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  • Just so you know
  • edited December 2011

    Some of my clan-mates demonstrating what teamwork looks like.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • edited December 2011
    Some of my clan-mates demonstrating what teamwork looks like.
    I can only wish for teamwork like that. The best I've seen so far is Joe boomer, Pangloss, Trogdor and I bro-ing up. Went from joining the game to getting the Ace Squad, MVP, MVP2 and MVP 3 ribbons between us, along with a ton of other ribbons and awards each for teamwork. Unfortunately, we rarely get to play together.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • Some of my clan-mates demonstrating what teamwork looks like.
    I can only wish for teamwork like that. The best I've seen so far is Joe boomer, Pangloss, Trogdor and I bro-ing up. Went from joining the game to getting the Ace Squad, MVP, MVP2 and MVP 3 ribbons between us, along with a ton of other ribbons and awards each for teamwork. Unfortunately, we rarely get to play together.
    I'll hopefully get to play a little more frequently soon. Having a full-time (co-op) job is time consuming, it turns out.
  • I wish I got this game on Steam instead of on the Xbox. All of my friends have moved on to other games, but I still want to play some more BF3! It's far less fun to play without some degree of teamwork and communication.
  • I wish I got this game on Steam Origin instead of on the Xbox. All of my friends have moved on to other games, but I still want to play some more BF3! It's far less fun to play without some degree of teamwork and communication.
    Not available on steam, only Origin. I would say unfortunately, but honestly, I can't say I've really had a bad time with it, or any problems. The biggest difference is that on steam, I'm lucky to get 1.5 mb/s, and on Origin, my download speed rarely drops below 3 mb/s, and of late was a solid 5 mb/s.
  • edited December 2011
    Is Origin's social infrastructure on par with Steam's? Can I correctly assume that it has an integrated chat client and a built-in web browser?

    If BF3's price drops anytime soon, I'll probably pick it up. My computer is 3 years old, though, so there might be performance issues.
    Post edited by VentureJ on
  • edited December 2011
    Is Origin's social infrastructure on par with Steam's? Can I correctly assume that it has an integrated chat client and a built-in web browser?
    Yes to both. I don't think they have built in VOIP like steam does, though BF3 itself has that built into battlelog, though most prefer to use either Mumble, vent or Skype.
    If BF3's price drops anytime soon, I'll probably pick it up. My computer is 3 years old, though, so there might be performance issues.
    I've heard it's actually surprisingly forgiving, on that front. If you can run BFBC2, then you've got a good chance of being able to run BF3 without too much trouble.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • Started playing on the new maps today...

    Tac-lights are fixed. Small light that no longer turns the entire screen white but does make you miss.

    IR scopes are no longer as awesome as they used to be. The effect is lost at medium and long ranges and they suck balls if there is a lot of light in the area. Great in the dark.
  • Not mine, but still awesome.

  • I hear that Origin is having a 40% off sale, but it's not in my region, so I couldn't tell you if that's true or not.
  • So, I'm noticing something weird. Some maps are using the original 3rd-person-over-the-shoulder view when I'm in planes and heli's, which is awful and impossible to fly with. Other maps are using the much better center-of-the-screen 3rd person view. How can I tell the difference in the server browser?

    Also, some reddit servers I played on last night (the ones that used the awful 3rd person view) had some picker at the end of the round. What's that all about?
  • The new Strike at Karkand remake is glorious.
    Haven't tried Wake or the third map yet, but I have high hopes.
  • Strike at Karkand is the best and Wake is the weakest, but the other 2 are really good. I'm loving the conquest assault mode and 64-player games feel much better with these massive maps. I've played a couple of 1000-ticket games that lasted over an hour and they were *amazing*.
  • Strike at Karkand is the best and Wake is the weakest, but the other 2 are really good. I'm loving the conquest assault mode and 64-player games feel much better with these massive maps. I've played a couple of 1000-ticket games that lasted over an hour and they were *amazing*.
    Christ, I remember the old version of Grenade Spam at Karkand well enough that it makes it a little weird to go running around on that map

  • edited December 2011
    New Vee dee ohhhh

    Post edited by Churba on
  • Bless him, that man's videos make life worth living.
  • How is conquest metro on PC with 64 players?
  • For the first bit, alright, a bit crowded, but frantic and fun. The tunnels? Arse-spraying mayhem. The ticket-booths section of the tunnels is an instant death zone, and I don't know about the point beyond it, because I've never seen any more than one or two guys get out there without just being instantly murdered.

    If you're on the US team, you want to race forward as far as possible and grab the tunnels fast, and hold on with all you got. Stay for a while, let them try and force their way down the escalators to take the point, and then come around the side to flank them.

    On Russian, Take as many points as possible, but make sure you always have the ticket booths, because even if they control all the points up till then, you can drive their tickets down real fast if you just hold that area - there are only two ways in, and you can cover both of them with sixteen people, let alone 32. They'd have to be very lucky or an ungodly kind of good to take that area once you're dug in.
  • Karkland's out now, right? Are those of you that have it enjoying it? I'm far from bored with the base game, so I probably won't be purchasing it until a price drop somewhere down the road.
  • Karkland's out now, right? Are those of you that have it enjoying it? I'm far from bored with the base game, so I probably won't be purchasing it until a price drop somewhere down the road.
    Wait, Didn't you buy the game before it came out, or failing that, bought the limited edition pretty early on? You should already have Karkand.
  • edited December 2011
    Karkland's out now, right? Are those of you that have it enjoying it? I'm far from bored with the base game, so I probably won't be purchasing it until a price drop somewhere down the road.
    Wait, Didn't you buy the game before it came out, or failing that, bought the limited edition pretty early on? You should already have Karkand.
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • I have yet to play Sharqui or Wake, but Karkand was one of my favorite maps back in BF2. I LOVE what they've done with the map. It's very frantic, particularly with 64 players, and the changes to the terrain aren't so vast that the map isn't familiar.
    There are some exploitable points which they didn't think through in its creation, like the ability to plant a spawn beacon and then parachute to the top of a building where you can be neigh unkillable, but these haven't caused great issues yet.
  • Adam, I hate you. I want BF3 so much.
  • Is there really no demo for BF3?
  • Is there really no demo for BF3?
    Yep - if you missed the beta, you're shit outta luck.

  • Is there really no demo for BF3?
    Yep - if you missed the beta, you're shit outta luck.
    You don't need a demo. You have friends who told you how awesome it is. Waiting for a price-drop won't kill you though. Keep checking Amazon for deals.
  • Thats the attitude :D
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