who is named Andrew, and he would write his name like 安藤龍 (Andou Ryuu). Everyone started calling him Andou-san.

    Mine is 絵美里 (Emiri) or 谷村絵美 (Tanimura Emi) where Tanimura is a translation of my last name and Emi is written with the characters for "Beautiful" and "Paintings."

    Also, gomidog comes from a cyberpunk novel where there was a hacker character named gomiboy (garbage boy). I chose "dog" instead, because it is gender neutral, I like dogs, and there was a dog on my street that would always bust out and get into the garbage.
    You reminded me of the Chinese subtitles in Bicentennial Man :).

    The one thing I don't like about my real name is that it means "man". Then again, I'm a tomboy, so I shouldn't complain =P.

  • My first screenname ever was "Origins." This was from the copy of "Origin of Species" on top of the computer desk. To this day, I like it as a handle, though I've moved far beyond the 80s/90s "cyberspace" world of handles and separate online personas.
  • My real name is Cain, and voilà.
  • I like cheese and Jesus. Mainly cheese though..
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